Plug-in Player

Chapter 1630: deliver

Negative star.

Each independent ship is equipped with a mech formation, scattered like dandelions.

The City of Star Rings is on the Star Reaching Building.

Yin Kaloya watched quietly.

The green ghost beside Hou reported respectfully: "The first round of launching operations has begun. If it goes well, after seven hours, the first formation will arrive at the nearest launching point and start launching operations!"

"I see."

Yin Kaloya replied in a deep voice.

After the green ghost finished speaking, it was rare for him to hesitate to speak.

"Say something directly!"

Although Yin Kaloya did not turn his head, he spoke.

"Master Yin Kaloya, the danger of Negative Star is beyond expectation, and the launch operation may not be very smooth. It is estimated that the success rate of the first round is at most less than 60%, and this is still an optimistic estimate."

The green ghost took a deep breath and replied.

"If you fail, send people to take over again until all succeed. From now on, I don't want to know the death rate, and I don't care what the process looks like, I just want the result!"

Yin Kaloya said to the green ghost.


The green ghost responded in a chilling manner.


Seven hours later.

In an undulating mountain range, two battleships and groups of mechs escorted a level 4 transport ship moving forward at high speed!

Behind the ship, swarms of Type III Zerg, Black Beetle, and Negative Cell Infectors kept chasing.

The battleship continued to open the ejection port in the stern area, ejecting various sub-munitions to kill those bugs.

However, those insects seemed to be inexhaustible, but they rushed towards them even more ferociously.

For a moment, swarms of black beetles entangled a battleship, and those black beetles attacked the energy barrier frantically, causing the entire battleship to vibrate violently.

An anxious voice sounded in the public channel.

"The Blackstone is entangled."

"hold onto."


For a while, some mechas immediately turned back to defense and collided with those black beetles.


Soon the black beetles were quickly killed one by one.

But then more and more bugs came up.

"No, there are more and more."

However, at this moment, a steady voice sounded in the public communication channel.

"I'm Doani, the captain of the Blackstone. Don't worry about us. We'll stay and restrain you. You take the time to go to your destination."

"Captain Doani? You..."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Doani said in a deep voice in the communication channel.

In the next second, the Black Stone ship slowed down in an instant, its launch ports and short-range weapons were fully opened, and it crazily poured firepower at the black beetles to attract their attention.

"Understood, let's go!"

At this time, a strong and powerful female voice issued an order in the public communication channel.

At that time, the remaining battleship and transport ship accelerated forward, leaving the swarm directly.

Not long after, the fleet arrived at the designated coordinate point.

The transport ship immediately opened the throwing port on the belly of the ship, and instantly a huge mechanical container was thrown down, and the special device on the mechanical container was activated.

The entire mechanical container disintegrated in mid-air.

A cone-shaped drill device fell on the ground and drilled in, directly submerging into the scarlet earth.

In the distant sky, two iv-generation pure mechanical mechs, Chameleon, emerged. After confirming that the device was completely submerged in the ground and that the coordinates of the launch were correct, they restarted the camouflage protection, turned and left.



Inside the tomb of the God King.

Caviser drove the Vi-generation biological mech Blood Red Demon God and led many subordinates, carefully walking down the huge stairs towards the catacombs.

The entire staircase is very spacious, and the mech walking on it looks very small.

Wait until Cavisher and the others all come in.


The entrance behind them closed suddenly.

Bai Li and the others were startled suddenly, they turned their heads to look over, and saw the closed door, their expressions changed slightly and they said to Caviser.

"Master, the door is closed."

"No problem."

Caviser didn't care at all, he controlled the mecha and continued to walk inside.

After Bai Li and the others finished listening, they didn't say anything, they just followed Cavisher cautiously while watching the surroundings vigilantly.

At this time they came to a giant passage.

Both sides of the passage are depicted with majestic and lifelike murals. After a long period of baptism, those murals are still so colorful.

And those murals are embedded with all kinds of gemstones, and those gemstones emit light of different colors.

"This is the tomb of the **** king, it's really impressive."

Monlik couldn't help but say.

"The entrance we entered is a side entrance, not the main entrance, so the passage we walked is just a side road."

Cavisher said with his eyes moving slightly.

"Then the entrance is more luxurious and has more good things?"

"That's right, but the danger is doubled, do you have the life to get it?"

"The leader is wise."

Bai Li replied respectfully.

At this point, Monlik and others began to see anomalies. In the passage ahead, there were mechas and the remains of various defensive weapons everywhere, and there were traces of firefights on the ground and walls.

When they looked carefully, they could see the destroyed mechs, each of which had the logo of the City of Star Rings on it.

Xiao Jie and the others couldn't help tensing up, it was obvious that there would be danger from here.

And they were not attacked, only because the organs and defenses here were destroyed by Cavisher during his first exploration.

Caviser controlled the mech with a blank expression, and continued to lead the crowd forward.

At this time, in the dim passageway, faint gray gas gradually lingered around many mechs and infiltrated into the filter system.

And the further you go in, the more and more mechanical debris, and the many believers who are watching are extremely nervous, for fear of being attacked suddenly.

Not long after, Cavisher and the others stopped.


Bai Li and the others shouted in bewilderment.

Immediately afterwards, everyone inadvertently looked forward, and at this moment, everyone's hearts were deeply shocked.

They saw a golden door appear in front of them.

"What is this? A star gate?"

Menglik looked at the door in front of him and asked suspiciously.

Cavisher, however, did not answer him, but continued on his way.

After everyone passed through the gate, the scene in front of completely stupefied everyone.

I saw that they seemed to have come to a vast sea of ​​stars, surrounded by bright stars, and gorgeous galaxies winding around in the distance.

At the same time, a staircase with no end in sight appeared in front of them. There were stone statue guards standing on both sides of the staircase, and they looked solemn and solemn.

Bai Li frowned first, and then said in a low voice, "I'm not mistaken, is this the starry sky?"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Monlik said in disbelief.

Xiao Jie and the others were also deeply shocked by this scene, and asked subconsciously.

"What's the situation, how did we come to the starry sky?"

"The tomb of the **** king is not in this starry sky, is it?"


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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