"Do you... know Rakiel?"

Kim Si-hun opened his eyes widely and asked.

Rain has opened its mouth and is unable to reach the horse.

'No, you dog..'

My head is stunned.

Corrupted Angel Sarakeel concept is his own creation.

I didn't even think about it very carefully.

Thinking roughly about the 4,000 king's settings, I said, "Oh, I think I should give you an angel of corruption." I only made it in five seconds with this idea.

By the way.

Raphael knows that?

'It's not the front and back.'

I got tired of the look of rain.

Rafael also opened his mouth with an incredibly complex expression.

"I don't understand. How the hell did Rakiel... break Seraphim's seal? There are other holy places..."


"Oh, I'm sorry."

Raphael raises his head.

Kim Si-hoon asked as if he was frustrated.

"Who the hell is Rakiel?"


A short silence flowed.

Raphael closes his eyes and is submerged in contemplation.

After a while of pondering, he sighed deeply and spoke.

"I can't help talking about Rachael unless I see him in person or taboo."

Raphael said with deep sunken eyes.

"Rachiel is the name of an angel corrupted by the temptation of Paul, who drank in ancient mythological times. Now... you take the seat of the Holy City of Evil."


Rain opened its mouth.

The scale was too big to know what to ask first.

'No, it's another myth, Val X.'

You want to go beyond the mixnut and punch everything you can just punch?

My head became zinc.

"... I don't think I have enough explanation for my expression."

"Suddenly, I can't tell if I'm drinking mythology."

"I see. All of Titan's records are gone on Earth. Hmm.. It will be a long explanation."

Raphael spoke with a distressed expression.

"There was chaos in the beginning."

'Look at the scale. Yeah, I'll give you some chaos.'

"In that chaos...."

'What, you're just born with darkness and light?'

"Darkness and light were born."

"Shit, you're really born. '

Rain looked at Raphael with an absurd look.

The same is true of Kim Shi Hoon.

Suddenly, it's hard to see what the scale across the universe should respond to.

If someone other than Raphael had said that, he would have fallen behind and told you not to talk nonsense.

Raphael spoke in a loud voice, whether he knew their reaction or not.

"It was Titan who was born in that darkness and light."


"Titans built their own creatures, and the land where they would live."

"Is that angels and demons?"

"It also includes humans. No, it would be right to say everything. Gaia and the other gods were created by Titan in the end."


"One of those titans is Paul, who drank it."

Rain grabbed her head.

'What the hell is this?'

No, what myth comes out of using the name Rachael once?

Rain restlessly organized the story of growing scale into one head.


It's a futile story.

'I've seen that before.'

Now I think of a wizard who gives all kinds of precious magic items to the Guardians.

When I went to soothe the sorcerer suffering from labor, there was a howl he said.

Ahhh! If you do this, 'The Book of Hekate' will be forever..!

I remember asking who Hye-kate was in desperation.

I remembered that time.

He stands at the pinnacle of magic among the titans during the time of mythology! Even if all magic is derived from him, it is no exaggeration. We are obliged to seek his knowledge, the true magic truth..

No, your duty is to pay off the debt.

You, you crook!!

So who told you to stamp it with a badge? Now, stand right there. It's time to work.

Aaaaaah!! You demon bastard!

Demons are right, insoles.


At that time, I thought one of my labour-stricken wizards had spit out some nonsense, but now it feels a little different.


In fact, you don't even have to go to Hekate.

Rain snow thinned.

I remembered one being in the depths of the Great War, Abyss.

It's a huge mess.

A monster so enormous that you can't even guess its size.

'If his identity is Titan.'

Exactly, if it's Paulie.

I was right about the frown.

Rain, which confirmed that Raphael's words were somewhat credible, was not just delusional nonsense, focused on his words.

"Paul, who drank, had endless hatred for all the creatures that Titan had made."

"Did you have a period?"


"No, let me explain."

