Pokemon – All Things Exchange Chapter 533

Nimbasa Amusement Park, located in the Central Zone of Nimbasa City, is an amusement park that occupies a huge ground area.

Leng Jun and Xiao N entered the amusement park after buying the tickets.

Like most amusement parks, Nimbasa Amusement Park has a lot of things to do, and because it's night, there are lanterns and parades going on in the park.

Actually, due to family and personality reasons, Leng Jun had no experience of going to amusement parks since he was a child, and now he is just taking this opportunity to have a good experience.

So, Leng Jun followed Xiao N and happily played on the various amusement facilities in the amusement park.

Merry-go-round, pirate ship, bumper car, Haunted House, spinning coffee mug, roller coaster.

After playing for a long time, the final finale is naturally the Ferris wheel!


With the slow rotation of the Ferris wheel, Leng Jun and Xiao N, who were sitting in the same cockpit, lay on the chair together, Through the glass windows of the cockpit, I looked at the night view of Nimbasa in the golden Contest outside.

"Wow~ It's so beautiful~ It's the first time I've seen such a scene~ I'm really happy today!"

At this time, Xiao N's cheeks were already pasted On the glass, looking at the beautiful scenery below, Xiao N couldn't help but let out a happy admiration.

"It's actually the first time I've seen such a scene, and I'm really happy, but it would be nice if I had a beautiful elder sister to accompany me at this time, but it's a pity that she's a little devil, it's a fly in the ointment~"

Leng Jun also revealed a smile that could not be concealed from the corner of his eyes. He also looked at the beautiful night scene outside the window and said.

"hmph! You still want the beautiful elder sister to accompany you! I remember it! When I see Delia elder sister later! I must tell her what you said! Let her take care of you !"

Xiao N jumped off the chair, put his hands on his hips, and put Pidove on his head, and said to Leng Jun with a bulging cheek.

"Hahaha, I didn't say anything. Even if you complain to Delia, I won't admit it. I believe Delia will definitely believe me~"

Leng Jun First turned around and sat down, then looked at Xiao N's appearance, and finally couldn't help laughed heartily up.

"Ahhhh! You really are a bastard! Let's see how I clean you up!"

It seems to be stimulated by Leng Jun's laughter, the flustered and exasperated little Nbaring fangs and brandishing Claws threw himself on Leng Jun's body, and a pair of small fists quickly beat Leng Jun's chest, making a dull sound.

"Aiya, it's so painful, so painful, I'm going to die... uh... I can't..."

Xiao N's strength is already small, a pair of Leng Jin didn't feel any pain at all when he punched Leng Jin, as if he was itching in Tickle, but Leng Jun still pretended to be seriously injured, tilted his head, and pretended to be dead.

"pu! hahaha! I won! I defeated bastard!"

Seeing that Leng Jun was "knocked down by himself", Xiao N was also laughed immediately, and then hugged his arms Leng Jun, rubbing his head against Leng Jun's chest, shouted happily.

"hehe, yes yes yes, you were hit, Xiao N is really powerful."

Leng Jun, who heard Xiao N's laughter, also opened one eye, Afterwards, he reached out and slapped the Pidove on Xiao N's head with a slap, put his hand on Xiao N's head, and slowly stroked it.

Xiao N felt the warmth of Leng Jun's hand, and also hugged Leng Jun's body happily, letting Leng Jun touch his hair with a happy expression on his face.



After the Ferris wheel ended, I just walked off Leng Jun and Xiao N of the Ferris wheel heard a pleasant ringtone coming from the broadcast of the amusement park, and after the ringtone ended.

"Dear tourists, the time is now 10:00 p.m. Immediately, our Nimbasa amusement park will enter the closing time, please leave in an orderly manner, thank you for your support this time, and Welcome to your next visit~"

With the sound of the announcement on the radio, the tourists in the amusement park began to leave the amusement park one after another.

Leng Jun also left the Nimbasa amusement park with the group of people, carrying the little N who had been Yawn again and again.


Walking on the way back to the Pokemon Rescue Center, the little N was already asleep, because the time was very late, the little N The little child's spirit was obviously unsupportable, and he fell asleep early.

So, Leng Jun walked back to the rescue center slowly with little N on his back.


And then after a night's rest, Leng Jun and Xiao N, who were finally full of energy, began to move towards the final destination, back to the town. .

To leave from Nimbasa, there are actually two roads for people to choose, one going west to Driftveil city, and the other is going east to Marvelous Bridge. the way.

Because Loop Town is in the northeast direction of Nimbasa City, Leng Jun and Xiao N left Nimbasa City, moved towards the east, and entered the fantastic direction.


After walking out of Nimbasa City, what appeared in front of Leng Jun was a huge forest.

This forest has a strange name, Winding Woods.

at first, Leng Jun still has a little doubt about the name of this forest, because this forest has some psychedelic legend, but Leng Jun, who has been walking in the forest for a while, now finally understands that this Why is the forest called Winding Woods?

"Ugh, this big rock... well, we're back to where we were..."

Walking around in the forest for a few cold laps Jun, looking at this familiar big rock in front of you, a hint of helplessness suddenly appeared on your face.

"Bastard? Are we lost?!"

Xiao N, who was following behind Leng Jun, heard Leng Jun's sigh, and quickly asked cheerfully.

Leng Jun: "..."

Why are you so happy, little bastard!

Leng Jun looked at Xiao N who was excited because he got lost, and covered his eyes helplessly.


Yes, Leng Jun is lost now, it has been more than two hours since he walked into Winding Woods, but Leng Jun and Xiao N Still haven't found a way out.

System's navigation map Leng Jun has also been opened, but for some reason, even the directions indicated on the navigation map are wrong! This made Leng Jun very speechless.

The navigation map will always point in the wrong direction.

"bastard bastard! What should we do now?"

Xiao N, still looking excited, asked Leng Jun's clothes.

"...If this is the case, let's fly out. I will let Xiaobai take us directly out of this forest."

Leng Jun at this time There is no other way but to let Xiaobai come out and help.

However, when Xiao N heard Leng Jun's method, his happy expression quickly collapsed, and he pouted and said to Leng Jun.

"Hey...Is there no other way? Just fly over, it's so boring..."


Leng Jun is speechless, what time is this, and whether he is boring or not.

"Come out, Xiaobai..."

Leng Jun didn't say much, just let Xiaobai out.

"Ka roar! Howl? Howl..."

Xiaobai appeared beside Leng Jun with a white light. As soon as he appeared on the stage, it was customary for Roar to make a sound. However, just after Xiaobai finished roaring, Xiaobai suddenly became vigilant, his eyes were sharply staring at the big rock not far away, and a low roar of warning was issued in his mouth!

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