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Chapter 804: chaos

Outside the watch base, on the crimson earth that was bumpy and bumpy, a huge figure flashed behind a huge rock hundreds of meters high like a nimble rabbit.

This figure is none other than the pseudo-V generation mecha, Youji.

Although it is very dangerous to explore forward, Su Mo still did not give up, he still chose to take risks.

But he also became more cautious.

He watched carefully, not far ahead, a group of polluted alien Baka beasts were moving forward. These Bacca beasts are huge, with a minimum body of more than ten meters and a height of hundreds of meters, with crystals similar to red crystals growing on their bodies.

Among them, there are fifty or sixty of the IV type, and the leader has at least the V type.

Su Mo took a deep breath.

At this moment, he felt the mecha's footsteps vibrate, and he looked down subconsciously.

I saw a polluted xenogeneic gray-toothed rat about two or three meters tall, with red eyes biting the thigh of the ghost mecha, his teeth were about to pop, and he didn't mean to let go.

The monsters on Ceres are more brutal and irrational than other regional monsters.

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and then he carefully stretched out his hand and twisted the neck of the gray-toothed rat who didn't know how to live or die.

This is a trick he discovered during this period of time. Once a monster is too brutally killed, the smell of blood after their death will easily attract other monsters.

After solving the grey-toothed rat in the way, Su Mo narrowed his eyes and stared at the Baka herd in front of him, looking for a way around.

Yet at this time.


The earth trembled slightly.

Su Mo was startled, turned his head to look over, and saw a giant humanoid figure with a height of more than 500 meters in the area to his right.

With every step he took, the ground trembled slightly.

If you look carefully, you will find that the humanoid creature has nothing in common except for its shape similar to that of a human being. Its whole body is flushed with red, peristaltic sarcomas protruding from it. These sarcomas emit scarlet rays from time to time. There are three round red eyeballs on its head, its mouth is like a chrysanthemum, and its red tongues stick out inadvertently.

"What the **** is this?"

Su Mo frowned and asked.

"The data is unknown. It should be a new type of mutation. It may also be that the database is damaged. Judging from the strength, this is only V-shaped."

The forger, the Devourer, said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant head suddenly looked in the direction of Su Mo.

Su Mo felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake. The muscles in his whole body were naturally tense, and he entered a state of waiting for battle.

Time passed little by little.

Su Mo had never felt that time passed so slowly.

In fact, in seven or eight seconds, the giant monster turned its head back and continued to walk in the direction of the Baka beast.

Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief, like the rest of his life, his throat was a little dry.

The forger, the Devourer, said in a low voice, "You were almost discovered."

"I see, I can't go any further, retreat! There are too many monsters around here, if you really fight, it's not one-on-one, it's a group of beating you alone, no matter how strong you are, you can't stand it. "

Su Mo's eyes became more and more solemn. After weighing it again and again, he finally decided to withdraw.


The forger, the Devourer, didn't object either. In its eyes, Su Mo was able to go so far as to have done a good job.


Inside the Watcher's base, Qianchengxue led someone to search.

When passing by a corner, I saw a mecha standing still, and the front was a fourth-generation biological mecha.

"It's Zhang's biological mecha, iron shell!"

Lin Muxi recognized it at a glance.

Qianchengxue immediately controlled the mecha and walked up. As soon as she touched the iron-clad mecha, the huge iron-clad mecha suddenly collapsed.

Lin Muxi and the others were taken aback, only then did they discover that the internal tissue of this biological mecha had been sucked clean, and even the bones had turned into waste. Only the embedded armor and wiring remained, and they were almost speechless in shock.


They have seen many powerful monsters, but they have never seen one that can **** the IV-generation biological mecha so cleanly.

And there was no trace of a fight at the scene, how terrifying it was.

At this time, the people of the Lin family checked the other three generations of mechas, and endured the discomfort to report: "They are all dead, and the method of death is the same."

