Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

Pure white executioner, Ludwig (1)

"Devil of Prophecy, yo?"


Guyana and Kim Shi Hoon's expression became agitated.


Demon of Prophecy.

Owner of the Macau Sea, with 666 powers.

The existence of a Guyanese system that protects the planet and allows alien invasion to take place.

A demon who killed a guardian and ruthlessly killed a warrior named Raynald.

The thorax of evil.

The source of evil.


How can you not be surprised that the story of the devil has flowed from the mouth of the assistant of the realm?

"Yes, do you know anything about the Devil of Prophecy?!"

Kim Shi Hun grabbed Ludwig's shoulder with an excited expression.

Ludwig shakes his head with a heavy expression.

"Rafael said he didn't know about the evil existence of the Devil of Prophecy until he talked to the gods of Earth. Hearing what he did... it was horrible."

I shook my head like I didn't want to imagine.

"I heard that the Apostle of Tyrion, the hero, also killed him."



The group shed resilience on that sublime name.

At that time, Rain's expression, which even saw tears in Raynald's death, became rough.

"Can you help me find Satan?"

Devil of Prophecy.

Kim Si-hun, who was deeply traumatized by the demon, asked in a somewhat excited voice.

Ludwig nods.

"Yes. Before that... Raphael said that the devil of prophecy might not be Satan."


"What are you talking about!!"

In shocking words, Guyana, Kim Shi Hun and Rain's expression stiffened.

Among them, the look of rain made me pale.

Ludwig's words followed.

"The devil Rafael knows has no Maha. In the worst case, Satan is not the devil of prophecy, but possibly his own.."

"Not likely."

With a decisive voice, the rain opened its mouth.

"Why do you think that is?"

"In the past, something happened against Satan. And he said that he got Mahjong out of his mouth. It is unthinkable that Satan is the devil of prophecy."


Ludwig nods.

"I see. If Satan said he had the Horse Sea himself... He must be the devil of prophecy."


A short silence flowed.

I opened my mouth in a low rainy voice.

"But how do you intend to find the devil of prophecy?"

"This is it."

Ludwig reaches out.

A glorious herd of light gathered and a white sword appeared.

"This is Ludwig the Holy Sword."



Ludwig nods.

He turns his head towards Guyana with a faint smile.

"I gave up my real name just like her. This is my life, this is everything."

Ludwig strokes the white sword with his hand.

"This sword can only be used by pure souls, who have not been bitten by this black evil. It has a very good ability to find the horse. With this sword, you will know the exact location of the Mahmoud Sea."

He touches the censorship as if he were proud.

Kim Shi-hoon stepped forward.

"If so…."

"No, I'm sorry, but we can't use it right now."

Ludwig shakes his head with a bitter smile.

A white Holy Sword is scattered in the air.

"It seems that the sword has not yet adapted to this world. The light of the Holy Sword is not maintained."

"When can I use the Holy Sword?"

"About a week, perhaps? I think we can use it afterwards."

Ludwig said with a nice smile.

"In the meantime, won't you tell me about Earth? I'm a little embarrassed to say this... but honestly, I'm very interested in this world."

Ludwig's eyes sparkled.

Guyana and Kim Si-hoon smiled at him as he was naive.

"Hahaha. I'll guide you."

Kim Shi Hun stepped out and said.

They smiled and entered the gate to the Hall of Protection.

Four light watchmen who followed Ludwig followed him.

* * *

"I did a good job watching. Earth's civilization... Haha. It's hard to find an expression to say. It was amazing."

Ludwig smiled with the above-mentioned expression.

A sky-rising building and a city full of gray.

The capital of the Arnan Empire was a wondrous civilization.

"Next time, I'll also introduce you to the food on Earth."

"I'm looking forward to it. So we're going back to the grasslands."


"Yes, we need to find traces of Lucifer there."

I nodded without hesitation.

Guyana opened her mouth.

"It's already late today, so why don't you sleep in the Hall of Protection tomorrow?"

"No, you can't rest in the grave task of destroying the Ma."

"Can we help you?"

"It's okay."

A resolute voice.

Guyana's expression hardened momentarily in a tone that seemed to be cut with a knife, but I found a smile again.

"I see. I can't help it if you say so. We'll give you a communication crystal bead, so please contact us if you need to contact us."

"Thank you."

The mood to break up.

At that time, Kim Shi Hun stepped forward.

He gave out a small pendant towards Ludwig.

A design pendant with angel wings wrapped around the cross.

