[Summit made on the participation of the largest number of countries, a total of 47 countries, since the day of turbulence.]

[Earth cluttered together.]

[Unexpected outcome… politicians who chose world peace over their own interests.]

[Countries that cooperated around the United States… announced as the 'Guardians' of the World Union.]

The world was shaken by shocking news.

On turbulent days, half the world flew away and spilled over monsters, a union that was not even achieved when so many people were massacred.

Created with the support of voluntary organizations from around the world, the Guardians concluded a grand launch ceremony.

Of course, the World Alliance does not bring together all the real troops and players.

Sharing economic systems was not a mix of religions or political systems.

By analogy, a pan-national, ultra-large guild was born.

However, the creation of an ultra-large guild of powerful players, now transformed into a player-centric Soju elite unit, was enough to put the word "World Union."

The head of the officially announced Guardians is Grace McCurbin. And as her assistant and second factor, Sword Dragon Kim Si-hun was internalized.

There was quite a controversy about the seal of the Sword Dragon.

No matter how sacred he is, he is not a proven player, such as Cheonmujin, Majyabach, Jason and Emilia, who had previously been named World Ranker.

The controversy became even more intense as one of the American rankers, Jason, applied to Kim Si-hun for a duel.

But it is.

Author (Tresha): Crazy, did you hear the news?? You said the Sword Dragon was fucked by Jason??

Honestly, I didn't even see the broadcast because I thought the Sword Dragon would fly. How did you win?

I saw that on the air, and Jason got robbed.

Butterfly Valley: Rumor has it Cheonmujin is losing to Kim Si-hoon now.

Soil Surface: No, no, no. Less than a year has passed since Cheonmujin was accepted as a disciple of the Sword Dragon? Munchkin's open.

The battle between Kim and Jason relayed around the world.

There, Kim Si-hun overwhelmed Jason.

It is no wonder that communities around the world have been burned to the ground by results they never thought possible.

Kim Shi Hoon's name has become as famous as Grace and has spread around the world.

Since Kim Shi Hun defeated Jason, there have been four thousand.

Players from different countries gathered under the Guardians' names were assigned units according to their characteristics and specialties to enter group training.

Hiding behind the mask, the Guardians, an organization that was secretly defending the world, began to reveal themselves to the world in earnest.

* * *

"Wow, that's amazing. All the news is about the Guardians and Mr. Sihun."

Hansula, who was running the TV channel, opened her mouth.

Since she has been partying with Kim Shi-hoon since she was a sunchick, his name will not be real.

"I feel like I'm a little distant from Mr. Sihun."

"You're the Guardians now, Sulu."

"Oh, yeah, I did."

The Guardians have been growing up at a fast pace since they emerged from a guardian-only organizational system.

A secret organization that protects the world. It was worth listening to, but of course there was a lot more I could do with a lot of heads.

'It's hard to find the benefits of a secret organization anymore.'

In order for the secret organization to pay the price, the enemy, the Devil Church, had to know nothing about the existence of the Guardians.

So I can do whatever I want to do with my back.

'I can't do that right now.'

The presence of the Guardians was already spreading inside the Devil's Church.

Even a small branch of only 50 people recognized the Guardians, so there was no need to think about other branches.

It is foolish to continue to hold the secret branch in such a situation.

Of course, it was time to announce his name to the world and get out.

"The same story all the time. I want you to stop broadcasting."

Echidna, sitting on the rainy knee, swells her cheeks pointedly.

I stroked my head smiling.


"That's why Rezero's rebroadcast was canceled. I was angry last time.."

I rolled my feet in a complacent voice.

'It's a favorite cartoon.'

Echidna watched TV often during her breaks, outside of the time she practiced the magic of speech.

Among them, my favorite is animation.

It was one of the small falls of the rain that lit her eyes and watched TV.

'Let's get rid of these bastards.'

Laidly lying on the couch watching TV or dairy milk is his ultimate goal.

However, as time passed, it felt as though the day was getting further and further away.

'To the ancient evil, to the Grand Duke, to the celestial system.'

Guyana and Tyrion are there.

