Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

Survivor of Demon Tower (1)

Woodpeck. Woopeck!

Horrible fractures that break bones.

As the muscles danced, the condensed black liquid flowed through the sweat glands.


I shed elasticity in my heart.

It's like being reborn, a strange sensation.

It wasn't as horrible as I often heard.

Rather, I felt refreshed as if I was scratching an itch.

Time has passed.

I slowly opened my eyes.

I inhaled and put the air in the forest into my lungs. An unspeakable sense of clarity.

My body is as light as a feather.

I reach for the sword through the belly of the rain.

A blue energy has been applied to the sword. The sword escapes as if it were a living life. The rainy body collapsed.


I reached out lightly. Even though the psychic uses psychic energy, the body of the falling rain is overwhelmed by blue energy.

The rainy body slowly lay on the ground.

A blue energy covered his wound.

Surprisingly, a drop of blood was not flowing out where the sword escaped.

'We have to get this over with.'

After all, stitching the wound using the Mystery of the Victory Sword was only temporary.

To heal the wounds, I had to go back to Korea through the Hall of Protection and call Hansulah.

[What is this?!]

I saw Yogsaron panicking.

I turn around. I raise my hand and hold the sword. My hands were no longer trembling.

"Yog, Saron."

I said that name like a chew.

His most hated demon, the enemy's subordinate who cannot be under the same sky.

A prototype that put Guyana in danger and pierced the rain with its own hands.


There was no reason to keep him alive.

It exuded life.

[Damn it! How did you escape the influence of seeds?!]

The expression is incomprehensible.

[Humans can't stand the desires of demons!]

"Don't bullshit me, demon."

I ran without hesitation, holding my sword in my hand.

Obviously, the devil's desire was intense, as Yogsaron said.

No drug would be comparable to the phenomenon of abstinence that the devil's desire evokes.


It can be overcome.

He proved it.

It crashed to the bottom, but it barely crawled up from the end of the Naraka.

It was not 'impossible'.

"I'm not letting you do what you want."

I stepped on a real angle and threw out my sword. The sword that left his hand freely crossed the air as if it were a living creature.

'Cheonryong Il Island ()'

The light flashes. The blue energy cuts through the space and slashes Yogsaron's body.

[You petty human!!!]

A battle followed.

It was different from the first time I was overwhelmed.

Kim Si-hoon's body creates a blurred image and moves at an enormous speed.

Kwaang! Kwaang!


I felt that way.

You can do things that you couldn't.

The movement that I thought only in my head unfolded naturally.

The fact that swords and hands could not be physically joined together allowed for marvelous movements.

[Argh!! I mean, damn it!]

The further the battle, the more Yogsaron's wounds increased.

The skin was torn and the green tentacles were cut off.

Yogsaron nods with an urgent expression.

He put his hand in his arms. I grabbed a black bead.

[You... don't think this will end.]

I looked at him with lively eyes.

Ripped. You smashed the Black Bead in the hand.

A black crack appeared and swallowed Yogsaron's body.

"You think you're gonna miss it!!"

Kim Si-hoon sprints at a fast pace.

Yogsaron shook his hand. Undead troops full of surroundings began to rush towards Kim Si-hun.


Kim Shi Hun killed the runaway undead with a sword.

But the number of undead is hundreds.

Even though I woke up, I couldn't deal with this number of monsters in an instant.


It was time to chase Yogsaron who was about to disappear into the cracks.

I saw the undead running in the direction of Guyana and the rains falling while fainting.

"... damn it."

I couldn't chase the devil until I gave up two people.

Kim Si-hoon stares at Yogsaron with a lively gaze biting her lips.

[Don't forget, man.]

The gaze of Yogsaroon and Kim Si-hoon crossed.

[After all, it's us who win!]

He stretched out his arms and shouted in a frenzied voice.

[Everything according to Satan's will!!]

Yogsaron's body completely disappeared into the crack.


Kim Shi Hun kept his mouth shut as he looked at Yogsaron disappearing.

Seeing the place disappear with sharp eyes, he turns his head.

I couldn't afford to care less about the escaped demon now.


"Brother! Brother Rain!!"

"Sihun, ah?"

The downpour caused the body to collapse.

Kim Si-hoon hurriedly approached the rain with tears.

Rain looked at Kim Shi-hoon and smiled faintly.

"Well, you believed you could make it."

"Oh, don't get up by force, brother! The wound..."

"The one who regenerated my arm with my blood worries about it. I'm gonna get killed right away, but it's okay if you don't, man."

Rain healed the wounds pierced by the sword with a bitter smile.

However, even if the wound is healed, the damage of the flesh remains.

Rain that was causing my body to twist.


"That's it. What the hell happened more than that? Why did you turn into a demon?"


Kim Shi Hoon blurred his end.

As he continued his troubles, he conveyed to him the words of Yogsaron.

"Seed, Ira."

"… Sorry. This is because of me."


I shook my head.

"It would be better if you and I knew about it first."

"… Yes."

"Don't look so worried."

I tapped my shoulder lightly.

I held Kim Si-hoon's hand firmly with my sword.

"You overcame it with your will, anyway."


"I beat him once, but I can't say twice."

"Such a simple problem…."

"I believe you, Sihun."


There were tears in Kim's eyes.

Terrible fear that he could kill a precious person with his own hands.

In that horror, the words of rain became endless.


'Don't hug me.'

Rain forced me to tear away Kim Si-hun, who burst into tears in her arms.

