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Chapter 958: misfortune

"Speak less, and inhale less."

Mondox didn't care so much, he ran straight into the depths of the ruins.

Su Mo and others immediately followed.

Compared with the fierce battle outside, the entire ruins are unusually quiet, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Su Mo was vigilant all around to avoid being attacked by the remaining monsters. He now misses the fake owner, the Devourer.

If the guy was there, he wouldn't have to be so nervous, at least he'd watch for you.

Before long, they came to the Tiankeng area.

Longke glanced at the bottomless Tiankeng and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

"Are you sure you want to climb down with your bare hands?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be a problem. There were so many prisoners who controlled the exoskeleton armor before, and drilled a lot of holes in the uneven metal wall. There should be no problem with being careful."

Without saying a word, Mondox took the lead and climbed down first.


Dilo was the first to follow. Since Mondox had the confidence to climb down, she had nothing to fear.

Su Mo, Kendi, and Yan Gang followed him without saying a word.

There was only a trace of fear on Longke's face, but he finally followed through gritted teeth.

Su Mo cautiously climbed down.

The metal barriers of the entire Tiankeng are uneven, and there are many protruding steel bars, which can be used as climbing points.

As the climbing depth increased, the gray fog in the air became thicker and the visibility was almost only two or three meters.

And the smell of the air became more and more unpleasant, and it was very uncomfortable to inhale into the body.

However, Su Mo still endured, and did not dare to be distracted.

If this falls into the biochemical pool surrounded by the platform below.

It is estimated that it has directly turned into a pool of water, no matter what kind of gene-like medicine has been used, it is not easy to use.

After more than an hour.

Su Mo and others gradually approached the bottom, and the outline of the platform could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, Mondox turned his body sideways, kicked a foot on the wall, and jumped to the platform.

"It's so bad, it's still at least seventy or eighty meters high."

Longke's eyelids jumped.

"He did the right thing, he has to jump, or he won't be able to get past the circular biochemical pool."

Su Mo's eyes narrowed, and he jumped without saying a word. Su Mo curled up in midair.

Then Su Mo landed on the ground and rolled in a circle to maximize the impact.

Tina and Kendi jumped down one after another and landed very smoothly.

Only Longke looked at this height and kept retreating in his heart.

At this time, Yan Gang next to him grabbed Longke's hand, threw it out, and then jumped down.


Longke shouted involuntarily.

Su Mo stretched out his hand and caught Longke precisely.

"Finally saved, thank you bro."

Longke said to Su Mo gratefully.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and follow."

Su Mo put down Longke and chased after Mondox.

At this point, Mondox had already walked towards the central staircase without stopping.

After entering the underground laboratory area.

Everyone looked around and saw that it was not much different from before. The only difference was that the emergency lights in the corners of each passage were on. The prison soldiers who should have come down to clean up the ruins have repaired the emergency lighting system here.

"Where to go?"

Dilo asked.

"Just follow me."

Mondox turned immediately to the right, into an inconspicuous narrow passage.

Immediately after seven rounds and eight rounds, turning everywhere.

Su Mo frowned slightly. An Jie had shown himself a map of the entire laboratory area before.

If he remembered correctly, Mondox was now leading them to the corner, which seemed to be a dead end.

Could it be that Mondox gave himself a hand when he handed in the map?

"What's wrong, big brother?"

Longke was keenly aware of the slight change in Su Mo's expression, so he approached and asked in a low voice.


Su Mo didn't say much. He planned to take a step by step to see where Mondox was going to take them.

In order to prevent being overcast, Su Mo deliberately quickened his pace and got a little closer to this guy. Even if something happened, he could react as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, Mondox took Su Mo and the others to the end of a corridor. A stretch of metal walls came into view. This was a dead end.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Dilo frowned slightly and asked, it doesn't look like there is a ship here.

"That's right."

Mondox raised his hand and fumbled on the wall.

Su Mo and the others watched quietly, but they didn't respond for a long time.

"Otherwise, I'll come, I'm good at this."

Longke grinned and volunteered.

"it is good."

Mondox then stepped back and gave Longke the position.

Longke immediately stepped forward, raised his hand and tapped lightly on the metal wall, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"The First Cause of All Realms"

At this time, Mondox stepped back and leaned against the metal wall on the right, and his body slammed back and retreated forcefully. Suddenly, the metal wall behind him turned like a revolving metal door, and Mondox retreated directly.

"not good!"

Su Mo and Di Luo felt bad for the first time, and rushed in at the same time.

However, when I entered the room, it was extremely dark inside, and there was no light When I entered, I couldn't see anything at all.

However, it was hard for Su Mo and Di Luo to blindly chase in the same direction with their subtle voices.

The three of Longke immediately reacted that something had happened, and rushed in immediately.

At this moment, all the lights in the whole area suddenly turned on, Su Mo and Di Luo immediately stopped, their whole bodies froze.

I saw a 100-meter-high, red metal tyrannosaurus head, covered in red scaly armor, huge in size, holding a scarlet giant axe, a 100-meter-long metal tail behind it, and six pairs of mechanical wings embedded in the back. , with nine special restraint steel pipes embedded in the back, the V-generation biological mecha, the prison-suppressing messenger, exuding violent power, stood up.

Scarlet eyes stared at Su Mo and Di Luo.

Su Mo and Dilo stepped back in unison, joking that they didn't even have a set of colonial armor on them.

What to do with the V-generation biomech.

Really careless, they never thought they would be overcast, Mondox didn't bring them to get the ship at all, but to get the mecha.

"It's over, it's over!"

Longke said tremblingly.

I saw Mondox raised the scarlet axe in his hand and pointed at Su Mo and others.

Su Mo and the others did not dare to move at all, they would die at every turn!


Underground central control.

AI Prisoner floats in mid-air.

A series of holographic images appeared beside it.

And the holographic image surveillance object presented directly in front of it is none other than Warden Feizak.

It said in a twisted mechano-synthetic voice.

"Stupid guy, do you really think that if you cut off the power line, I can't control the prison? I am God, God is omnipotent, and slowly die in despair."

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