Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

Satan, The Devil Does Not Stop (1)

What the...?

A confounding voice flows from Lucifer's mouth, the demon who looks beyond the crystal bead.

I saw Satan in a red demon mask and Lucis trampled under his feet.

What have you done, Satan? Why is Lucis there?

He opens his eyes and asks in a voice with a violent livelihood.

Satan empowered Lucis' foot.


A pathetic moan.

Lucis, who fell on the floor, smashed like a fish.

[Well, I don't know? Why don't you ask your son yourself?]

He said in a relaxed voice.

Lucifer's expression hardened.

Satan did not cross the Ernor continent and take Lucis.

There was no way he wouldn't notice if he did.

The number of cases left is one thing.

Rakis Guard.

[Sin, sorry! Lucifer!!]

Rakis Guard, suppressed by Valoc, tightens his head.

It was not difficult to understand what had happened with that short response.

Lucis entered Earth alone, confronted Satan, and lost.

In fact, defeat was already determined at a time when it was against Satan.

Lucis doesn't know, but Lucifer does.

How 'heterogeneous' they are.

And that his son dares not be able to deal with them.

Lucifer's expression is distorted.

Pathetic bastard.

"Oh, Father..."

Lucis trembles as if shocked.

I bitten my lips roughly.

With his head down, his lips trembled.

I felt a complex mass of emotions mixed with fear, regret and anger.

[Well, then.]

Satan relaxed.

The two eyes, visible beyond the red mask, burst into madness.

[You know why this kid didn't kill him?]

I caught the enemy chief's son.

There will be no foolishness in not anticipating its purpose.

Lucifer speaks with a heavy voice.

Kill him.


Installation has no obligation to take care of children without knowing the world. Kill him.

Dry tone.

A dry voice that doesn't even mix...

As cold as an ice field, his eyes turned toward Lucis.

Is it the limit of hybridity after all?


Lucis bites his lips. Tears poured down on his cheek.

My body trembled. I couldn't breathe properly.


Words like the curse that carried his life right provoked him.

So far so many demons have called him a hybrid. In the back, in the front.

The modifier that follows him has never changed.

But it was the first time I heard the sound of "hybrids" from my father, Lucifer.

'It hurts.'

As my heart was torn, my heart ached.

A sensation that blurs the mind.

In that gloomy sensation, a groaning laugh was heard.



[Isn't that your blood?]

It's meaningless.

Cold burning eyes.

Lucifer spoke in a dry voice.

Since when is it important for the devil to have blood?


Don't be so hard on yourself, Satan. Are you expecting blood from a demon who doesn't need reproduction?

Of course I'm asking.

It is ironic that a demon who does not need reproduction in the first place has a passion for blood.

But it is.

[If yes.]

Satan stared at Lucifer.

[Why did you have children?]


Lucifer's mouth was firmly closed.

His words are contradictory.

If it is not precious, if it is meaningless, there is no reason to give birth to Lucis.

If not intentionally, it could have been erased several times during pregnancy.

The idea that the Grand Duke is guilty of abortion is too hopeful.

… It was an accident.


Satan laughed.


Lucifer didn't answer.

Satan raised his hand with a smile. I hit it.

The black blade aims for Lucis' head.

I stared at Lucifer's face, which looks beyond the mirror.


I saw his distorted expression without maintaining peace.

Open your mouth to the urgency, realize what you have done, and awaken your lips.

Satan grabbed the ship and burst the fox.


Does the demon have a blood lust?

Less likely gambling actually resulted when Lucifer and I first got in touch.

If Lucifer really thought Lucis was worth nothing, he would have lost touch.

No, I wouldn't have received it in the first place. There is no reason to receive it.

Lucifer has been contacted and the battle has been divided since the time he made his excuse.

[You've done something pretty cute, too. Is that your father's heart?]


"Oh, Father..."

Lucis shakes his head with a crying voice.

"I'm sorry..."

It's noisy.

Lucifer said in a cold voice.

He looks at Lucis with a complex expression.

How does it feel to be a death sentence for an ironless child to have an accident?

What do you want?

Eventually, the origin.

Lucifer acknowledged that the lead lies in Satan.

Satan spoke in a relaxed voice.

[You already know what I want, right?]