Kim Shi Hoon looks like an abandoned puppy to his master.

'Don't look so hurt, you bastard.'

Why do you keep after the main hero?

"I wouldn't be the one to hug you like that right now."


"Hmm? Poetry, Mr. Sihun?"

Guyana, who was fainting, carefully raised her body.

I nodded my head with the look of being really embarrassed, not acting.

"Mr. Guy."

"Guardian of Kim Shi Hoon! Uh... So, uh, what happened to the demon?"

Nice Jesu-san! '

Fortunately, he asked in a trembling voice, as if he had now realized his role.

It seemed that Kim Si-hun approached Guyana to support her.

Looking at the smoky face, the rain smiled.


In despair, heroes bloom. Evil demons fled.

The virgin Hiroin was saved.

"This is a novel! '


* * *

[That man, that must be great.]

A week after the awakening of Kim Si-hun, which is like a battle.

Balak opens his mouth shortly after his training to learn the power of Marmon.

The rain nodded.

It was not difficult to imagine who Balok was referring to.

"I wouldn't have done that if it wasn't great."

[I don't only admire the king's eyes. I honestly didn't expect him to be that strong in this operation.]

Balok recalls the battle with Kim Shi Hoon.

An exhilarating melody flowed through my body.

Rain smiled at the feeder.

"You think you're gonna get caught following me?"

[Phew. This baloch, no matter how much you accept the spirit of God in your body, is not weak enough to be held responsible by a blue human pet.]

I replied without hesitation.

The rain nodded.

Balok was not the best condition at the time. I didn't even carry the main weapon, the whip, and I fought Kim Si-hun with a big tentacle.

'But honestly, the middle-class devils became strong enough to cut them down lightly.'

I smiled at the mouth.

In the past, three flavor traffic lights, such as Halpas, Phenex and Malpas, may have overwhelmed Kim Shi Hoon alone enough.

'I'm proud of you, my son.'

This awakening created a smile that was so proud of his mouth that even within the Demon Army he led in the past, he became a strong man with five fingers.

'You don't betray your efforts, either.'

It was rewarding to smoke a bloody poop.

'I still have a long way to go.'

Kim was not dissatisfied with the pace of growth.

What is frustrating is the level of 'players' present on humanity, on the planet.

'I don't want to be late, but I want stronger players to come out.'

The power balance between demons and humans is the level of laughter.

In short, without an elite member of the Guardians, including the Rain, mankind will perish even if only one Grand Duke appears.


In fact, it was right to want something too big.

'It's only been six years since the player appeared.'

It was a miracle even though humanity had grown to a level that could repel monsters for six years.

"... I have no choice but to look forward to the future."

This frequent engagement forced me to expect the players to grow.

"Balok, rest time is over."

All you have to do right now is fully master the power of Marmon.

And then.

'Combining this power with other powers.'

The Grand Duke's power.

No attempt has ever been made to mix the power of that transcendent with anything else.

It was unprecedented, and it will never happen again.

I couldn't even try unless I was a crazy regular named Augang Woo.

'It's not possible yet.'

Dealing with one power of fire is not enough, and there was no way to try a combination of another power and another.

Combination with other powers increases its difficulty by square.

I needed to be discreet as it was unprecedented.

'But one day.'

Raise your hand. A red flame dances at the end of your hand.

I can't catch up with the flames Mamon was dealing with right now.

But in the end, over time, we will catch up, we will move on.

As I have done so far.

[Even in hell... The king doesn't rest.]

"Where in the world is he who doesn't rest?"

Only those who cannot rest exist in the world.

The same is true of rainfall.

I want to go out on a date with Hansula, sit down with Echidna and watch TV, and go to the PC room with the next player again.

"Ah, I want to rest..."

I imagined it, and I was moved.

After learning the power of Marmon, he spends more than 20 hours a day dealing with real power.

'No, more than that.'

I even used the power of concentration to slow down the feeling time, so I hit it in time to use the power, so the time I actually felt was more than that.

It was unbearable integrity for him to have a life goal that cost him a fortune.

'Shuba, let me take a break too, please.'

Even before I came to Earth, I thought of enjoying life on Earth as a situation where I had to continue fighting for the destiny of the new world.

Honestly, I'm sick of it.

'About a day's rest should be taken by each person….'

"Oh, did you need rest, my king?"

I heard a voice in the back.

Turning his head, Reese looks at him with a dark smile.

I didn't even think about it, I answered.


He spoke in a low voice.

"We don't have time to rest."

"Oh, my God, again."

It didn't work.

Reese hugs the rainy body with a seeing-eye smile.

"I don't remember spending any time with the king since I came to this world."

'No, it's okay if you don't have it anymore.'

"Hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho. That's how you missed my night."

'I made a mistake. I won't rest. I'll work like a dog. I'll return all the weekends and work.'

I sent a desperate glance.

Because of the look in his eyes, Reese sighed and spoke.

"I'd like to spend some sticky time with the king right now... but I don't think it's going to be a good day."

'Oh, what's going on?'

Rain shines on unexpected answers.

"Something wrong?"

"I have something to report to the king."

Reese spoke in a calm voice.

"This time, one of the survivors in the area where Lucifer's forces and the Devil's Church were engaged applied for asylum in the Guardians."

"... Demon Buddha?"

"No, I'm telling them that I've been captured and exploited like a slave and not a demon."

"Then what?"

I asked as if it was interesting.

"Wizard of the Tower..." "

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