Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

Welcome to the Palace of Joseon (2)

"Credit loans?"

Cardmembers curl their heads and turn their heads towards their fellow wizards.

The expression that everyone knows about that word is puzzling.

Wizards mostly inherit knowledge by lineage.

I have been stuck in a tower since I was a kid, digesting huge amounts of studies and spending my whole life researching.

Because of this, I didn't have to listen to words like credit loans themselves.

"What is that?"

"I've never heard of it, have you?"

"I've never seen one before..." "

The wizards were puzzled and looked at each other.

There were thirty wizards, but no one knew it was a loan.

Rain's eyes sparkled.

I smiled widely.

"Credit lending is the concept of lending money based on your credit."


"Borrowing money?"

"That's right. It's actually quite complicated when you go deep, but... it's simple. It's the idea of borrowing money and taking this guy."

"Ah! It's like a bank."

"That's right."

The rains nodded with a nice smile.

A wizard said in a worrying voice.

"But can we borrow money now? I need credit…."

I blurred my end.


Now they're like a penniless beggar.

I have no home to go back to, no work to do.

I was homeless or sitting on the street, and there was no way that credit existed.


"Goddamn demons...!"

Faced with their situation, the wizards grip their fists as if angry.

The Wizard Tower has been selling magic items to senior members of society since before the turbulent day.

Since the player was born, magic has become a very everyday realm, but it was different before that.

You could make a lot of money selling simple protective magic artifacts to stop bullets.

Through him, the Tower of Wizards has accumulated a lot of goods, and at least in money, he has lived a life of freedom.

But the Demon Church crushed the Demon Tower, and all the great goods in it fell into their hands.

"Don't worry."

Rain gave them the documents in their hands, as if they were prepared for this situation.

Documents translated into a language they could read meticulously.

At the top of the document was written '3rd Financial Garrison and Cash'.

"Garrish and Cash?"

"What does third party finance mean?"

Wizards who curl their heads.

A friendly explanation of the rains followed.

"Third finance is a magical, circle-like concept, where two finances are more liquid than one, and three finances are more liquid than two."


"Three circles is too high..."

"Oh, that's not entirely like magic. On the financials side, three financials are the highest level."

"Oh, I see."

The wizards nod as if they understood.

They exchanged eyes with each other.

With the help of the Guardians, I realized that I had never been able to say thank you after leaving slavery.

He bows his head as if ashamed. I sighed.

The card came forward.

"Introducing the third finance... Thank you very much."

Cardmembers seemed genuinely moved.

Honestly, at first I was just thinking about using him.

With the help of the Guardians, I was only thinking of clearing my slave life and gaining knowledge of the 'source' through Hecate's book.

Even when I found out that Hecate's book had been lost, I was upset and behaved rudely.

I know how disrespectful it is to catch the silver man who saved his life, even though he is a sorcerer lacking in sociability.

'And yet....'

The snow wool became red.

Even though they were so desperate, their hearts became clumped in the face of him who cared so much for them.

Helped me do my research and get the funding I needed to do my research.

I was ashamed of myself for calling the Guardians a hoe group.

"Thank you... Thank you very much."


I grabbed the hand of the card family with a gentle smile.

The warmth of man and man. Warm body temperatures exchanged.

I smiled at the price of the card.

Rain sighed and spoke.

"I'm sorry. If I had more authority, I would fund it right away.."

"No, that's fine. Somewhere just because I can borrow money."

"Do you know about interest?"

"Well…. Shouldn't you pay more than you borrowed?"

"That's right, it's kind of a rental fee."

The rain took a deep sigh.

"3rd Financial Garrison & Cash can distribute more money than credit, but there is one problem."


"This interest is expensive."


A short silence poured down.

The card reader who saw the wizard said.

"But isn't there a research grant from the Guardians later anyway?"

"That's right. If you just approve, you'll be right out."

"Then it won't be a problem."

"But if you don't pay this interest quickly, there will be a problem with your credit... Oh, what about this?"

Rain smiled.

"I want you to spend a little more time making magic goods. In Korea, it's called overtime."


"We'll price the magic items we deliver to help you earn money even before you pay for your research support."


"So far…."

An admirer flowed.

The wizards nod their elongated heads. The magic they made was expensive. Of course, it wasn't as ridiculous as before the arrival of the former players, but the magic items were still precious.

I was confident even in qualitative terms.

Among the players, there are those who can make magic items, but they have not been compared to the magic items they made since birth.

"How much is that interest?"

"The monthly rate is 24%. By the end of the month, 24% of the principal goes into the compound."

"Complex? What else is Complex?"

I asked him with a puzzling look.

The rain lightly burst into laughter and spoke.

