"Hahaha! Those guys are really scared."

The young man, who looked like a demon, burst into laughter, sprinkling maggots.

Rain read Magi's energy emanating from him. I frowned lightly.

'It's very weak.'

I find it hard to believe that Krishalis is dealing with an eight-heaven hellish monster.

It was the fox who had the tiger as its servant.

Rain used the Watcher's power to examine the young man. He was unable to resist the power of the Watcher because his power had not changed.

[Player Name: Park Yong-chan]

[Level: 63]

7th Awakening Player. Probably a little stronger than the level, considering you have Margie.

'It's too cool, though.'

It's a player out of the way, but it's a little bit of a gifted player who can somehow get out of the way.

It was not enough to deal with Chrychalas without jaws.

'Rather good.'

Rain shines on my eyes.

It was not surprising, in fact, for a demon as powerful as Anton to invoke demons and demons.

Hell is a world of extreme herbivores, so the logic of power works greatly.

Rather, what he wondered about was this part.

'How can an incompetent man make a beast look like an aquarium.'

It wasn't tamed that the beast was raised as a child.

If the master wants to be weaker than himself, he will bite him without hesitation.

'Even more so if it's Crishalas.'

Crishalas is a creature of great ferocity and intelligence among monsters.

It was impossible to tame it in the normal way.

"Come on, rip them off!"

Park Yong-chan shouted.

Krishalas bows low and raises his head.


A terrible scream echoed. An acidic body fluid gushed out and melted the floor.

The monsters around him began to move.

'Are you manipulating monsters using Krishalas as their main axis?'

This was convincing.

Because Crishalas is an intelligent creature, he sometimes manipulates things that are weaker than himself to create a herd.



Ogres that were so close to the monsters that they couldn't do it anymore rushed to the ground.

Maybe it's because I have Magi in my body, but I can't believe it's a Class A monster.


[Master, give the order.]

Two repatriators stepped forward in the direction of the rains. Rain nodded with a smile.

"Kill him. Oh, except for the one that looks like a cockroach."

I'll take [people].]

"Huh! Leave it to me!"

Echidna opens her arms. I closed my eyes slowly and took a deep breath.

[Fus ro da!]

Spell magic.

It is unique to dragons and is the most powerful of all magic.

Originally, it was a magic that only a Hatching Dragon dared not use. Even if I became a sexual dragon, the difficulty of using the magic of the prophecy was enormous.

However, with the rains getting stronger, I was able to use the magic of prophecy in Echidnai, where my inner strength grew so much that I could not call it Hatching.


A wave of black maggies revolves around her.

The Black Wave tore the earth apart, reminiscent of the strongest battle weapon the dragon could use, Bresse.

The six sides of the ogres that were swept away by the waves splashed to all sides.

[Uh-huh. This one, won.]

Balzahark shakes his head with a yellow glow. I stare down at the corpses of miserable ogres that seem torn from the grinder.

[If you make precious corpses like this, you can use them.]

I just bounced my finger. The Black Robe was furrowed.

The pink apron, which Robe was wearing, appeared.

"What is that?"

Park Yong-chan's mouth opened.

It was surprising that the skull in the black robe was wearing a cute design apron that did not fit the image at all, but it was for another reason that he was surprised.


The corpses of the miserably torn ogres resurfaced.

Blood spilled everywhere, entangled and gutted. Nevertheless, the ogres were moving.

No, it wasn't just moving.

Repaired a broken body by forcibly attaching each other's bodies.

Over time, Flesh Golem was created that had a more horrible appearance than any other creature.

[Go, my children.]

Balzahark reaches out. The Flesh Golems move slowly.

A dark laugh came out of his mouth.

The energy of Magi explodes and surrounds him.

[Kill the petty beasts who crave life.]

Once again, the pink apron was roughly flushed.

The energy of Magi stretched out from his hand flowed into Flesh Golems.



The Flesh Golems ran towards the other ogres with an incredibly violent move that clumsily tied the bodies together.

"What is this...?"

Park Yong-chan's expression was pale.

The rain calmly looked at his face.

Park Yong-chan bites his lips roughly, raising the palm of his left hand to the back of his right hand.

"Krishalas!! What are you doing? Kill those bastards!"


Rain snow shines. At the back of Park Yong-chan's right hand, screaming as if provocative, was a complex emblematic wizard.

'Are you manipulating with that?'

Nothing was clear yet. The rain slowly looked at the situation.


'You're running.'

Crishalas kicked me in the foot. He lowered his body and ran at a horrible speed.