[Yes, Lucifer. Let's wage a war full of blood, slaughter, destruction and madness. A war that kills each other, devours each other, and is called belly.]

I went to Earth and I went even crazier.

Lucifer said he seemed tired.

Satan, he remembers, was not this crazy.

At least dialogue was possible, and judgment was possible.

Do you know where the demons are now?

Mixed voice.

Ernor, Wang, to the Earth where you live.

3 worlds listed. I've never heard of one of them.

The forces of the celestial system seek to exclude demons from all the worlds connected to the Old Hell.

I said it like a chew.

Heaven and hell will be completely isolated from all worlds. You know what this means, don't you?

Sharp eyes stare at Satan.

I will never be able to go back. To heaven and hell.


In Lucifer's subsequent words, Satan kept his mouth firmly shut.

I trembled. I couldn't stand the laughter that was about to burst out.

I grabbed my stomach and laughed.

[What does it matter?]

What did you say?

[What does it matter if you can't go back to Old Hell?]

Are you out of your mind?

[I want to ask.]

The Red Devil Mask tilted.

[Have we ever been sane?]




Trample Lucis' arm.

Black blood came out of the deformed arm.

Lucifer's expression stiffens with a burst of screams.

I tried to pretend to be as uncomfortable as possible, but the expression of anxiety has already been revealed.


Eagle-eyed eyes. Lucifer speaks with a voice full of life.


[Don't you know what to do if you want to make it stop?]

Satan opened his arms.

As if it were night, the darkness consumed the surrounding light.

[Come here, kill me. Otherwise...]

Oops. I twisted my foot. Lucis' deformed arm is broken.

There was a terrible scream again.

I said, stop.

A chewing voice.

Fearful anger is passed over the crystal bead.

Satan laughed.

I spoke calmly.

[Your son will die here.]


Lucifer kept his mouth shut.

He glances at Satan with disgusting eyes.

That's disgusting.


Cheap hostage-taking, aren't you ashamed?

Childhood provocation.

[Since when did we start picking things up?]

Deep sunken eyes.

Madness spoke with glittering eyes.

[Do you want recognition for the devil's fight? Did you expect morality and conscience? Did you think of a legitimate and beautiful battle? On the right lines, did you want us to engage in unpleasant discussions with each other?]


[Wake up, Lucifer. We did not. I've never fought like that. Do you remember the fight with the Demon King? What did we do then? Did you fight purely for the sake of legitimacy?]

I didn't.

Abduction was a fundamental crime, and all sorts of ploys, bigotry, misunderstandings and fights continued in the mourning.

I defeated the Demon King's men and dragged the bombs to attack the Demon King's army.

They spread plagues and curses to exterminate demons serving the Demon King.

He also brutally dismantled his precious subordinates.

[Now come and pretend to wear a good mask? Begging for mercy and concessions? I'm even more disgusting. What made you so pathetic?]


[Do you want to blame me? Do you want to insult the lowly hostage act of kidnapping and threatening your son?]

Satan bowed his head.

A red mask that approaches the crystal bead.

Beyond that, the eyes were shining yellow.

[Then come, Lucifer. Fight with rage, blind to hatred. And.]

Loud laughter.

[Kill me.]


I heard a huge beep.

The huge throne on which Lucifer was sitting was shattered.

Last, to. I'll make you a suggestion, Satan.

A repressed voice.

It was said that he was desperately pressing the fury that was rising to the end of his head.

If I give up everything now and go there, the next target of angels is you.

I spoke with a deep sinking voice.

Do not expect the angels to go to the affected continent without first looking for you. Their next target will be Satan, you. I will make it so.

Mixed intimidation.

Sniff. Lucifer's crystal bead, which he couldn't stand, began to crack.

A situation where you can see how angry he is.

There is no winner in this fight. I will lose everything, whether I win or lose. Will you still fight me?


Satan did not answer.

Slowly, I stepped on Lucis' other arm.


Lucis' scream of pain.

The answer was enough with this.

[Who do you think I am? Death, the end, anger. I'm Satan. I don't care if I'm the God of heaven. Tell them to come. Come, tell him to fight me. No matter what you say, I won't stop.]

Why is that?

'It's not my job! Ouch! Ouch!'

Satanic Coin Breadcrumbs! Aaaaaah!

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