Players please close your eyes

Chapter 484 485 If you don’t hit him, won’t he hit you?

Chapter 484 485. If you don’t hit him, won’t he hit you?

Those two strange-looking humanoid creatures, Qiao Mu estimated, might be the prototypes of legends such as the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother. There should be similar existences in the myths of other civilizations.

These anomalies, even if humans cannot see them visually, can still affect the weather and cause huge disasters. Not to mention, when the basic rules disappear, human technology will regress hundreds or thousands of years. At that time, the chaos caused will also lead to a large number of innocent people. of people died.

More importantly, Qiao Mu was curious whether the rules binding "abnormality and depth" would disappear with the dissolution of the rules.

If it really disappears, humans will definitely be ravaged by abnormalities by then.

In any case, Qiao Mu needs to solve the current problem first.

The abnormality of the two human figures seemed not to understand what Qiao Mu meant. They looked ferocious and ugly, like deformed people whose skin was covered with tumors. They had claw-like wings on their backs. Their bodies were naked and skinny. Describe withered.

[They have been sleeping for too long, and the memories of the past have long been erased. Don’t hold back. If you don’t hit him, won’t he hit you? 】

In Qiao Mu's field of vision, words as red as blood appeared.

"It seems this was once the Chosen One."

He thought while glancing at the five-clawed golden dragon rolling in the storm clouds.

[His original will has been lost long ago. Don't try to wake him up. It's useless. It's better to give him a sweet death honestly! 】

This five-clawed golden dragon seems to be a chosen one, but it has been more seriously eroded by pollution and has completely transformed into a monster, with no human form left.

They were originally the chosen ones, but they lost their minds due to pollution, so they killed each other.

Qiao Mu tried to dissuade them, but it was obvious that these chosen ones were no longer able to understand Qiao Mu's consciousness.

They themselves have been strictly bound to certain rules and act according to abnormal rules.

When two abnormal rules conflict, huge changes will occur.

At this moment, a heavy rain was brewing in the clouds that stretched for hundreds of miles, and the thunder was extinguished in it, seeming to tear it apart. The confrontation between the two brought a rare heavy rain to this land in a century.

When Qiao Mu saw that both parties ignored him and was unable to use Jin Jia La to declare, he could only take out a rocket launcher and fire it decisively towards the position of the five-clawed golden dragon.

The cannonball landed on the five-clawed golden dragon and exploded immediately.

However, this was no ordinary explosion, but a high-intensity explosion that brought extremely high temperatures and mushroom clouds.

The civilian antimatter annihilation rocket is a small one that can produce an explosion close to the power of hundreds of hydrogen bombs. It is clean and pollution-free and will not produce any radiation nearby. It is simply a must-have for traveling at home and killing people.

More importantly, it is easy to operate and uses a mechanical switch, which can be used even under electromagnetic interference. Even trained primary school students can easily master it.

This weapon comes from a world in Qiao Mu's civilization simulator. In that world, due to the cosmic ray radiation caused by the supernova explosion, all adults over the age of twenty died of radiation sickness, causing the entire world to become It is a world for young people and children, so people there are constantly researching technology so that children can easily use these weapons to protect their territory, so they have such simple and easy-to-use weapons.

Of course, that world was eventually destroyed due to the war that spread throughout the world, which is sad.

The explosion of the annihilation bomb instantly swallowed up the five-clawed golden dragon and the so-called Thunder God and Lightning Girl.

The huge energy also swallowed up the dark clouds that stretched for hundreds of miles, evaporating all the cloud layers in it and spreading around in the shape of a ring. Suddenly, the sky was clear and the sun was shining on the carriage, causing everyone to look out the window. .

"I see, I understand."

Qiao Mu looked at the three anomalies that had disappeared and suddenly felt that he had grasped something.

simply put.

Qiao Mu now knows a few rules about abnormalities.

First of all, exceptions cannot be eliminated, because exceptions are the embodiment of rules, and rules are abstract concepts that will only change but never disappear.

Secondly, anomalies have the concept of depth, and anomalies can only affect the existence of the corresponding depth, while the Chosen Ones are always on the surface of the polluted sea, causing the Chosen Ones to be able to affect the ordinary world after being alienated.

Finally, anomalies can contaminate and drag each other with knowledge, thus changing their depth.

Because of these rules, the history of human beings fighting anomalies has been repeated, and the impact of anomalies on ordinary people can only be weakened through means such as anchoring.

In this case, there is a way to completely free the entire world from the influence of the anomaly, and that is to eliminate all the chosen ones in the world one by one.

In other words, eighty percent of what the world looks like now is what it looked like after the Chosen One disappeared.

If Qiao Mu walks around the world at this time and gets rid of all these polluted Chosen Ones, then the world will not be affected by external pollution at least for a short period of time.

"It's actually like this."

Qiao Mu didn't know what was happening here, why the previous chosen ones disappeared into the shallows, but now, if Qiao Mu solves all these unanchored anomalies, then the world will be completely safe!

"Lao Da, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Qiao Mu couldn't help but murmured to herself and asked.

In addition, Qiao Mu discovered another thing.

That is, he seems to have mastered the method to completely solve the anomaly.

For the anomalies caused by the previous God's Chosen One, as long as the God's Chosen One is eliminated, the anomalies will lose their support and the rules will be absorbed and plundered by other anomalies. In essence, the power of an anomaly will be dispersed.

But now, the five-clawed golden dragon and the so-called thunder male and lightning female just disappeared, and were annihilated in the explosion.

"The anomaly is gone."

Qiao Mu's intuition told him that this was not an abnormal collapse caused by the disappearance of the chosen ones, but that the original weird rules were wiped out from the world in the explosion.

He quickly thought of something.

According to serious scientific theory, the birth of the entire universe originated from a big bang at a space-time singularity. Before that, there were no physical rules in the space-time singularity.

Then, if there is a space-time singularity to accommodate things, then the basic rules between things will also fail in the space-time singularity.

Qiao Mu's explosion just now did indeed create a space-time singularity equivalent to a small black hole in a short period of time.

In other words, as long as you can throw anomalies into a black hole, you can make them disappear completely.

"So, as long as I blow up everything here, there will be no abnormalities."

Qiao Mu's eyes lit up.

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