Qianchengxue said in a deep voice, "Be strong, this monster should be very good at sneak attacks, and it is extremely dangerous."

She has a very bad feeling now, she has never seen such a cunning monster.

Qianchengxue also felt extremely troublesome.

Monsters in the negative universe usually have no IQ, but if there is an IQ, it is extremely dangerous.


The crowd responded.


At this moment, a huge explosion sounded not far ahead.

Then there was the sound of intensive exchange of fire.

Qianchengxue raised her head and said, "Someone has found it, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Lin Muxi and the others responded quickly with a stern expression, although they were quite afraid of the other party's strange sneak attack. But if the other party is caught out, they will not be so afraid in their hearts.

in a relatively wide area.

One after another three-generation mecha fell to the ground, and the solid body was cut off.

Only one IV-generation biological mecha, the Red Dove, was left with one leg removed and fell to the ground.

The pilot of this biological mecha is Xiao Yan, a core member of the Xiao family.

At this time, her face was full of fear, she completely lost her will to fight, and controlled the broken body of the biological mecha to climb out.

"Help! Who will save me!"


It's a pity that she didn't have to climb out a few meters. Hagok jumped and stepped on the body of the red dove mecha.



Xiao Yan let out a painful howl.

Hagok didn't care about Xiao Yan's wailing at all, and the tiny red tentacles spread out again on his body.

Xiao Yan became more and more frightened, and his beautiful face was deformed.


At this time, Qianchengxue and the others emerged from the corner of the distant passage and just saw this scene.

"help me!"

Xiao Yan is like a drowning person seeing a life-saving straw.

Unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, his body was penetrated by red tentacles, which were sucked dry in an instant.

Of course, the fate of her biological mecha, Red Dove, was the same. The originally full internal biological tissue was shriveled and shriveled.

Lin Muxi and the others felt like they were in the middle of winter.

After Qianchengxue saw Hagok clearly, he immediately realized that they had made a very stupid mistake, they underestimated the enemy.

It's not that the other side is avoiding them, but the other side is hunting them.

This is not a type IV monster at all, but a terrifying type V monster.

"Can't beat it, spread out and escape!"

Qianchengxue shouted vigorously.

After all, Lin Muxi and the others were trained by Lin Yaotian. Although they were in extreme fear, their reason quickly suppressed their fear. They obeyed Qian Chengxue's words without hesitation, and ran away!

Hagok's terrifying Tong Kong suddenly showed a murderous look.

When it was about to catch up with the massacre, two heavy tactical missiles, the Boom Bear, shot at it.

Before Qianchengxue fled, she launched a fierce attack without hesitation. Of course, she did not expect the attack to be effective. I just hope that I can draw attention to myself, so that other Lin family members can escape.


A terrifying explosion swept away with hot flames.

However, Hagok came out of the explosion, nothing happened, its eyes stared at Qianchengxue who was running away, and its body gradually became transparent and finally disappeared.

Qianchengxue called out the scene behind while escaping at a high speed.

She found that the monster was gone, her heart shrank involuntarily, and she felt the shadow of death enveloped her.

Qianchengxue tried her best to calm herself down, the opponent would be invisible, and in all likelihood, she would be caught up.

Thinking of this, Qian Chengxue made a bold decision. She controlled Ye Wei to turn around, and when she turned into the third corner, she quickly rushed into a relatively narrow passage.

At the same time, control the night guard mecha to hide in an open small mechanical storage warehouse.

It's full of unused mechanical parts.

She directly turned off all the power systems of the Night Guard mecha, leaned against the wall next to the gate, and held her breath.

Not two seconds after Qianchengxue hid in, a transparent behemoth silently approached.

Hagok's head looked left and right, and his nose kept sniffing.

When it passed the mechanical reserve, it turned its head to look in, looked at the piles of mechanical parts that smelled of engine oil, and stopped.

Qianchengxue, who was hiding behind the wall, instinctively felt that danger was coming, she suppressed the panic in her heart and did not make any moves.