'Then you won't come out of the middle world later.'

With the disappearance of Guyana's guardianship of the dimensional walls, the whole world was turning into a barrel.

Honestly, I feel like I can move on to say, "Oh, there was such a place."

The more other dimensions intertwined, the more distant the euphoric life he craved.


I shook my head.

It's meaningless to think about things that can't be solved.

Right now, it was my first priority to deal with the matter before my eyes.

"Guy, you don't look well... Do you have any discomfort?"

When I approached Guyana sitting on the couch, Hansula asked with a worried expression.

"Oh, nothing."

Guy shakes his head in a panicked voice.

Rain looked at Guyana with a restless expression.

'It must be awkward.'

She came to the rainy house and started living there after the Guardians' launch.

Grace, who used to listen to her hair, began to digest her busy schedule and needed someone to listen to her hair instead.

Guyana was important enough to put Grace on the surface and hide her, and she had to be taken over by someone she trusted.

"... Grace or Shi Hoon or both will be busy without a break, but I don't know if I can be this relaxed."

"It's okay. I'm not saying we're comfortable."

With the official publication of the Guardians, it deliberately concealed the presence of rain and Guyana.

The reason we hid the rains was to hide the Guardians' most powerful power and strength from their enemies.

The reason for hiding Guyana was to hide the Guardians' most deadly weakness.

The reason I hid myself was different, but I felt like I was spending less time with other people who were so busy.

"Have you investigated the Devil's Church branch in Tibet?"

"Yes, I went a few days ago. It was as big as I expected."

It was approximated through the Watcher's power because of the risk of being caught, but its size was different from that of the branch in the Middle East.

The Demon Buddhists who live in the branch made by renovating the interior of the mountain captured roughly 5,000 more.

Considering that there may be many demons living there, that number has increased even further.

It was by far the largest of the Devil's Church branches discovered to date.

"... that would be a real war."

"I guess so."


In the past, wars fought in the tens and millions of units no longer exist.

Since the war was waged by a small number of superheroes called players, 5,000 Demons could never be seen lightly.

"Rain... Did you say you won't join this time?"

"The veterans themselves will do it. But I don't intend to step on the front."

He spoke in a resolute voice.

Guyana's expression is dark.

Rain was speaking in a bold voice.

"This is what we need."

I did not intend to compromise on this part.

Of course, if it rains, Baloch and Reese go out, the war will be much easier.

No, it would not be possible to wipe out the Demon Church's massive branch in three without the existence of the Great Supply.

But it is.

'Until then, I can't fight alone.'

Of course, you will have to stand up directly against an enemy like the Grand Duke, whose numbers are meaningless.

However, he was unable to take part in all the battles.

It is deception to think that you can do everything by yourself.


I remembered what the politicians were saying at the banquet hall.

The tension with Demon Church is something they can't find at all.

In fact, the players who entered the Guardians this time were no different.

The training is done by a donkey, a donkey.

All sorts of incidents and accidents have not ceased to exist, even if they prove that they have been dragged by force.

I will use the reputation of the Guardians to pluck them out. I'm not afraid of demon churches anyway.

That was the mindset of the players now.

Cases of actual abuse of that reputation and taking back money were also reported.

'I won too easily.'

Due to the strong power of the rains, I have easily surrendered the threat.

Players did not have the experience to shed blood, nor did they have the opportunity to be alert to the Devil Church.

Demon Church was not just a matter of complaining to them that it was dangerous.

'You need to know.'

If you go like this now, it is obvious that you will fall into complacency and destroy yourself like a fire.

It was necessary to recognize how powerful and fearful Demon Church is.

Even if he bled a lot of blood.

"Haven't you felt Mr. Guyana this time speaking to politicians in each country?"


"Really, do you think you're okay with this?"

Heavy silence sat down.

Guy bites his thin lips and slowly shakes his head.

"No, I think it's dangerous."

"Thank God."

At least not stupid enough to be forced into this situation.

She would also understand the seriousness of the situation.

"I didn't just make this choice to raise awareness."

I listened to Najib.

If it is really only to awaken 'awareness', there will be other ways.

