
"Phew. You can't believe it right now."

"Oh, no."

Kim Si-hoon replied in a trembling voice.

Guy turns his head in the direction of Grace.

"Grace, bring it to me."

"Wait a minute."

Grace raised her hand. The blue energy concentrated in her hands.


A white light-sensitive wall opened. What appeared in it was a translucent blue sphere.

Like a hologram, the blue sphere rises up in the air and rises on the table.

"What is this?"

Kim Si-hoon asked, staring at the blue sphere.

"We're on Earth now."

Guyana reaches out and touches the blue sphere. Then I remembered the white light wrapped round the blue sphere.

It's like a herd of lights reminiscent of the atmosphere.

The shield of light was pierced like mold.

"I can't believe this shield of light..."

"Yes, that's right. What you're looking at is the state of the Guyanese system that protects the planet."


Silence surrounds you. The rain lifts its head and examines the blue sphere in detail.

'Damn it.'

I didn't look well. No, it was pretty serious.

I didn't know how bright it was originally, but now there are holes, and the light itself was faint.

"Is there no way to restore the Guyanese system?"

As important as growing for rainfall right now.

That was what restored the Guyanese system to its original state, broken by itself.

Guyana shakes her head with a powerless smile.

"There is no way to restore the Guyanese system right now."

Decisive words. But the eyes of rain shine brightly.

"If you say right now, there is a way to recover later?"


Guyana blurred her end. She sighed and said.

"The Guyanese system has recovery capabilities. But it's not working right now. They believe that one day they will recover."

"Don't you know when it is?"

"… Yes."

She bites her lips slightly.

"To be honest... I'm not sure if there's any recovery left. In the worst case, the Guyanese system itself may disappear."


Gloomy situation.

The rain took a deep sigh. It was hardly surprising that there was virtually no way to recover.

Guyana urgently said in a gloomy atmosphere sitting in the room.

"But there is hope."


She grips her fist and speaks.

"Devil of Prophecy. I think killing that demon will restore the Guyanese system."

'That's not possible, young lady.'

Rain raised his hand to his forehead as if his head was hurting.

'I am the devil of that prophecy, Shiva.'

Being unable to commit suicide for world peace.

It was a choice he could never make to defend the world for the well-being and peace of his people.

"The navel can't be bigger than the belly. '

Peace everywhere in the world is a secondary goal.

The ultimate goal is simply to eat well and live comfortably in the world with a beautiful saxi like an arrow.

"I want to ask you one question."

Kim Si-hun, who was still listening to the story, opened his mouth.

"Yes, tell me."

"Do you think that Guyana's injury... has anything to do with the Guyanese system being damaged?"


Guyana shed a short elasticity. She shudders and avoids answering.

Then Grace opened her mouth on her behalf.

"That's right. Guyana became like this because the Guyanese system was broken."

"That, Grace!"

"You don't have to hide anything, do you?"


Guyana blurred its end. Grace stroked her shoulders and spoke.

"Whatever the Guardians' mission is, I'm fighting to fix you."

She had a compassionate smile on her mouth. Eyes mixed with worries about Guyana and love.

Kim Shi Hoon shut up firmly. He strokes a slight sword on the waist.

"Is there a way to fix Guyana now?"

"I'm here."

"Grace. I don't even have to give you unnecessary information..."

"That's why. It doesn't matter, does it? The aims are the same."


A gorgeous conversation. Kim Shi Hoon stares at Grace.

"If you defeat the demon of the prophecy, will you recover Gaia's body?"

"It's a little different, actually. Killing the Devil of Prophecy is not sure if the Guyanese system will recover. But... the most likely way is to kill the demon of prophecy."


Kim Si-hoon's fist caught on fire. His eyes were trembling as he looked at Guyana.

'No, Sihun.'

Rain grips her head as she looks at Kim Si-hoon, who burns her spirit.

"You must not kill the devil of prophecy. '

Even if I imagined that Kim Si-hoon, who had been raised so fondly, was drawing a sword towards himself, my head ached.

'Damn it.'

The look of rain was distorted. Things were getting complicated.

'I don't think it's a problem if you just keep your mouth shut.'

He said that revelation had come down. The Guardians will desperately find the Devil of Prophecy.