At this time, Hagok seemed to smell something, no longer stopped, and swept forward silently.

In fact, Hagok's hunting instinct and sense of smell are very strong, but these two talents are more sensitive to living organisms, such as biological mechas, which are much weaker to pure mechanical mechas. They are usually locked by the smell of engine oil emitted by the mecha. .


At this time, not far away, Wang Ce controlled the IV generation mecha, Ye Wei, and Li Ze and others were still searching.

"Strange, why haven't we found the other party's trace, it should be in this direction."

The elite members of the Wang family asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, that guy can't run."

Li Ze said confidently.

Wang Qing said to Li Ze worriedly: "If Li Ze turns back and fights, be careful."

"Don't worry, Qing'er, I am free."

Li Ze replied with a smile.

At this moment, a pair of transparent figures silently stared at the pseudo-V-generation biological mecha, the Red Dragon Flying Insect.

Hagok is like seeing an incomparably delicious prey.

Immediately, Hargok did not make any movement and went around the corner of the front passage.

At the moment of approaching, Hagok slowly opened his **** mouth, revealing terrifying sharp teeth, and then raised his crescent-shaped blade.

Li Ze felt inexplicably in his heart, he vaguely felt that the air was a little fluctuating, instinctively sensed the danger, and controlled the pseudo-V-generation biological mecha, the red insect flying dragon, to jump back, and warned at the same time.

"Be careful!"

In an instant, Hagok stabbed past.


A third-generation mecha, Hunting Mane, was directly smashed into two halves, and the terrifying Hagok appeared.


For a time, the team of the Wang family was in turmoil.

Wang Ce shouted, "Why are you still standing there, come on!"

Immediately, the elites of the Wang family controlled the mecha to move towards Hagok one after another.

Hagok's scarlet eyes stared straight at Li Ze, and its 100-meter-long blade and scales swept across it!

Like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves!


All the mechas that went up to besieged were killed.

Wang Ce saw that so many people in the Wang family were killed on the spot, his old face was ashen to the limit, and his eyes were bloodshot.


Wang Ce controlled the night guard to charge up, and the superalloy sharp blade in his hand slammed towards Hagok!


The sharp blade stuck on the barrier of the AT stand, and the huge anti-shock force caused Wang Ce's mecha to stagger back, and his face was full of astonishment.

Hagok seemed to be provoked, and raised his sharp blade to swipe at Wang Ce.


Seeing this scene, Wang Qing shouted anxiously.

At this time, Li Ze controlled the Red Dragon Flying Insect to charge up and waved the particle light blade to block.

The two collided and sparks flew.

The terrifying power directly acted on the red worm flying dragon through the particle light blade, and Li Ze's entire mecha took several steps back to stabilize.

He had a horrified look on his face, so strong?

But he could only bite the bullet and rush forward, waving the particle light blade, and slashing at it like a rainbow.

"Go to hell!"

At this time, Hagok's eyes squinted, and the crescent-like blade swept across at the speed of a crescent moon!


The pseudo-V-generation mecha Red Insect Flying Dragon that rushed up, its right arm holding the particle light blade was directly cut off.


In the cab, Li Ze held his right arm and screamed in pain, as if his right arm had been cut off.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Wang Ce didn't care about the danger. He controlled the night guard mecha to charge up, raised the prismatic superalloy shield in his hand and slammed into Hagok, only to slam into his AT position barrier.

Although it didn't work at all, it managed to attract Hagok's attention.

Its head turned from looking at Li Ze, then turned to look at Wang Ce, it seemed to be provoked, and it swept its tail with a flick of its tail.


The prismatic superalloy shield in Wang Ce's hand was torn apart, and the entire mecha's abdomen was thrown into a terrifying incision.

Li Ze also took this opportunity to distance himself.

Seeing that the prey was retreating, Hagok was not in a hurry. I plan to start with small desserts first, and then walk towards Wang Ce.

