Plug-in Player

Chapter 135: reject

Unfortunately, Su Mo was completely unmoved, and didn't mean to shake hands with each other at all, but looked at each other coldly.

"I don't know you, do I?"

"I introduce myself as Yuan Bo, Deputy Director of the Personnel Department of the Breaking Dawn Group."

Yuan Bo introduced himself.

After hearing Yuan Bo's self-introduction, Su Mo became more and more confused. Why did the personnel department look for him?

"Mr. Su Mo, don't be too confused. Although I am the deputy head of the personnel department of the Xiaoxiao Group, I am not here on behalf of the General Guild. My representative is from Young Master Ye Wuhen, who has seen your previous battle records. , I am full of praise for you, I am honored that you are valued by him."

"and then?"

Su Mo replied inexplicably.

The smile on Yuan Bo's face suddenly stiffened, and he had some doubts, is this guy pretending to be stupid? Still really don't understand.

"Mr. Su Mo, you are really humorous. We are all adults, so we won't go around so many circles. Young Master Ye Wuhen takes a fancy to you and wants to invite you to serve in the First Army."

"do not want."

Su Mo replied without pausing for a second.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, we are not the kind of people who are empty-handed and white wolves. Young Master Ye Wuhen has always cherished talents very much. As long as you are willing to change jobs, Young Master of all your liquidated damages will be waived for you. In addition, I will give you A set of commodity houses in the imperial capital, plus one million in cash. And more than that, as long as you come over, you will be treated as an executive, with a salary of 15,000!"

Yuan Bo threw a lot of sugar-coated cannonballs directly.

There was not a trace of joy and excitement on Su Mo's face, instead he became vigilant.

There is a saying that if you are diligent without anything, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Seeing that Su Mo was unmoved, Yuan Bo secretly gave Su Mo a little more in his heart. As the director of personnel, he was in charge of poaching people all year round. Although the ultimate goal is to dig, but often the most difficult people to dig, are more valuable.

After all, no one wants a duplicitous person who can sell others today, and will sell you the day after tomorrow.

The kind of people who are good at digging can usually only use their talents, but can't trust them.

"Mr. Su Mo, don't worry, there are absolutely no pitfalls in the conditions I set. In fact, you are still working for the Dawnbreaker Guild, you just changed your position. The most important point is that you don't need to be too attached to your current position. I have also investigated your situation. In fact, the Twelfth Group of the Tenth Legion is not very good to you. As a member of the guild, you were just running for your life and had to lead the monster to the defensive area. You have to compensate for the loss. , those people are too impersonal."

Yuan Bo seriously confused the concept and said to Su Mo.

Su Mo had a suspicious look on his face, and he immediately realized that this guy was confusing concepts.

Obviously, when he got into trouble at the time, he was not a member of the guild at all. Besides, even a member of the guild, it is a bit inappropriate to attract so many monsters.

Then he replied softly.


Yuan Bo frowned slightly. According to the information he investigated, this guy should have no money, and he was unmoved by such generous conditions.

If it's not that this guy is a muscle, it's more friendship.

So Yuan Bo continued to Su Mo: "Brother, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, I know you are a master, but there are so many masters in this world, there is no shortage of them. It's just because they don't have the opportunity to show their talents, and you You are lucky this time, you are famous, and you have a big fire! You have to take this opportunity to jump to a higher platform, or when you get cold, where can you find such a good opportunity? It will be too late to cry. ."

"Also, listen to me, this era is very realistic, rich is a master! You have to know one thing, the reason why there are so many female players in the Dawning Gong Group. That is because most of the industries within the group are light industry and It is a cultural type industry, so there are many girls. You jump to a higher level, and you have money, but you are still afraid of not having girls?

I have to say that Yuan Bo, as a headhunter, has absolutely nothing to say about his professional level.

It's a pity that he met Su Mo. This guy's brain circuit is completely different from others. Seeing that Su Mo was too lazy to answer Yuan Bo, he walked past him and walked towards the guild group.

Only Yuan Bo was left messed up in the wind.

But Yuan Bo is not annoyed, he has seen many people of all kinds in this business.

No matter how strange the temper is, I have seen it.

So he picked up the phone and dialed a number, and when the call was connected, he said respectfully.

"Master, the first contact failed.... He has a cold personality and doesn't respond much to money. It should be more emotional, and his character should be OK. It is said that he took the initiative to resist the responsibility... …”


"Okay, I know how to do it, I'll get in touch further."


After a while, Su Mo arrived at the company. After punching the card, he went to the computer room to log in to the game.

As soon as he went online, he heard a very noisy sound, and the camp seemed to be very lively, so Su Mo walked out of his hangar.

The result was suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw a handsome guy and beauties changing into swimsuits and queuing up chatting and laughing!

In the central area of ​​the camp, a giant swimming pool was dug, and the swimming pool was very luxuriously filled with unpolluted water.

I saw that Lin Zinuo and Ziqing were recruiting people in full swing.

The target of recruiting is naturally the members of their own group of land combatants. Since the naval combat team got the Helan, no matter how stupid people know that the naval combat team is about to rise. Instead of being a logistics transporter, try it out and see if you can switch to the naval combat team.

The most important point is that Zhao Han is still very supportive, so there is a spectacular scene now, and there are less than one or two thousand people who come to the assessment.

All bring their own swimsuits. Those who know have nothing to say. This is an assessment. People who don't know think it is a draft.

I have to say that the scene is really eye-catching.

Su Mo's expression was a little dull, and for a moment, he felt that he had gone to the wrong place.

Just when Su Mo was in a daze, a familiar voice sounded beside him.

"Brother! We meet again."

Su Mo turned to look, only to see Zhang Kui running over with a smile.

" Su Mo replied with a strange expression.

"Brother, are you also here to apply for the assessment of the naval combat team?"

Zhang Kui asked with a simple and honest look.


Su Mo didn't even think about it.

"Oh! Look at my pig brain, I forgot. Brother, you are not what you used to be, but you are the ace in the group. Why do you need to participate in the assessment, you must have come to appreciate the beauty?"

Zhang Kui looks like I understand.

Su Mo replied sympathetically.


"Don't be embarrassed. Nine times out of ten, joining the Dawning Guild is for the sake of girls. I told you that there is nothing to say about the figure over there, and the murder weapon, I guess at least 36E..."

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