In the middle of the night, Annan, who was sleeping in bed, once again heard the sound of black magic.

Annan stretched out his heavy eyes and got up on the bed with a big yawn.

He slowly changed into a set of clothes that were easy to move, did a little warm-up exercises, and after waking up a little, he left the bedroom and came to the door of the house where the sound of black magic was constantly heard.

“Okay, be prepared.”

Annan carefully checked his equipment before reaching for the gate in front of him.

He had all the guns and bullets he could bring with him, but unfortunately he didn’t have time to get a new set of body armor and helmets, otherwise it would have been safer.

“It’s impossible to say that I want to explore the inner world, so ask for more equipment to see if I can quietly get more things in the future.”

Annan looked at the time, it was a quiet late night, it was still a long way before morning, he should be able to return before sunrise.

“I don’t have to go to school tomorrow anyway.”

Annan, who missed class for two days and did not have a single student at all, was very satisfied with the fact that the high school here only needed five days of classes.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Holding a revolver in his left hand, Annan pushed open the door in front of him that continued to emit a hazy whisper with his right hand.

The door of the house was obviously still locked, but when his hand touched it lightly, the door opened with a sound.

“Well, red.”

Annan looked at the huge bright red moon outside the door without moving.

“It’s not being pulled in.”

Annan touched his chest and felt a second heart that did not exist in his physical body.

“Because my connection with the inner world, or the foreign world, has become much closer, when I consciously push open the door of the inner world, this shadowy world will not pull me in… Is that how it should be?

Annan reads the knowledge from the witch of chaos and steps into the desolate night.

He turned around and saw the familiar door embedded in a tree. This tree is

only the thickness of an arm, but there is a one-meter-wide gate, but it is attached to the surface of this tree without any sense of discord.

“A distortion of space? It doesn’t feel like it, forget it, take care of him, and study it later.

Annan didn’t pay any more attention to the state of the gate, anyway, he would have a lot of time to find out later.

As for now, let’s get down to business first.

Annan silently operated the black magic organ in his body, and then simultaneously launched the black magic with the same name as this organ.

He transferred the life force he had previously absorbed with the Chaos Forge to the second heart.

This transfer of life force is very slow, which is why Annan will come to the inner world to carry it out.

In the shadows of this world, any magic will work better, become more powerful, and even have some more effects that were not originally available.

If Annan did this in reality, the already slow transfer speed would definitely be slower, which would be a bit of a waste of time, so he came to this place.

“There is no need to make a third heart for the time being, continue to use this black magic organ left by the chaotic witch.” The special black magic

of the Chaos Forge can create an organ of black magic by absorbing life force, and then use this magic organ to preserve the absorbed life force and facilitate future transformation.

When Annan used the black magic of the Chaos Forge before, the life he absorbed was hoarded in his body, and then slowly disappeared with the passage of time.

If he didn’t preserve these life forces in the way of black magic organs, he would one day lose all of them.

“After the transfer, it is connected, but in this way, this black magic organ that originally did not belong to me will completely become a part of my body, what should I do?” The

second heart that the chaotic witch gave to Annan has not really become Annan’s thing.

Annan also needed to take one last simple step to activate the Dark Magic Organ using the Chaos Forge he had learned, so that he could truly use this second heart.

“If this second heart is really completely assimilated, the Chaos Forge of Black Magic can be truly effective, but at the same time, the effect of this heart that could have reduced the influence of Black Magic will also be greatly weakened… The trade-off.

Annan did not hesitate at all, and after completely transferring the life force, he activated the Chaos Forge of the Second Heart.


Annan clearly felt that the second heart, which did not exist physically, was finally really beating.

From then on, his body was connected to this black magic organ, and the Chaos Forge could truly exert its effectiveness.

“Then without further ado, hurry up and use up all your life force.”

Annan silently began to create a second black magic organ under the near-silent night.

“Where you choose, just your eyes.”

The illusory second heart stirred rapidly, and the nature of the life force changed drastically under the urging of black magic.

Annan, who transformed the foreign life force, concentrated this change, or the power to distort the body, on his left eye.

“In any case, this thing is necessary, after all, with this, I can enter and exit the world anytime, anywhere.”

All witches born from the dark magic phenomenon of the night of the witch have a common characteristic.

That is, the witches of the night will be born with a very special black magic.

This black magic is very special, and its level and effect are exaggerated to the level of completely beyond the actual theory of magic.

Then, this innate black magic also has the ability to allow the night witch to freely enter and exit the inner world.

The original magic of the chaotic witch is naturally the chaos furnace. Through the application of the

Chaos Forge, a variety of different black magic organs have been created, allowing the Chaos Witch to have an incredibly long life and the ability to freely enter and exit the inner world.

Annan is now imitating the Chaos Witch’s approach to creating a magical organ specifically designed to open the door to the inner world. Although he is the door

opener, as long as there is a portal to the inner world, it will definitely be able to open, but the premise still needs to exist a door.

Without the corresponding gates and passages, his ability to open the door is equal to nothing.

He felt that this was too inconvenient, and he was also quite interested in the inner world, so he naturally wanted to obtain a way to actively enter and exit.

Moreover, it was impossible for him to wait until midnight every time, wait until he heard the sound of black magic, and wait until the gate that was formed without knowing how to form, before going to the inner world.

“It doesn’t feel like anything has changed.”

Before he knew it, Annan had completed the creation of the black magic organ.

He touched his left eye, clinging to the black magic organ.

His pitch-black eyes, pupils had changed into a pronounced keyhole shape.

This is the black magic organ he uses to freely enter and exit the inner world.

“It’s smoother, it’s easier than I thought, it’s really because I came to the inner world.”

Annan smiled with satisfaction.

“By the way, do you want to change the name of this eye’s magic organ? The second heart I am lazy and directly called the Chaos Forge, then this eye…”

Annan quickly came up with a name.

“Well, it’s called ‘The Key to the Door’.”

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