"Hmm. In fact, it is not said why the drinking has such hatred. However, it is said that there was a great war between Masin and the gods who possessed the most power of Titan's creatures."

"I think the story is going to the mountain... So who is Rakiel after all?"

"One of those beings who stood by the side of drink in that war and tried to destroy the world."

"Then, the one who was on the side of the drink..."

"We call them the 'Holy City of Evil.'"


Rain kept its mouth shut firmly.

Honestly, I'm not impressed anymore.

It's too big a scale to say, "Oh, you did, fuck."

"So... who was the winner of the war? No, there's nothing to ask."

If Paulie wins, there's no way the world will remain intact.

Raphael nods.

"Celestial Serraphim, Gaia, and the Celestial Dragon have joined forces to kill the spirit. And I divided the carcass of the drink into three parts and sprinkled it on each side of the world."

'And I ate one of them.'

Roughly the same picture was drawn.

To some extent, I understood what I didn't know.

However, not all questions have been resolved.

"Three questions."


Rain asked in a deep sunken voice.

"You said it was a war between Bauli and the other Titans... What were the other Titans doing?"

On the other hand, Paul is an outlaw who tries to kill creatures made of balls.

It didn't make sense to leave him alone.

Raphael spoke in a heavy voice.

"There was an alien invasion."


"Not much is known about them. It's just that... Titans call them vanity."

"Then the other titans..."

"I was fighting the existence of vanity. In between, countless titans died. Paul aimed for the gap and moved on."

'What a scumbag in the world..'

Rain made me laugh like it was absurd.

By analogy, the village is on fire, but instead of turning off the fire, it's like moving to steal money through chaos.

Rain frowned and spoke.

"So… here's the second question."

Rain sweeps up his hair and opens his mouth.

Now that I heard the myth, there was one thing I couldn't understand.

"Why do you think the demon of prophecy is Satan?"

If the angels know this myth, then of course the first thing they should doubt is that Paul drank it.

There was no such thing as the great name 'Devil of Prophecy' that matched the drink.

'Wouldn't you have doubted it because Paulie was dead?'


Rain shakes his head.

Satan died when he was beaten to death.

If it is divine, it is not completely killed unless it annihilates the soul itself.

And Guyana, Seraphim, and the Celestial Dragon failed to extinguish even Paulie's soul.

'With that evidence.'

Paulie is now alive in the depths of the Great War.

I don't know why I was inside before, but one thing was clear.

That the drink wasn't completely dead.

And it must have been better known by the gods who killed him himself.

'Then wait.'

Rain snow shines.

Was it me, not the devil of prophecy? '

It is a sufficiently likely conjecture.

From the information given so far, all circumstances pointed to Paul as the Devil of Prophecy.

"What is it? It's not the front or the back. '

I was confused in my head.

Gaia said, 'I don't know who the devil of prophecy is.'

However, it is clear from Guyana's point of view that Paul's soul was not extinguished.

Don't you know? '

Rain shakes his head.

Even if you don't know it, you're right to suspect Paulie first.

But why?

Guyana did not know who the devil of prophecy was.

"Phew. That's what's most confusing right now."

Raphael sighs deeply.

"It is Uranos who informed us of the existence of the devil of prophecy."

It's a name I've heard of.

On behalf of Guyana, he said that God is protecting the planet now.

The rain nodded.

"Of course we also suspected Paulie at first. But he listened to Gaia himself... and said that the devil of prophecy was different from Paul."


Rain kept its mouth shut firmly.

I turned my head and looked at Guy in a wheelchair.

She was quite bold, as if she already knew about this myth.


"… Yes. When the revelation first came down, I remember saying it."

If Guyana's incarnation warrants it, Rafael may not know it wrong.

Rain snow trembled.

"Not Paulie? '

Then who..


Rain grabbed her head.

If Paul is not the devil of prophecy, the choice is one anyway.

It's me, Val X. '

Maha, 666 powers.

In the first place, it was only Paul and himself who met this condition.

'Wait, then, you son of a......'

