"...what is this?"

Kim looked at the green tentacle with trembling eyes.

It was a familiar tentacle.

Sartan's hand, yo.the tentacles attached to the body of the theory

And the tentacles I saw when I went to the place where Rakiel was to save the rainfall.

The hesitation was short.


Leaving Iris's cry behind, he summoned Ludwig the Holy Sword and held him.

He runs toward the Marquis Veroka, who turned into a hideous monster.

With a long welcome, Kim Si-hoon's body flew in the air.


both ends of the day and doing things

The body of the Marquis Veroka, who turned into a beast in one stroke, is split in half.

The green tentacles crack and yellow pus splashes everywhere.

Kim turned around smoothly to avoid pus.

The floor of the imperial family that touched the pus melted down. "Oh, oh, oh!"

The eyes of the aristocrats shone on Kim Si-hoon's duty to cut off the beast with a single knife.

"Ga, save me!"

One of the aristocrats who approached Kim Si-hoon came running urgently.

The woman who identified herself as Tyrande Westwood.

Behind her came an ugly-looking undead that seemed to force eight legs together. A middle-aged man next to her caught her running with a pale look.

"What a little girl like a writer!"

He shouted and pushed Tirande over to the side of the horse. "Come here first!"

He reached out to Kim Si-hoon urgently.





For some reason, Ma Mool just passed by Tirande and aimed for a middle-aged man first.

The man with eight legs twisted around the man and chewed on the back of his neck with rotten teeth.

Red blood was sprinkled all over the place. "Oh, shit!

Kim Si-hoon quickly fired a sword and cut off the beast, but the man whose neck had already been ripped off by the horse's teeth could not stand up.

He's not the only one.

Horrible screams spread throughout the party.

Kim Si-hoon's expression was distorted.

There are too many. It is not a problem to deal with those beasts alone.

But fighting to protect people from the beasts is another problem.

It was impossible for Kim Si-hoon to kill countless objects alone at the same time. 'What's the guard doing?' It's been more than a minute since the disturbance at the party, but there was no sign of the guards arriving.

It's hard to understand that this is a party in the imperial family.

With so many aristocrats gathered, there is no way they could not have left a full army of guards nearby.

But he's not coming.

The only thing I can think about is the attack on the guards.

"My brother..." But he was nowhere to be seen.

I can't even see Han Seol-ah who was at the party with me.

'You have to do it alone.'

Kim Si-hoon firmly held the sword.

We cannot let the beasts be set up like this.


Breathe in deeply.

Pull up the inner workings of the Danjeon and spread them all over the body.

A huge internal attack flows through each blood transfusion. 'Don't be restricted by your brother.'

In fact, there is no technology that can simultaneously wipe out the myriad things that have been thrown into the party.

He was a prosecutor who used a sword to cut things off.

"If the sword is the problem,

Kim Si-hoon closed his eyes and recalled the figure of the sword in his head.

A transparent sword, consisting of an internal air, was made.

Throw away the sword's shape.

Manipulate an intangible sword.

An intangible sword is a weapon consisting of only his inner workings. There is no reason to take the form of a sword.

a very simple idea, a ridiculously simple idea of why I haven't done it so far.

But the changes that the simple idea made were enormous.

Left! Worst! Left!

'Oh, oh?' 'What, what's this?"

Dozens of hands made up of blue swords were shot in all directions.

Hundreds of wild beasts that broke into the party were torn to pieces by blue-black hands.


Some of the beasts ran toward Kim Si-hoon, avoiding his hand.

Kim Si-hoon lowered himself low. If they are after themselves, there is no reason to use an intangible sword anymore.



Take the sword to your waist, as if you were doing a footwork.

His right foot twisted his waist and swung Ludwig.


Aah! A white river rose from Ludwig. The Geomgang River, which increased to nearly 10 meters, split the body of the object running toward Kim Si-hoon in half.


Kim Si-hoon Deeply Breathes and Works


"Wow..." "How can a man be so powerful..."

The nobles who saw Kim Si-hoon's status could not keep their mouths shut.

You've been dealing with the Rebel Five hundred alone? Such a thing is nothing in front of this sight now.

They also knew how powerful the existence of the beast was. "...it's not over yet." Kim Si-hoon's ear coming toward him

He looked at his family and said in a low voice.

He stood by her as if guarding Iris and looked at the wall of the party.

Deep magma felt beyond the wall.



"Keez, keez!

Sure enough. The wall broke and the beasts poured out.

The numbers were smaller than before, but the beasts.

Each person has a different level of spirit.

They weren't rushing in right away, but were looking at Kim from a proper distance.

Kim Si-hoon looked at the beasts with sharp eyes.

They're all undead.’

Of the animals that attacked the party, there were no living ones.

Horrible monsters that seem to have been forced together by the dead.

Therefore, it was rather difficult to deal with.

He runs in regardless of whether he cuts his head or his arms or legs.

I had to cut myself so that I couldn't move completely.


At that time, the communication beads in my arms vibrated.