"It's not a big deal to worry about. Just think of it as a kind of interest."


Silence flowed.

"Can you give me a moment to think?"


The card player turned around. Thirty wizards gathered to start the meeting.

"Twenty percent per month... however expensive it may be?"

"Still, maybe you should lend us some money now."

"If you start making magic items and selling them anyway, won't you pay me back soon?"



The card opens his mouth.

"Then let's do this. It's only until the research grants are available that you create the magic goods."

"Oh. Certainly...."

"But won't you have enough time to recover Hecate's scroll?"

"That's what I heard."

"The most important thing is to recover Hekate's book.."

Wizards who have been troubled.

One of them clapped his hands.

"Ah! Didn't I tell you earlier that Aung Woo would comply with the labor hours of a large Korean company?"

"I did."

"But what exactly is the labor time at the large company level…."

"Huhuhuhu. I've heard about the big company's working hours before."


Surprise eyes.

A wizard who speaks of a large corporation nods with arms crossed.

"It's Germany, not Korea, but... roughly six hours a day. Eight hours of overtime there."

"Well... I don't have enough time to research."

"But there's a holiday."

"Oh, I see. I didn't think of that."

The wizards nodded.

Six to eight hours a day. I thought I could do enough if the holiday was guaranteed.

"At least it's a lot better than life now."

"Haha. Compared to the life under the devil."

Wizards' opinions were gathered.

Cardmembers moved as representatives.

"I'll take the offer."

"You're a wise choice. Sign this document right away. As soon as we go to Korea, we will lend you KRW 300 billion in initial research and development grants."


Cardmembers reached out to Rain before signing.

"Thank you. I'll never forget you."


I smiled.

"Let us work together for world peace."

Rain once again grabbed his hand.

* * *

Time has passed.

A magic goods factory built in Korea.

Useful magic items made by Wizards of the Tower were supplied to the Guardians at a fast rate.

Equipment engraved with enchantments ranging from self-defense artifacts to effects.

Scrolls and potions that can be useful in emergency situations.

A quality magic item handcrafted by the Wizards of the Tower amplified the Guardians' power one step higher.


"Car, there's a card!!"

"Are you okay?!"

The card maker who was making magic items collapsed.

The wizards rushed to him.

The faces of the wizards were more superficial than the ones that had been enslaved by the devil.

The overworked card holder reaches for less trembling hands.

"We have to make more, more... If not, more interest..." "

"I have a card!!!"

"Wake up!!"

Crying all over.

Sweet cock.

The door is open.

Rain walked into the dark factory with fire.

"How are you, gentlemen?"

"Hey, you!"

"You scumbag!!!"

The gaze of anger and hatred focused on the rain.

Rain smiled widely.

"What's the matter, gentlemen? It wasn't me who stamped the papers, it was you."

"This is a scam!!"

"It's not a scam. Haven't I explained enough?"

I burst into laughter.

"You son of a bitch!!!!"

Phew. The fallen card holder woke up like he was having a seizure.

He ran towards the rain.



The result was almost impossible, as the Wizard ran without using magic.

Moaning came out of the mouth of the card holder who was suddenly strangled and beaten.

"Don't get excited, Mr. Cardman. Haven't you woken up even once before?"

"Ugh. Ugh."

The card holder's face was terrified.

He muttered in a really young voice.

"The restoration of Hekate's book is... the truth..."

A sense of getting further and further away.

"You don't have to work so hard to find the truth, Mr. Card. Truth is surprisingly simple."


Rain turned to the wizards gathered in the factory.

Inside a crowded factory that makes garbage a mess. It was full of the stench of rotten food.

"Gentlemen, man must eat. You need to eat unless you're a demon."

Rain lifted a bag of noodles off the ground.

"And you need money to buy something to eat."

I twisted my mouth.

"You have to work to make money."

I knocked on the card holder's shoulder.

"Hahaha. How's the card? The truth is surprisingly simple and close, isn't it?"

"You, you dog..."

"If you want to eat at least one meal a day, get to work."

I said it like it was fun.

"No bread is given to those who do not work."

"You crook...!"

"How do you want to work all day! I want to work overtime!! You can make me go to work on holiday too!!"

"I told you I promised to work at the large company level!!"

Greetings coming from all over.

"I never lied."

The rains opened their arms as if they didn't care.

"Didn't you promise to work at the Korean large company level?"

"Yes! It must be..."

"This is just that much work. Oh, of course you have a huge debt, so it's a little bit tighter. But you can't help it, can you? It's all your choice."

The silence flowed.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you this. Haha. It's been a few months since you came to Korea, but it's funny to say this now.."

He lowered his back with a nice smile.

"Welcome to Korea."

(Hel) Welcome to Chosun's Palace.

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