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Chapter 720: chat

Sun Li turned to look at the other sisters and asked, "Have you seen Sister Xue?"

"No, we haven't seen her all day today."

The sisters present replied one after another.

When Su Mo heard this, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he hurriedly asked, "Didn't she come to the company?"

"should not."

Sun Li thought about it carefully and shook her head.

"Bad dishes."

Su Mo was about to leave.

Sun Li and others also reacted, and quickly pulled Su Mo.

"Sister Xue is missing?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm not in a good mood."

Su Mo replied with a change in his expression.

"Sister Xue shouldn't think about it."

Zhao Han asked worriedly.

"Bah! Crow mouth, hurry up and find someone!"

Sun Li was in a hurry, and they were also very worried. If they lost so much money, they might really lose their minds.

"Sun Li, give me your car keys."

Su Mo directly reached out to Sun Li.

Without a word, Sun Li handed the key to Su Mo and said, "Let's look for it separately. Whoever finds it will notify the others as soon as possible."


Su Mo took the key and left immediately.

Soon after, Su Mo drove a speed car all the way through the imperial capital.

He first went to the places where Qianchengxue often went to see, but he couldn't find Qianchengxue's figure after looking around.

The night is getting darker.

Su Mo couldn't hold his breath anymore, and he asked the fake owner, the Devourer, in a low voice.

"Can you scan Qianchengxue?"

"Yes, if it is to find others, it may be difficult, but to find Qianchengxue, I can do it, because I have recorded her vital characteristics."

The fake owner Devourer replied with a slightly fluctuating tone.

"Then please."

Su Mo hurriedly asked.

The forger, the Devourer, immediately began a large-scale search for the entire imperial capital, and within a few seconds, it said in a low voice.


Immediately, it showed Qianchengxue's location in Su Mo's mind.

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the speeding car sped away.

In the suburbs of Imperial Capital, the lakeside scenery in the night is very beautiful. The calm lake surface glowed brightly under the moonlight, and the breeze blew past, blowing the long silver hair scattered by Qiancheng Xue.

Qianchengxue sat on the grassy slope, looking at the silent lake, with a sad look on her white face.

Just then, a flying car stopped behind him.

Immediately after, Su Mo got out of the car. He saw Qianchengxue sitting alone by the lake, and he was slightly relieved, it was fine.

So he walked to Qianchengxue and sat down, caring softly.

"Why are you here alone?"

Qianchengxue turned her head to look at Su Mo, who was looking for him, and said with a desolate expression, "Su Mo, do you think I am a failure?"

"How? Don't think so."

Su Mo quickly comforted.

"My sisters have betrayed me, I can't do anything, and I've lost so much money."

Qianchengxue replied in a depressed mood.

"Oh, what do I take, don't think like that, people's hearts are inherently complicated. You take her as a sister, she doesn't take you as a sister, it's not your fault, but it's just an accident, you can't be bitten by a snake all the time I've been afraid of the well rope for ten years and killed them all with one stick. I think Sun Li and others are definitely fine. As for the lost money, don't worry about it. If the money is gone, try to find a way to make it."

Su Mo said with relief.

"Hey, I suddenly feel that life is a failure."

Qianchengxue said with a lonely expression.

"It's okay, isn't it with me, I'll accompany you to start all over again, it's nothing."

Su Mo patted his chest and said to Qianchengxue.

Qianchengxue was also deeply moved, and her bright eyes were a little moist.

"Lost, so much money, do you really care?"

"Isn't that money, you believe me, I'm very rich, it's nothing, I still have it!"

Su Mo said confidently.

When Qianchengxue heard this, she was slightly taken aback, and asked with an unnatural expression.

"Su Mo, how can you be so rich?"

"Ahem, I've always been rich! When did I say I didn't have any money. I was very rich when I joined the company, and I'm the third richest man in the world!"

Su Mo said proudly.

When Qianchengxue heard this, she raised her hand and hammered Su Mo's chest, and asked resentfully.

"You are so rich, you pretended to be poor at first, and you came to my company on purpose, did you do it on purpose?"

When Su Mo heard this, his head was stunned, and he quickly explained.

"I'm wronged, I came to the Dawnbreak Guild, it's really an accident."

"I do not believe."

"What I said is true, I have to blame my little brother Sun Duoxiang for all this. But to be honest, I really want to thank him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you, and my life wouldn't have any color. , it won't become so meaningful. I don't know which coffin board I am lying in now."

Su Mo looked at the lake in the distance and said with some emotion.

"If you don't believe me, it's rhetoric. You are so rich, do you think life is meaningless?"

Qianchengxue was also very surprised when she heard Su Mo say this.

"Yes, although I have money, I lack everything. But I have lost the meaning of life, nothing is interesting, there is no pursuit, and everything seems empty."

Su Mo said seriously.

He is not joking, when a person has no pursuit, he has no meaning of existence.

However, the first time he met Qianchengxue, he was deeply attracted by it. That kind of feeling is very special, just like family, with a strong intimacy, sweeping away the world that was ruined before, involuntarily fell in love.

It's just that he was shy at the time and didn't dare to express it, so he could only watch silently and guard.

Maybe this is the meaning of his life. After all, everyone's life is different, and their pursuits are naturally different.

And what Su Mo pursues is a sense of belonging.


Qianchengxue was also moved. These were the most beautiful words she had ever heard since she was a child. Although they were cliché, they were deeply moved.


Su Mo looked at Qianchengxue affectionately, and her heart accelerated inexplicably. Then he gathered up his courage, stretched out his hand to hug Qianchengxue, and slowly kissed Qianchengxue's seductive red lips.

Qianchengxue also summoned up her courage and responded enthusiastically.

The two hugged each other tightly.

Su Mo's whole body's blood boiled more and more, the shackles of reason collapsed instantly, and the primitive instinct rushed to his head.

Then he slowly put Qianchengxue on the grassy slope, got up and pressed it, and his dishonest hands also stretched”

It was a whimpering voice coming from below.

After Su Mo heard it, his mind suddenly exploded, and he was ready to go to base.

However, at this moment, lights shone on Su Mo and Qian Chengxue.

The two of them were instantly stunned, as if someone had poured cold water on their hearts, they hurriedly sat up and turned their heads to look behind them.

I saw Sun Li and the others holding the mobile phone lights, all of them came over here, each of their eyes widened, and their mouths almost opened into an O shape.

"Cough, you continue, we will not disturb you."

"Yes, let's continue."


Qian Chengxue and Su Mo hurriedly separated, tidying up their clothes, their faces were turning red, and they almost found a hole to dig in.

In Su Mo's heart, 10,000 grass and mud horses ran past.

You guys didn't come here for a long time. You had to come here at a critical moment. He almost vomited blood. How can we continue?

Qianchengxue took a deep breath, stood up, and said to Sun Li and the others.

"Okay, come here."

Sun Li's many sisters heard Qianchengxue's words, and they came over with laughter, and they said to Qianchengxue.

"Sister Xue, don't be mad at us."

"Why am I mad at you?"

Qianchengxue replied with a smile.

Seeing Qiancheng Xue smile, Sun Li and the others became more and more happy, and they all said: "Sister Xue, don't take that Liu Mei matter to heart, we will definitely help you catch her. Besides, don't worry, we will definitely not do it. that kind of thing happened."

"I never doubted you, don't think blindly."

Qianchengxue said softly to the many sisters.




The crowd also burst into laughter.

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