"Grandpa! Li Ze, please save grandpa."

Wang Qing shouted while rushing up.


At the same time, many people in the Wang family who were present saw that Wang Ce was going to have an accident, and they rushed forward regardless of their safety.

However, Hagok waved his sharp blade and swept over, and he would kill all the mechas that came up to block it, just like chopping vegetables. Only Wang Qing's Night Guard survived and was knocked out, but the prismatic superalloy shield in his hand also had deep knife marks.

Seeing this scene, Li Ze's whole body trembled uncontrollably, and fear suddenly flooded into his heart.

Then he actually controlled the broken arm red worm flying dragon to escape.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qing had an expression of disbelief on his face, as if something shattered in his heart.

Her eyes were wet, but she didn't think about it anymore, and rushed to Wang Ce regardless of her life!


Seeing Wang Qing rushing over, Wang Ce shouted angrily: "Qing'er, hurry up!"

"Do not."

Wang Qing gritted his teeth and replied.

Seeing this, Wang Ce wanted to forcibly activate the mecha, but the whole night guard mecha was emitting electric sparks and could not move at all.

He couldn't watch his granddaughter come to die.

At the same time, the shadow of Hargok also shrouded.

Wang Ce became ruthless in an instant, and directly activated the Yewei self-exploding device and the two Explosive Bear missiles in the magazine.


A huge explosion swept away, swallowing Hagok, and at the same time flying out Wang Qingchong, who was rushing up again.

Wang Qing's mecha fell heavily to the ground.

She controlled the mecha and climbed up, looking at the self-exploding raging flames, tears kept flowing down.


At this time, Hagok came out of the explosive flames, nothing happened, and there was not even a trace of black scorch on the surface of his body.

It stared straight at Wang Qing.

At this time, Qian Chengxue controlled Ye Wei and rushed out from the side at a very high speed, grabbed Wang Qing's mecha arm, and pulled her to another narrow passage to escape.


Wang Qing's spirit was stunned for a while, and he let Qianchengxue pull him to run.

At this time, the remaining elite members of the Wang family roared when they saw this scene.

"Fight it, stop that monster and let Miss Qing'er go!"

More than a dozen surviving third-generation mechas, Hunting Hyena, rushed towards Hagok like crazy.

Hagok didn't get used to them either, waving a sharp blade, his body swayed like lightning!

More than a dozen hyena hunting mechas all exploded.

After finishing all the prey, Hagok walked to the cut arm of the Red Worm Flying Dragon, and the red tentacles penetrated densely on his body, directly wrapped around the arm, and sucked it clean.

Its eyes became more and more excited, and immediately abandoned Qianchengxue and the others, looked in the direction of Li Ze's escape, and chased after him.


On the other side, Li Ze clutched his arms and fled in embarrassment. His mind was full of Hagok's terrifying figure.

At this moment, Li Ze ran straight into Ye Wei.

I saw Ye Wei driving a night guard mecha with more than 20 sisters.

She was inexplicably surprised when she saw Li Ze, but when she saw Li Ze so embarrassed, she was stunned and asked with concern.

"Mr. Li Ze, what's the matter with you?"

Li Ze, who was escaping in a hurry, changed his expression, he suppressed the fear in his heart, and said to Ye Wei: "Go and help, they are sieging that monster over there, I am injured and temporarily withdraw from the battle, come out Get help."

"it is good."

Ye Wei originally admired Li Ze a little, so she naturally believed in his words and answered quickly.

Immediately, Ye Wei ran forward with the people.

Li Ze watched Ye Wei lead the people forward, and his fear calmed down a little. Someone should be able to buy him some time.

He fled without hesitation.

"Sister Ye Wei, something is wrong, why didn't you hear the sound of fighting in front of you, that Li Ze didn't lie to us, right?"

Several sisters of Ye Wei asked anxiously.

"How is it possible, don't talk nonsense, how could Mr. Li Ze lie to us? It must be the monster that was killed and ran away."

