Plug-in Player

Chapter 354: guide


Qianchengxue dragged Xin Yang forward.


A huge explosion exploded behind them, and the roar of the explosion made Su Mo's ears buzz.

But he still got up the first time and looked at Qianchengxue.

Fortunately, Qianchengxue didn't have anything to do. At this time, a heavy rain of bullets poured out.

Su Mo and Qianchengxue hurriedly rolled away to avoid the dense rain of bullets. The thick metal ground was punched with bullet holes one by one.

At this time, Qianchengxue took out a high-explosive grenade from her waist and threw it hard.


The grenade landed precisely on the head of the mechanical defender, and then exploded, immediately paralyzing the opponent.

The three of Su Mo got up quickly and rushed towards the paralyzed defender.

When they wanted to turn left and rush towards the weapons storehouse, they found a roar coming from the front, and it was obvious that another enemy was coming.

They could only panic and run to the right.

"You still have a few grenades."

Su Mo asked while running.

"No, it was the last one just now."

Qianchengxue replied nervously.

"Xin Yang, is there any way to avoid the other side's surveillance? It won't work like this, we will be blocked sooner or later. Is there any other way to lead to the arsenal?"

"It has already discovered us, and there is no way to avoid each other, unless I have stronger data and computing power than it can interfere with it. But that is impossible, once I connect with it, it will be controlled in just one second. And There is only one road to the arsenal."

"Is there any other way?"

"Unless the power of this base is cut off and its external equipment is paralyzed."

Xin Yang answered rationally.

Su Mo was also a little crazy after listening to it, it was a hellish difficulty.

At this moment, Qianchengxue, who was running, suddenly stepped on the trap, and the solid ground sank directly.

Qiancheng Xue's heart was startled, she immediately noticed the difference, but her body didn't have time to react.

The top right in front of them suddenly cracked, exposing a pitch-black muzzle, which directly locked Qianchengxue.


A scarlet beam shot directly at Qianchengxue.

Su Mo violently pushed Qianchengxue with all her might, and the scarlet light beams narrowly passed by.

However, after Su Mo pushed Qianchengxue away, she instinctively stepped back and stepped on the floor on the right rear, and soon a metal square dented in it.

Su Mo's face darkened, and he also touched the mechanism.

Next second!


The ground under his feet suddenly cracked and he fell straight down.

"Su Mo!"

Qianchengxue stretched out her hand to grab Su Mo, and Su Mo also stretched out her hand to grab Qianchengxue. Unfortunately, in the end, it was still a little short. The **** touched slightly, and then they separated, and Su Mo fell directly.

The cracked metal wall quickly closed and returned to its original state.

At this time, the roaring mechanical sound is getting closer.

"Come on!"

Xin Yang eagerly urged Qianchengxue.

Qian Chengxue turned her head to look at the corridor behind her, gritted her teeth and followed Xin Yang to flee.


On the other side, Su Mo fell freely, hitting the ground hard, and a burst of gray dust suddenly rose.

The things in the backpack were scattered all over the place, and the spar also rolled out, emitting light constantly.

The severe pain kept him from getting up for a while.

After a while, Su Mo got up with difficulty, and he carefully observed the surroundings.

There were only corrupted bones everywhere. The reason why he didn't fall to death was because his body had been strengthened twice, and because these corrupted bones had been cushioned.

In addition, he observed that the four were all metal walls, without any exits.

This is probably a burial pit.

Su Mo waved Mo Xue in his hand, and his sword slashed against the solid metal wall, leaving only a very shallow trace.

When he saw this scene, he couldn't help shaking his head. It was impossible to brute force to go out.

Of course, Su Mo didn't despair. He began to fumble around the metal walls, looking for any clues to leave.

Suddenly, Su Mo suddenly had a very shallow arrow on the metal wall pointing to the corner below.

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and quickly pulled away the bones in the corner, and then saw a special triangular mark.

He tried to knock it, but it turned out to be hollow.

Su Mo immediately pushed hard, and a dark intersection appeared. He was also delighted. If he guessed correctly, this should be the guidance left by those who had escaped.

When Su Mo was about to escape, she suddenly looked back at the spar that fell to the ground.

He picked it up with a look of confusion on his face. The light from this stone seemed to be much brighter than before.

Su Mo thought for a while, but couldn't think of why, so he picked up his backpack and left here quickly.

Su Mo climbed out all the way along the narrow exit passage, and when he pushed open a disguised door and got out, he came to a metal corridor.

This is a dark metal corridor. Since no one has maintained and cleaned it for a long time, moss has begun to grow in the corners of the metal corridor.


The overhead lights were on and off, making Su Mo's nerves tense.

He became more and more cautious, taking every step very carefully, for fear of touching any safety device.

On the other hand, Su Mo is also carefully observing whether there is a hidden camera, let alone let him find it.

But unfortunately, the hidden camera just happened to be facing him, and he couldn't avoid it.

"Depend on."

Su Mo cursed in a low voice, without being careful, she just ran away.

Just as Su Mo ran not far, each one was more than two meters high, and the whole body was covered with blades, and the killing mechanical puppet came out from behind him.

The blades on their bodies spun and chased after Su Mo, which was no less than a meat grinder.

Su Mo turned her head to take a look, and immediately ran with all her strength.

At this time, the wall in front began to unfold, and one after another dark gun barrels emerged.


A beam of light blasted over.

Su Mo's eyes and pupils shrank, the muscle strength of his body exploded, and he sprinted extremely fast, and beams of light passed by him.

At this time, the front access gate began to descend.

Su Mo didn't give up, his whole body blood boiled more and more, he ran desperately, bursting out with a monster-like speed.

Just when the gate was about to close, Su Mo rushed forward.

The whole person slid past the partition door against the ground.


The thick metal partition door smashed to the ground.

Dodging a catastrophe, Su Mo immediately got up and ran away. Just as he ran out, the partition door that was broken by the gate rose again.


The sound of the high-speed rotating blade of the killing mechanical puppet is clear.

Su Mo was about to vomit It was also thanks to his physique that he was further strengthened, otherwise he would have been caught up by the other party long ago.

Another point is that it seems that most of the guards in this base have been dispatched to the battlefield. Otherwise, there should be many guards at this level of base.

Running and running, different forks appeared in the corridor passages.

Su Mo looked left and right, but didn't know where to run. At this time, he suddenly noticed the halo emanating from the spar in his hand, as if it was vaguely spreading towards the side channel, as if guiding him forward.

He no longer thought about it, and ran forward following the guidance of the spar.

Just as he was running desperately, the light of the spar in his hand became stronger and stronger, and the halo emitted directly covered Su Mo.

And the Slaughter Puppet Mechanical Doll who was chasing him behind him didn't follow him, as if he had lost his target.

In the central control room, in front of the artificial intelligence · Full God, a warning box keeps popping up.

"Hint: Unexplained interference, lost target!"

"Hint: Unexplained interference..."

"Stupid mouse!"

The hoarse voice of artificial intelligence, full of anger.

At this moment, the entire underground central room suddenly vibrated, and then another virtual image popped up.

I saw the fourth-generation biological mecha, Kvassiz, pressing the IV-generation puppet biological mecha Mechax to the ground, punching and punching it fiercely on its head.

Flesh and blood were flying, and the earth was shaking.

"Warning IV generation puppet creature mecha, Mechax, the damage rate is rising rapidly!"


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