Nevertheless, the reasons that prompted the players to lead the war.

'We need to increase the overall power.'

It was generally nonsense that the stronger the blood shed, but it was different for the player.

The more they fought, the stronger the battle that cost their lives.

It didn't just mean you gain combat experience and become seasoned.

'Level Limit and EXP.'

One of the most common ways a player can break a level limit is when he catches a powerful boss monster and when his life is on the line.

Combat with the Devil could satisfy both of these.

They gave more EXP than boss monsters, and because they were strong, they had a lot to risk their lives for.

In other words, this war will allow players to achieve tremendous growth.

"World rankers must be at least 30. '

Considering the battle with Lucifer, I had to make it that far.

It was not possible for the Grand Duke to launch a meaningful attack unless he was a World Ranker.

"You said before that the blood that we shed will be light and light up the darkness."


Guyana spoke in a heavy voice.

The rain lifted her hands on her shoulders, which were shaking thinly.

"This war is an opportunity to prove that."

* * *

"Soldiers, prepare!!"

Two months since the Guardians' publication in the world.

After basic training, the Guardians' troops gathered in Tibet.

The number of players gathered from all over the world is 10,000.

It was one of the elites that only players with a 7th Awakening or higher could see.


Grace, who was in the lead, spit out her work.

It wasn't horse riding like medieval battles, but the number of sprinting players was amazing.

The leading warrior class players ran at ridiculous speeds.

"Hey! Half a million dollars for every Demon Church!"

"That's how many cult fanatics give you?!"

There was no tension in the faces of the marching players.

They do not even defend each other's ranks and rush towards the mountain where the Devil Church hides.


A smoky smoke bloomed with horrible outrages.

Immediately, demons sprinkling black maggots, demons, and demons wearing black robes appeared in the foothills.

"Damn it! How do you know this place...?!"

"Stop it!"

[Hahaha! It's good to be stuck on the edge of the mountain and bored by the car!]

[Me! The Devil of Hell, Malfurion will deal with you!]

The battle between demons and players has begun.

Terrible screams, thunders, heat and cold raged all over the place.

"Here we go."

Guyana, who was watching the start of the war with rain in the safe rear, said:

The rain nodded.

"Yes, I started."

I answered in a bold voice.

Guardians on the battlefield were desperately fighting to the death.

Their bloodshed hurt their hearts.

'You can't just watch.'

I didn't intend to stand by and watch others struggle with their blood.

Black smoke stretching out of the rainy hand stretches out to the dead devil's corpse during the battle with the player.


[The 'Soul Harvester' attribute triggers.]

[The passageway towards the 'deep' expands slightly.]

"Everyone is fighting."

Hearing the alarm of the system, he spoke with a voice full of sorrow.

"Their blood is not in vain."

[The 'Soul Harvester' attribute triggers.]

[The passageway towards the 'deep' expands slightly.]

"By shedding blood, the Guardians will become stronger."

[The 'Soul Harvester' attribute triggers.]

[The passageway towards the 'deep' expands slightly.]

The tail of the mouth began to ascend naturally.

"For a better future, humankind will take a step forward to preserve peace in this world."

'Ah, Shuba.'

[The 'Soul Harvester' attribute triggers.]

[The passageway towards the 'deep' expands slightly.]

The sound of drops continuing to be heard.

'You shouldn't laugh.'

Guardians battling demons.

I felt like my heart would burn as I watched them.

[The 'Soul Harvester' attribute triggers.]

[The passageway towards the 'deep' expands slightly.]

'Oh, you really shouldn't laugh.'

It's inevitable, but when you look at those who bleed, it's true that their fists are being clenched.

It was natural for tears to flow through the cheeks of the warrior of light.

[The 'Soul Harvester' attribute triggers.]

[Expansion of the corridor towards the 'deep'.]

'Strange, I'm so sad right now.'

I don't know why, but my mouth's tail kept going up, and a real smile came out.

I thought the best food was free food.

'Oh, I'm so sad. Tears don't stop.'

Steal tears from your eyes and shake your head as if you can't see the battlefield.

I hid the smiley mouth.


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