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Chapter 164: pretty

In the control room of the Helan, Qian Chengxue looked at the result in front of her and was very satisfied. She waved her hand and said excitedly.

"Order the Helan to move forward! At the same time, send a wireless communication signal to the Haifeng Island base and try to communicate with them."


Lin Zinuo responded excitedly.



An inconspicuous island in the sea, hidden inside the base.

Sawagi is watching the sand table and deducing the battle plan.

Just then, there was the sound of rapid footsteps.

"Report, Chief Zemu! (Translation

"Bastard, what's it like to be flustered. (Translation

Zeki reprimanded in a very displeased manner.

"Yes! Chief Zemu, I just received the latest news that the Cangyun was destroyed by the Helan! (Translation

The subordinate lowered his head and reported.

"Bastard! How did Suzune command? (translation

Zeki yelled angrily.

"According to Miss Suzune's feedback, the enemy is very cunning, and the Helan is very powerful. However, it is not completely without gains. Although the Helan was defeated, it also suffered heavy losses and should have lost its support ability. (Translation

"Even so, Suzune can't escape the blame! (Translation

Zemu is still very angry, to know that the strategic role of the Cangyun is important, so it was ruined!

"Yes! Chief Sawagi, what you said is that Chief Suzine is now under investigation."

"When did this happen. (Translation

"It should have been five hours ago. (Translation

"I see. (Translation

Sawagi raised his wristband and looked at the time. It was almost time for Kawakami to launch a general attack on Haifeng Island. If Kawakami can successfully take Haifeng Island, then there is still room for recovery, and the previous sacrifices are nothing.

However, at this time another messenger ran over in shock.

"Report, Chief Sawagi! (Translation

"Asshole, as I said, don't panic. (Translation

"Emergency information, the Kawakami fleet was attacked by an unknown, and the entire army was destroyed!"

The herald reports in horror.

Hearing his words, Zemu's eyes were instantly bloodshot, and he angrily swept away the teacup on the table next to him, and kicked the table with one kick.

"Bagayalu! Who did it! (Translation

Everyone present trembled like a chill.

The herald trembled and reported: "Suspected of the Helan. (Translation

"It's the Helan again! (Translation

Zeki roared furiously...

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Of course some people are sad and some people are happy.

After the Helan approached Haifeng Island, it finally got in touch with the base on Haifeng Island, and the two sides informed each other about the situation.

In the command room of the Haifeng Island base, the adjutant was excited to report.

"Lord Legionnaire, the Helan came to support. The previous explosion was caused by their nuclear torpedo attack on the Amaterasu Guild's fleet."

"Really? These child soldiers are incredible! Well done."

Xiao Wen was overjoyed when he heard it, and clapped his hands in praise.

"Yeah! I really didn't expect that this group of child soldiers would do better than us!"

"Well, the Dawning Guild did a good job this time, and all the credit must be given to them."

"Commander, you are right, but the situation is still very bad now. The fleet formation of the Dawning Guild has almost been destroyed. In addition, the Helan does not have much combat power. What should I do now?"

"It doesn't matter, let the Helan approach Haifeng Island from the northeast, and let their people go ashore from there to give us some support. In addition, notify the guild that the sea blockade has been broken by the Helan, and they must organize as soon as possible. A wave of support! As long as it lasts for a while, we can counterattack."

Xiao Wen gave the order very clearly.

"Understood! I'll send instructions to them now."

The lieutenant responded respectfully.

Xiao Wen looked at the aide-de-camp to leave, and the expression that had just loosened up became tense again. The situation was actually not optimistic.


A moment ago, at the moment when the nuclear torpedo exploded, a bottomless black hole shook at the bottom of the center of the Sea Breeze Island base.

Ten eyeballs in the shape of a ring and exuding blood light suddenly opened in the darkness!

At the same time, the dark red flares slowly lit up.


In the control room of the Helan, Qianchengxue and others were quietly waiting for the reply from the Tianlong Guild members.

Lin Zinuo whispered excitedly and chatted.

"Do you think they will send us some pennants or something as soon as they are happy?"

"It is possible, but it is estimated that it is not enough, so it should be given to one side in general."

Zhou Qian thought for a while and replied.

"I think so too, these are not important. If you can mix a system, it is called Shuangwaiwai..."

Thinking of this, Lin Zinuo blossomed happily.

"Stop dreaming, weaving is not something you want, especially a weaving with extremely high freedom, it is simply an existence that breaks your head."

Chen Xijie unceremoniously broke Lin Zinuo's fantasy.

"You're really boring, you can't pursue it a little bit."

"It's good to have pursuits, but it's not good to daydream."

"You're just daydreaming, people have to dream, maybe one day it will come true."


The two of you say a word to me, and no one obeys the other.

Su Mo stood beside him, also speechless. There are monsters everywhere, but the attention of those monsters is only on Sea Breeze Island, and they are still in the mood to argue about it.

But then again, compiling this kind of thing is really hard to come by.

He had heard before that the parliament had given the military a very precious authority. So that it can give loose people a system, enjoy all the formal treatment and rights, and don't have to follow those rules and regulations, and check in at all times.

Of course, this is only limited to hearing it. Su Mo is not sure if it really exists or not.

But listening to Lin Zinuo's mention now, it is estimated that nine out of ten are true.

At this time, a quiet voice sounded from the silent communication channel.

"Hello, can you hear my voice?"

"Yes, hello! I'm Qianchengxue, commander of the Tenth Corps of the Dawning Guild, and the commander in charge of support this time."

Qianchengxue introduced himself again.

"Hello, Miss I'm Lei Keming, the adjutant of Army Commander Xiaowen, and I have compiled and reported the heroic deeds you reported to the operator before. Thank you very much for your outstanding contribution, and all credit will be given to you.”

"Lord Lei Keming, you are too polite, this is what we should do, what can we do for you now?"

Qiancheng Xue replied humbly.

"I won't be polite to you anymore. You have also seen that the situation on Haifeng Island is very unoptimistic now. The barrier defense line has been destroyed, and a large number of black salamanders have rushed to Haifeng Island. Now the situation on the island is very critical, and we are all in an orderly manner. evacuated to the central base. And the most critical point, Dr. Zhang Wei and the others are repairing the satellite rocket, and it has come to the end. At this juncture, there can be no accidents, so I hope you can come to the island to support and help defend!"

Rekmin explained the situation simply and clearly.

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