Ye Wei scolded displeasedly.

However, there was actually a dripping in her heart, and she vaguely felt that something was wrong. When Li Ze was talking to herself, the voice was a little wrong, as if there was a trace of panic.

Before she could understand, in the air in front of her, a terrifying figure emerged out of thin air, and a sharp blade penetrated the abdomen of the mecha.

Ye Wei's mecha was instantly paralyzed, and Hagok's terrifying figure came into her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, countless red tentacles stretched out from Hagok.

Ye Wei's face showed the most desperate face in her life.



A shrill and desperate scream resounded throughout the area.

On the second floor of the Watcher Base, Qiancheng Xue pulled Wang Qing to escape in a narrow passage, and the emergency lights above his head kept flashing.

In the entire narrow passage, only the steady sound of two mechas running can be heard.

Every time Qianchengxue ran a certain distance, she had to turn her head to look back.

She obviously didn't see any monsters, but her nerves were like a string, taut to the extreme.

As if monsters would pop out at any time.

Wang Qing gradually recovered from her grief, she said to Qianchengxue gratefully.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank us, we were sisters in the first place. And now is not the time to say this, we are not out of danger yet, that monster should be temporarily staring at other prey, so it didn't catch up."

Qianchengxue said very calmly.

"What should we do now? We can't beat him. Li Ze was defeated after a few strokes, and his grandfather died."

Wang Qing replied in a very depressed manner.

Qianchengxue was also shocked when she heard this. No matter how weak Li Ze was, he was also driving a fake V-generation mecha, and he lost in a few seconds? This is too exaggerated, so how terrifying is that monster? She couldn't believe it at all.

"This watchman base can't stay at all. We hurried to the first floor and wanted to leave this base."

Qianchengxue didn't have a good way, so she could only choose to leave here first.


On the other side, at the entrance of the Watcher's base.

Lin Yaotian brought Lin Hai and the others back, and their mechas were more or less painted, and a few people were reduced.

When Lin Hai saw the Watcher Base, he secretly let out a sigh of relief and said in a low voice.

"Finally come back safely."

Of course, he didn't dare to say that to Lin Yaotian. His father was not in a good mood when he didn't find a large army in the search.

However, as soon as they stepped into the base, they ran into the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Qijin, who had escaped in a panic. What happened? "

Lin Yaotian stopped Xiao Qijin's deep inquiry.

"Lin Yaotian, why did you guys come back?"

Xiao Qijin said tremblingly.

"What are you talking about? We went to investigate the whereabouts of the large troop, and we were frustrated. Naturally, we have to come back to rest. What happened, why are you panicking?"

No matter how stupid Lin Yaotian was, he felt something was wrong.

"Leave this watchman base quickly. There is a super terrifying monster in it, hunting our people crazily. As long as they meet, they will be sucked to the ground."

"What about Qianchengxue and the others?"

"I don't know, maybe it's still down there, or maybe killed."

Xiao Qijin said in horror.

"Father, let's go down and save people."

Hearing this, Lin Hai said in surprise.

"Don't go down, you can't beat it! That monster is outrageously strong, and the IV generation mecha is like scum in front of it. And I also bumped into Li Ze, he lost the fight, and now he is running away like a bereaved dog. already."

Xiao Qijin persuaded bitterly.

When Lin Yaotian heard this, he turned his head and ordered to Lin Hai and others.

"You bring people back to the Blue Whale, and I'll bring people up."

"How can this work, father, how can I let you take the risk alone."

Lin Hai and Lin Xiaoyu were also anxious. If it was really as Xiao Qijin said, then the inside of the Watcher Base would definitely be super dangerous.

"Sura Wushen"

"When are you allowed to question my words, whoever disobeys the order will be expelled from the family!"

After Lin Yaotian said it very strongly, he turned around and controlled the silver light mecha and rushed into the base by himself.

Lin Hai looked at Lin Yaotian who went down, and stomped his feet.

"let's go!"


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