I don't know if they have the ability to discern the devil of prophecy yet, but I was sure it was a difficult situation to leave them alone.

'What do I do?'

A sense of emptiness in your head instantly.

Stories continued as the rains subsided.

"Is there any other information about the demon of the prophecy?"

Kim Shi Hoon asked with a glimmer of eyes.

Guyana opens her mouth carefully.

"I can't say it's accurate, but... there's information that I can guess about."

"Tell me."

'Why are you doing that, Sihun?'

"I want to know about the Devil of Prophecy."

'That's me, you son of a bitch.'

The Autumn Castle in my heart did not reach Kim Si-hun.

Kim Shi Hoon was serious enough to wonder why others were burning so much passion.

Guy also flinched his body and said, "I was embarrassed by his attitude.

"The Devil of Prophecy... has already appeared on Earth."

"Appeared on Earth?"

Guy nods.

"About nine months from now, it must have been... May 22nd."

'Oh, my God.'

"Starting that day, the Guyanese system began to collapse with enormous overload."

'You were able to confirm by the date?'

The look of rain hardened.

If the exact date can be confirmed, the chances of his identity being revealed are even higher.

"Haven't the demon of prophecy shown any movement since that day?"

"Yes. Our guess is that the influence of the Guyanese system at the time of the transition was likely to have sealed the power that was originally held."

"The power was sealed..."

"I'm still investigating the changes that took place at the beginning of that day, mobilizing the entire Guardians. I don't know if it's the Devil's business to be invincibly strong. It could turn into a person and be moving."

It's "X."

If you investigated the rains in one day, it was not difficult to find out that you woke up as a player around May 22.

Doubts could not be avoided given that the rain was not even a guardian there at the moment and that it had unusual power.

The enormous growth rate of rainfall was simply unexplained by the word 'talented'.

'It's a miracle you haven't seen it so far.'

I had to find a way out of my doubts.

It became more complicated in my head.

'What should I do….'



I heard a blunt sound.

Kim Si-hoon stood up with his fist on the table.

"I see. That's how it happened..." "

'What's wrong with him?'

He mutters in a trembling voice, biting his lips hard enough to bleed.

"What's going on, Guardian Kim Shi Hoon?"

"Got it."


Kim Shi-hoon's eyes glowed intensely. He spoke like a chew.

"I think I know who the devil of prophecy is."


"What do you mean...?"

Terror spread in the room. Kim Si-hoon's low voice echoed into the room.

"Satan. He was the devil of prophecy."

'Uh, hold on.'

"Satan..."? "

"Yes, I didn't tell anyone, but I met him three months ago."

"This is how it works? '

The mouth of the rains opened. To be honest, it was completely unexpected.

"Sihun, that's..."

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you beforehand, brother. I was worried that he wouldn't get hurt if he got involved."

"Please elaborate, Guardian Kim Shi Hoon."

"That day, I was contacted by Alec Ozburn and went to the rooftop of the hotel."

This was followed by Kim Shi-hoon's explanation. As the story continues, Guy and Grace's expression stiffens.

"Then, the reason why Alec the Guardian is missing.."

"You didn't get assassinated by the devil of prophecy, but by the devil of prophecy?"

I was terrified by the looks of the two women.

Kim Si-hoon nodded.

"That's right."


"I didn't know why Satan attacked Alec then... but I think I do now."

'I love you, Sihun.'

"Satan was trying to eliminate the Guardians who posed a threat to him."

'Yes! Good job, my boy!'

"Satan was the devil of prophecy."

"Ah, ah…."

Elasticity flowed from Guyana's mouth.



"Mr. Rain?"

Following Kim Shi-hoon, the rains kicked in and stood up.

Rain grabbed Kim Si-hun's shoulders with an angry look.

"So, Satan, he reached out to you, too, didn't he?"

"Oh, that's..."

"Speak straight. He tried to kill you, too, didn't he?"

"… Yes."

Kim Si-hoon nodded as if his memory was humiliating.

Rain turned its head towards Guyana.

"Gaians. Are you sure you can only enter the Guardians there?"

"Yes? Wow, in principle, but…."

"It's a situation, and it's not the time to follow principles."

Rain exploded the energy. A suffocating energy squeezes around.

"I will enter the Guardians, too."

There was no other choice now.

'As long as it's like this, I'm going to Satan!'

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