It was not difficult to see what Krishalas was after.

'As well.'

Rain smiled at the feeder. Chrychalas was a small individual with a unique character among the monsters.


I pulled my right foot back. I put my foot up like a soccer ball. Crichalas avoided his attack with a massive reflex nerve.

Twist your left foot around the axis and take down the lifted foot. A right foot that is stamped towards the back shell of Chrysalis.


Crishalas did not avoid this time. Because he believed in his back shell with enormous strength.

Such rain lightly smiled down at him.

"Don't you dare see where the bugs are."



His right foot struck Chrychalas' back shell. It's Krishalas' back shell that even smashes the teeth of a big monster, but it didn't mean anything in front of the rain.

When the foot with the power of grinding struck his back, the dorsal shell was smashed and acidic body fluids sprayed up.

Crishalas stops the attack and quickly pulls back.

"Key benefits."

I felt extremely vigilant.

"What are you doing?! Attack quickly!!"


Park Yong-chan shouts. The magic group of his right hand glows black. The same light emanated from Krishalas' forehead.

Rain snow shines sharply.

'I'm sure you can control it with that sorcerer.'

I need to investigate the exact principle, but I have solved my question right away.


When you need to check the limits that the Wizard has.

'It won't be absolute.'

Even if I could only see Krishalas beating like he's having a seizure at the behest of Park Yong-chan.

Rain rushed towards Krishalas, checking the time since the first battle.

Phew! Phew!


The battle followed.

Although Krishalas is a predator operating in eight thousand hells, rainfall already has the power of the Devil in nine thousand hells.

I couldn't have been the opponent in the first place.

The battle was unilateral.

"Oh, shit."

Park Yong-chan's expression was pale. He looked down at his right hand with an anxious expression.

The light from the enchantment was fading.

"Oh, no."

Park Yong-chan quickly turned around. He began to flee desperately.

A low voice of rain was heard.

"Five minutes."

I smiled at Seeik.

"There's only five minutes left to force an order."


Park Yong-chan's expression distorted. The reaction seems to have been stabbed in the shin.

The light engraved on the back of his right hand completely disappeared.


Krishalas, who became Manshin Chang, turned to Park Yong Chan.

A creature that would have died a long time ago, but suffered major injuries that would not have been strange, but Crishalas was far beyond the normal creature category.


I lowered my body to the ground and burst into a horrible scream.

A darker life emerged from Chrychalas than when faced with the rains.

'It's natural to think about it.'

I had to fight the opponent who didn't want to fight until I died by a compulsory order.

It was clear that if Crishalas had been able to move against my will, he would have fled immediately after the first engagement.

It was natural to be so angry because he forced the predators into their teeth that they could not win.

'You got some good information again.'

I nodded my head as I looked at Krishalas, who was breathing life towards Park Yong-chan.

'If you run out of time, you can attack even the owner.'

It was quite good information.

It means that it is effective to drag the situation into a long war when fighting demons.

'Let's watch first.'

Rain slowly walked away with arms crossed.

"Oh, shit! Don't, Krishalas, listen to me!!"

Park Yong-chan shouted urgently. Such rain asked for him.

"Oh, do you know the nature of Krishalas?"

"What, what? What nonsense, you bastard?!"

"You don't know."

Rain laughed when he laughed. Hunting Attributes of Crishalas. A method used by a small Crishalas body to disable prey.


"Hick! Oh, don't come!!"

Park Yong-chan shook his hands. One fireball flew to Krishalas, whether it was the player's skill or not.

But there was no way such rebellion could have worked.

Krishalas rushed to Park Yong-chan at a dazzling pace. Sharp teeth aim between Park Yong-chan's legs.

"Oh, don't come..."



"Oh, Shiva."

Rain reflectively shrunk his legs. Terrible sight that's hard to see.

'Crishalas, you brute.'

Hunting Attributes of Crishalas. It attacks the genitals of the prey first.


Park Yong-chan vomited with his hand, blocking the blood fountain emanating from between his legs.

A terrible desperation that touches the soul.


"Now, that's it."

Krishalas rushes to break Park Yong-chan's breath. The rains roughly hit the back of Chrysalis. The head of Krishalas explodes with a horrible sound.

"Let me see, did you say Park Yong-chan?"



The rains clapped their hands as if they realized something.

"I'm sorry about this. I made a mistake."

Rain squatted in front of Park Yong-chan and burst into laughter.

"You should call me Park Chun-chan now."

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