Kim Si-hoon, who lifted the communication marble, hurriedly asked.

The voice of the rain came out. [Si-hoon, this is the VIP room...]

"Was there an attack on the beast?"


As expected, it was not only the party venue that was attacked.

"Brother, where the hell are these beasts..."

I don't know about that. Oh, you bastards!]

"Okay, are you all right, brother?"

[I'll take care of this first, Si-hoon, you protect her, okay?] "Yes, sir."

Kim nodded his head and put the communications beads in his arms.

'Please gather around me,' he said, looking back at the nobles who survived the attack.

"Oh, I get it!"

'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' 'What the hell are the guards doing?'

The surviving aristocrats gathered for Kim Si-hoon.

Kim Si-hoon stepped forward and fixed the sword again.

In the first attack, aristocrats were spread out in the party, so they could not be saved, but now the story is different.


I spent a lot of time using an intangible sword, but it's still okay.

I can fight.

"Mr. Sihoon..." "Stay behind me, Mrs. Hwang.""

I concentrated my mind in the way of Iris.

He glared at the beasts with sharp eyes.

It is not a problem to deal with a beast.

He looks much stronger than the first ones, but considering his ability to fight the Great Department, this is nothing.

'The problem is.'

They must fight to protect the nobility, including the royal daughter.

The level of difficulty itself is different from fighting alone and having to fight while protecting someone. 'Still.

Grab the sword.

This is what Kangwoo, who is no one else, asked for.


The beasts watching the situation began to rush in.

Kim Si-hoon cut the beast with a sword.

"Oh, my, my men..." A groan came out of Bernach's mouth.

Through the video, Kim Si-hoon was seen being cut off in real time.

"Oh. I had a hard time making undead chimera."

"Well, we can make it again. I'll help you with everything."

The rain lapped Bernac's frustrated shoulder.

About half of the Undead Marmal Corps, which had been piled up for months before coming to the Ernoer continent, flew this time, but it is worth it.

"Hmm. All right, Master."

"More than that, the Devil. It's almost time."


Li Leess's words turned the rain.

Time to celebrate the climax of the Hell party for Kim Si-hoon.

It is time to start the seeds of the end of the world on the Ernoir continent.

'Let's go.'

The heavy rain took a leisurely step toward the party.

I thought about which coin to use this time.’

At first, I thought of foothark.

The demon king, who fell at the expense of the hero Reynald, is invading the continent once again.

It wasn't a bad story.


It was weak.

Unlike Balzhak's boast, Balzhak's position in the Ernoer continent was not very large.

It's kind of ambiguous to create a new character."

There is also a way to present new characters like in the days of Rakiel.

It's not that I shouldn't have sprinkled the four-thousand-king rice cake anyway.


Rain kicked his tongue.

No matter how much you sing the same song, what a famous singer sings and an unknown singer busking on the street can't help but sing.

not in

a fundamental difference in recognition "It's hard to create a new character right now to instill fear of the end of the world."


All continents should be known and feared.

What's that?

I've talked long, but...

'There's only one person who meets the conditions.’

There is nothing to worry about for long.

Rain covered his face with his hands and used the skills he gained when he went to Shade.


A black shadow winds around the body. Bigger, ten on the back.

somebody's black wings sprang up Black wings, but they didn't feel like fallen angels.

A long, elongated head produces sharp teeth.

A goat's horn, pale purple skin, a long tail from the hip.

The red eyes sparkled in a strange light.

The Great Prince of Oman, Lucifer. In Hernore, the body is transformed into a creature called a demon.

'All right.'

The perfect transformation made Kangwoo giggled.

Kim Si-hoon stepped to the party where he was fighting the beast.

'Let's get started.

Take a deep breath.

Throw up.


Demon Lower, which transcended the realm of sound, shook the whole party.

Hundreds of beasts parted from side to side, straining their heads toward him.

Stretching. Stuttering.

"You, you..."

I could see Kim Si-hoon's eyes shaking.

Rain said as if singing, twisting up his mouth.

Good to see you again, human beings.]

Put your right arm in front of your chest, slightly bending your back.

As if the butler were greeting the owner, he spoke in a polite manner.

I'm a stooge. I am a mocker. The master of Ma, who is intoxicated with arrogance, is doomed to destruction.

Hey, Shiva. Didn't I throw up for a week thinking about this line? Huh? You guys know that?


Slowly lift up your back.

[It's Lucifer.]

silence at the party

A breathtaking fear spread over the return of evil spirits. All right, all right!

The idea of success crossed my mind.

He desperately held back a laugh that was about to burst out.

"Ahhhhaha! That's the reaction!'

His shoulders were lifted unknowingly when he saw the terror-stricken people.

It was then.

"Honey, honey!"

A middle-aged woman hiding in a corner called him. "Honey! Where did he disappear and now..."

She shivered incredibly.

With tears around his eyes, he ran to himself and hugged him.

"Huh. I missed you. I've been looking forward to seeing you again, my love."

Rain lowered his head toward the woman with light silver hair.


Who are you?

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