Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 171: Venus Extravaganza (Part 2)

The serum that the eldest lady saved when she treated the wound on her leg, through the transcription of the genetic map, her gene fragments were magnified in front of the sentinels.

"This is a genetic structure that is completely different from our world." Arnold looked at the nearly perfect double helix model with a hoarse sigh, "I have never seen such a pattern, it seems like another civilization projection. to the 'existence' of this space."

Phoenix's golden eyes are like molten magma, and like a dark sun: "Another civilization, referring to..."

"Dimensions." Arnold said softly, "There are civilizations with higher dimensions than us in the world, and treat our world as an amusement park."

"But they left one of the biggest clues, and that is Testai itself. The projection of high-dimensional existence to low-dimensional existence requires an anchor point, and they probably thought we would never find out, so they directly chose Testai's Gene fragment."

The top scientist of this era sneered, and there seemed to be a dark fog in his eyes: "But they must not know that now that I have found this anchor point, I can push back their technology."

Phoenix closed his eyes and remembered the way his lover smiled and said goodbye at the moment of parting.

Even if he wanted to deceive himself, he had to admit in front of the facts that her emotions were as impatient as they were about to be released.

"Very good, no matter what support you want, just talk to me." After the red-haired sentinel finished speaking, he looked at the gene fragment again, his tone turned gentle and dangerous, "It's been so much time, I I don't care how long it takes."

No matter where she is, he will never let her go.

As the price of deceiving himself, Phoenix thought about it and decided to sentence the sly woman to life imprisonment.

As for the prison, it was himself.

"The next plan will be called 'Extradimensional Operation'."

Crossing dimensions, breaking time and space, they will meet again one day.

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