Plug-in Player

Chapter 342: do not be angry

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Putmi was also at a loss for words for a while, people were unlucky, and the water was stuck between his teeth.

"The ghost knows that such a change will happen, don't you think about the safety of the rear?"

Just when the two were arguing, Zhang Wei suddenly dragged his tired body and got out of the micro-exit under the packaging box. He said to the two: "Stop arguing, adjust it well."

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Li Ruiqi and Putmi asked excitedly.


"This can still be fake, you can confirm the driver."

Li Wei responded with confidence.

"Go to inform the president immediately..."


At this time, on a slightly raised hillside, the presidents such as Long Ming were standing here, holding optical telescopes and looking at the City of Praying Dragons in the distance.

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"To be honest, as expected, we should already be in the City of Praying Dragons now, right?"

Long Ming said with some self-deprecation.

"You're right, but in the end, we turned into bereaved dogs and fled here. I thought that we could just stand by and watch the show and harvest the results. After a long time, these young people are too weak. It's not reliable at all!"

Augustus criticized unceremoniously.

"In the end, we still have to put our old bones on it, it really hurts."

Long Ming rarely agrees with Augustus.

At this moment, there was a burst of hurried footsteps, followed by a group of young non-commissioned officers.

Two people took the lead, one was a middle-aged man with blond hair, a calm face, sharp eyes, full of arrogance, and his muscles were full of explosive power.

On the other side, a plain-looking young man wearing three generations of mechanical armor stood indifferently with his hands behind his back. This person is Wang Hai, the strongest mecha pilot in the Tianlong Guild.

The purpose of their coming here is naturally very simple, to compete for the right to use the new weapon.

At this time, the herald came out and respectfully reported to Long Ming and Auguras Hui.

"President Longming, President Augustus, that weapon has been debugged. Now, please decide which side the driver will use. The candidates recommended by both parties are already in place."

"Wang Hai, the first mecha captain of the Tianlong Guild, came to report!"

"The ace first mecha captain of the Freedom Victory Guild, Thuris is here to report!"

The two stepped forward and saluted each other and reported.

After listening to Long Ming, he said to Augustus with a smile on his face.

"Brother Augustus, we can see your brilliant talent. And your overall planning and cohesion make me very admire. You should take the lead in this matter."

After hearing this, Augustus' smile became even brighter, he patted Longming on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Longming, what you said is a little too praiseworthy. You must know that your talent is not inferior to mine, and your strength is far superior to mine. I am sincerely willing to be inferior. This matter is none other than you, what do you do? You have to show your hands too. When you plan to coordinate in the future, you will be able to make people more convincing."

"Brother Augustus, you can't say that, how can I compare to you."


The style of the two people is extremely weird touting each other, and they can't wait to talk about each other in the sky.

The subordinates who were on standby at the back were all dumbfounded. What's the situation?

Shouldn't this be a fight?

On the side, President Tianzhao couldn't stand a little, he said: "Two Presidents, don't shirk, time is running out."

At this time, Long Ming turned his head and smiled dumbly and said, "Would you like to come to Fujiwara Valley?"

When Fujiwara Valley heard Longming's words, he was so frightened that he took two steps back and quickly waved his hand: "I just want to remind you, you continue, continue..."

Augustus said with a smile: "Long Ming, don't shirk, you have to set an example."

"Cough cough. Brother Augustus, I think so. There is no way to go on like this. Why don't we guess what? We will decide the outcome at one time."

Long Ming also cursed secretly in his heart, the old fox just doesn't get caught.


Augustus thought for a moment and said.

So the two faced each other, as if they were facing a big enemy, and they made preparations for guessing.

Standing aside, Thuris and Wang Hai's muscles were twitching on their faces. If it weren't for the military discipline here, they would have volunteered themselves long ago. Why would they need such trouble, pushing one by one.

I saw Long Ming deliberately showing his fist to let Augustus sneak a glimpse.

Augustus naturally saw the flaws revealed by Long Ming, and he complained in his heart.

This old yin guy deliberately let me see his fists. Normally, I should be able to cloth, and he would use scissors, but I would definitely not be fooled, so I should be able to punch.

But this thing is so dark, it is definitely not that simple, so it has to change again.

This guy is supposed to be able to produce cloth, so I really should be out of scissors.

Thinking of this, Augustus pulled out the scissors without hesitation, but the Longming Stone went straight out.

Augustus looked at the stone extended by Long Ming, his expression was like constipation, he couldn't say a word for a long time, and his old face was extremely red.

Long Ming laughed and said, "Brother Augustus, you said that I specially let you, but you still lost. You really can't blame me, haha!"


Augustus snorted angrily.

Wang Hai, who was standing beside him, showed a hint of disappointment in his eyes. The chairman won the guessing, and the driving right fell to the opponent.

Thuris of the Freedom Victory Guild shouted with excitement.

"President, Thuris is ready to fight."

Augustus glanced at Thuris, and said with a cold snort, "What kind of battle is going on, I'll go on my own!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, except for the presidents of the guilds, all had expressions of shock on their faces.

"No way! President."

Thuris replied quickly.

"What can't you do, if you are more reliable, you still need us to use it? How many weapons have been wasted in your hands, is it possible that the last weapon is also wasted for you? I will use it myself, and I will take good care of it."

Augustus groaned angrily.

"Brother Augustus, don't be Keep a good attitude, this is a very important battle, and you can't make a mistake."

Long Ming's old face almost burst into laughter.


Like a child, Augustus left with a bit of anger, and the Freedom Victory Guild and others hurriedly followed.

Wang Hai asked in a puzzled way: "President, why does President Augustus want to go there in person, and he is so reluctant?"

"That's because your strength is not enough. Do you really think that is a beauty? The real power in this world has to pay a price, and the price of driving that weapon is life."

Long Ming said with deep eyes, who would think that he had a long life.

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