"This is…."

"I snuck it because you were watching it a while ago. To give you a gift for the anniversary of coming to Earth."


Ludwig shimmered his eyes and shed elasticity.

"Thank you! I thought you were a pretty pendant, but even this gift..."

"It's nothing."

"No, at least it's a very big gift for me. Thank you very much, Mr. Sihun."

The two shook hands with each other.

Guyana smiles at them when they meet for the first time.

I thought that there might be a good friend for Kim Si-hun who didn't exist to be called a friend.

"Well, I'll call you when I find traces of Lucifer."

Ludwig bowed deeply with polite gestures.

A white gate opens and Ludwig and four Light Watchers enter it.

When they first arrived, there was a desolate meadow.

Looking beyond the meadow, Ludwig opens his mouth.

"You guys are really nice."

"Yes, I'm glad the apostles in Guyana are cooperative."

"Hahaha. You seem pretty good, too."

Ludwig smiled brightly.

"I think I can use it well enough to fight the devil."

"Ah... I see."

Priests of embarrassing voices.

Ludwig nods vigorously.

"Yes! At first I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use it as a lure to lure demons, but it was more than I expected."


"Lou, Ludwig."


One of the priests listened carefully.

"Still... wouldn't it be a problem to use Guyanese people like that? But if you say Guyana, the supreme god..."

"Ah, I think it was wrong to use it."

Ludwig smiled.

He graciously stroked the pendant he had handed over to Kim Si-hoon.

"Sacrifice. Right, sacrifice. Sacrifice is necessary to destroy all the horses in the world."


"Guardians will also be proud to lose their lives in the battle against the devil. Cancer, by the way."

"I see."

"Don't forget, folks."

Ludwig said resolutely towards the priests looking at him.

"We must not hide our means and methods in order to destroy the Holy Spirit. Even with so many sacrifices... Yes, even if the earth is literally destroyed, it must be ruled out as much as the Devil of Prophecy and Satan. You all know that, right?"

"Absolutely not!"

Demon of Prophecy, Satan. The demon prophesied by God was not just a threat to the planet.

Raphael said the demon of the prophecy that destroyed the Earth is likely to target angels on the next continent of Ernore.

'I can't let that happen.'

To ease his grief, the devil of prophecy had to kill him at all costs.

Even if there is one thing that drives all of Guyana's people to limb.

"Hahaha! Thank God. Don't worry. Sacrificing a horse to destroy it is a noble deed. Even after death, the soul crosses into heaven and receives true salvation."

Ludwig's mouth went up.

His beautiful blue eyes, reminiscent of the sea, bundled with pure white madness.

The priests stared at Ludwig, trembling.

His tinnitus naturally came to mind.

A pure white executioner, Ludwig.

It was his name called among the watchmen of light.

* * *


The profanity that did not come out of fostering was hovering in my mouth.

It's complicated in my head. I felt like I couldn't get in.

A dark plan. The rain on the bed is tearing her head off.

'Damn it.'

He bites his lips with a restless expression.

'I thought you had a way to find the Mahat.'

It was unclear if that Holy Sword Ludwig could break through Magi's Dominator effect and find the Horse Sea.

It was not only very effective at detecting Magi, but it was also likely that it would not be possible to find Magi once it was completely concealed as the dominant Magi.


Rain shined sharply on her eyes.

After all, it could not remain silent as long as there was an appreciable risk.

'You have to use your hands.'

A week before the Holy Sword Ludwig is used.

In the meantime, action should be taken.


Shut your mouth firmly.

My head spins fast.

"Turn into Satan and raid?" '

It's a good way. However, it was used during the Guardians' warehouse raid and Raynald's raid.

'You can't keep using it over and over again.'

Lizards are also caught when their tails are long.

If you insist on the same way in a circle pattern, you will only feel 'heterogeneity'.

In other words, the timing of Satan's appearance is so appropriate that it is likely to buy suspicion.

'It's not good.'

Continuing to adhere to one way is sowing more doubts everywhere.

Otherwise, we cannot adhere to the same methods presented in the courtyard, even to the possibility that the devil of prophecy may not be Satan.

"If so…."

I kept thinking, and the words I heard from Ludwig passed through my head.

This sword can only be used by pure souls, which are not bitten by the Black Evil.

Rain's eyes sparkled.

'Yes, there was a way!!'

His mouth twisted up.

If only a pure soul could use that sword.

'You can corrupt me!'

White is my taste that should be soiled.

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