Rain snow grew.

The puzzles, which were dizzily scattered, were connected together.

'Fuck... That's how it happened.'

Paul knew about the prophecy.

I also anticipated that the gods, including Guyana, would try to find and kill themselves through prophecy.


I hid from the prophecy.

I made a puppet called "Oh Gangwoo" in it.

In Guyana's view, it would be an insane habit.

It is clear that Paul is the devil of prophecy, but prophecy refers to the wrong existence.

Even if two beings are using the same body, they are clearly different.

No wonder there is a confusion in prophecy.

The same situation as finding your way with a broken compass.


Rain kept its mouth shut firmly.

The fact that it was being used by other beings was very, very unbearably offensive.

'I don't think he's what he thinks he is, either.'

Paul, who was crawling out of the abyss, remembered that the time of prophecy had come.

The moment he absorbed his own flesh, he would have intended to plunder his body.

By the way.

'I failed.'

The puppet who tried to use the prophecy as a warp shield trampled him so that he could not crawl out of the abyss.

Rain closed my eyes.

I cleared up my thoughts.

The Devil of Prophecy, Paul, doesn't care about himself right now.

'The important thing is now.'

Something about Rachael.

"Phew. No wonder you're confused."

Raphael murmurs with a grumpy expression.

"If it isn't Paul or Satan... I don't know now. But seeing Rachiel following the Devil of Prophecy, Paul would be the Devil of Prophecy... No, there is no sign that he is resurrected..."

"So that's the last question."

I cut off Raphael's words, which are slanderous.

I remembered what Raphael said when I heard Raphael's name earlier.

"What do you mean the seal is broken?"

Raphael's eyes trembled.

There was a conflict on his face.

Don't hesitate to tell me.

Rain opened his mouth.

"We're on the same boat anyway. I know you don't trust us completely, but if you keep hiding it like this, you won't be able to deal with the great evil."


It is theoretical.

Raphael sighs deeply.

"After he succeeded in killing Machine, Seraphim sealed the sacred sacraments of evil at his own expense."

"Then now that Rakiel has appeared..."

"You should see that the seal is broken."

"That's it!"

Rain pretended to surprise Jim.

He was making all sorts of serious expressions on the outside, but in the inside he shouted "Long live" with his fist on fire.

'Oh, you didn't have to worry.'

I don't know about Raphael.

Rachael's seal has not been broken.

No wonder it wasn't Rachael himself who appeared this time in the first place.

In other words, as long as he is sealed, it means that it doesn't matter if he behaves in the name of Rakiel.

'You thought the coins you made were ruined right away.'

As in Satan's time, when Rachael himself is salted and appears, it doesn't make things complicated.

I nodded with a relieved expression.

'Fortunately, it's not broken yet....'

"Phew. In the end, what Michael was worried about..."


"That again... What do you mean? You were worried?"

"Hah. Yes. In fact, there was a sign."


Raphael nods.

"Several years ago, Seraphim's power suddenly began to weaken. The seal will be loosened... It was foreseen some time ago."

"... Yes, I see."

"But no matter how much... How can the power of Seraphim vanish so vainly?"

The rain nodded.

On the outside, I pretended to understand it with a child, but not at all.

'No, does this make sense?'

What the hell is going on here?

I wanted to take a breath, but now that Rakiel's seal's been sealed, it's been a long time.

Rain is unpretentious, making things complicated in my head right now.

"This is a coincidence? '

Rain shakes his head. There can't be a coincidence that it seems to fit like this.


At that time, the two eyes of rain grew larger.

There was something going on.

"When exactly did the seal begin to weaken?"

"Three years ago."


Rain bowed its head.

Three years ago.

It is when the Devil Bridge begins to fly suddenly, and a demon begins to appear in the gate.

When the Guyanese system breaks down and begins to be exposed to the effects of aliens.

And then.


Squeeze your head.

"It's me again? '

It was a time when a human returned to Earth in 10,000 years.

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