
A smile was naturally made.

It was not difficult to imagine who sent this note.

'Demon Church.'

Why they want to call themselves.

A short question touched my head.

I opened my eyes and got into trouble.

"I see."

What happened in Japan came to mind.

An image of Akiyama in grave danger and the demons who fled with him.

I could only imagine that information about myself leaked to the Devil's Church through you.

'I don't know why you're calling me.'

From their standpoint, he was the master who interrupted the Devil's summoning plan.

Maybe if we send the exterminators.

There is no reason to choose a primitive method, such as twisting a letter in an arrow like this.

"If you go, you'll know."

There was something roughly unexpected.

But to be precise, it was certainly best to go directly to where they called.

The treacherous behavior of walking into a trap I dug out openly.

'Not bad.'

A dark smile was made.

No matter what traps they prepared, how much preparation they made, it didn't matter.

The important thing is that the invisible demons in the horde of monsters are likely to gather there now.

'And it is more likely that the preparations themselves are seldom ready.'

Perhaps even the Devil Church would not think that he would accept such a suspicious smell of grass.

'If I did, at least I would have written where to come from.'

The purpose of this note is to convey only the minimal intention of 'wanting to meet' in the first place.

Delivering a specific time and place was likely after that, perhaps after the end of this war.

'There's no reason to wait until then.'

Rain smiled.

He turns his head in the direction where the black hand was shot.

Margie's scent remained faint.

I sprinted along the scent. The power of swiftness surrounded the body. His body was shot at a horrible rate. A distant cloud was created in the Manju Valley.

* * *

"Definitely strong."

Anton, who looked at the rain through the sight of the demons, shed resilience.

For some reason, even though he dug himself into the midst of a horde of monsters, he was still slaughtering them in an overwhelming manner.

The figure smiles at Anton's mouth.

"Well, then."

Anton took out a book of black parchment in his arms.

A powerful weapon named "The Book of Nightmares."

He was given the title of Apostle of Evil by the "Phases" together.

"Zajas, zajas, natanada, zajas."

Memorize the spell.

Magi from the Book of Nightmares resonated with his Magi.

I stretched out my 'hand' that I had pre-equipped through the inside of Keroberos, the beast that was now providing his vision.

It seemed that it was raining that briefly subdued the attack and read the note.

"That's enough."

Anton smiled satisfactorily.

One of the demons standing around him asked.

[So, what do we do? What kind of man can I kill?]

"Don't be hasty. Meeting him in earnest will be after the war."

Anton laughed loudly.

The devil's face was crumpled.

[Do you mean wait here more? We are demons, demons who live by blood and slaughter! It is no longer necessary to postpone the battle..]

"You don't understand the urgency?"

Anton narrowly opened his eyes. Scary Magi pressured the demons.


The faces of the demons were pale.

The Magi possessed by a human named Anton was comparable to the Devil of the Old Hell.

For those who have lived in five thousand, six thousand hells, it is hard to handle.

The demons were silent.

"That's good."

Anton nods with a smile. Now I had to think of a way to summon him separately.

'What's the best way?'

The most okay thing is that he's also a hostage.

'I told you there was a woman living with me.'

A lustful, bitter smile was built on desire. It was so beautiful to see a woman in the picture.

If we can take her hostage, it won't be difficult to lure her.

"Ugh, you shouldn't think about this."

Anton smiles loudly, drawing a cross in front of his chest.

His purpose is to repent him to the devil everywhere. The objective could not be attained without stirring it up.


Anton's eyes glowed. If he refused the offer, it was his freedom to deal with that hostage.


Licking your lips, you reveal the ugly nature of greed hidden in your compassionate appearance.

"Well, let's get out of here today..."

It was time to tell him to go back.


I felt something strange.

Anton turns his head.

I can feel the energy approaching at a horrible speed towards this side.

"No way... Are you coming this way?"

Anton's face was bitten by embarrassment.

It was true that I called him, but I didn't think he would actually come with one of those simple notes.

'No, how did you know where I was before that?'

I couldn't understand.

Anton opens the Book of Nightmares and orders the demons around him to stand down.

"It doesn't matter what you drag."

I repent.

If you refuse, I kill you.

There was nothing more to hesitate about when the two principles were set.

Anton takes a step towards the coming energy.

* * *


Heavy shock echoed the ground. With the power of speed, the rain looked at the old man in front of his eyes.

Rigorous priesthood with jagged wrinkles. Magi that emits without hiding.

"You want to talk?"

Using the power of the Word, he asked.

Anton's eyes sparkled.

"Did you speak Russian?"

"I say yes. First…."

The rain turned its head.

Despite the distance, I can see the demons surrounding him looking so desperately for him.

The mouth twists up.

'You're a bit of a lowly demon.'

Less than five thousand hell.

No matter how tall they were, they were demons that looked like hell.

The demons did not react much even though they saw the rain. No, rather, I was raising my life.

'There must be no flying men.'

It was convincing.

It was by entering the ninth heaven and earth that he became famous in earnest.

Even if I heard the rumors, I was more likely not to know exactly what it looked like.

Especially if you live in a 'middle class' like five or six.

'Rather well done.'

Rain looked at Anton with a relaxed expression.

"What do you want to say?"

"Attractive. That sounds good. I'd like to make you an offer."



Anton laughed.

"Have you heard of the Devil?"

"Is there anyone you don't know who you are walking around like that?"

I shed a laugh.

Anton shakes his head slowly.

"No, I mean, do you know about the devil's privileges?"


"Yes, a privilege that only Demon Church possesses!"

Anton spoke in a powerful voice.

"Humans die one day. No matter how many things you pile up, no matter how many women you carry, no one has the power to cross, and you end up dead."

Intense eyes turned towards the rain.

"But the devil doesn't die. They have no lifespan constraints, no cravings for food."

Sharp tone. A powerful voice and intense eyes in contrast.

'Son of a bitch, you'll do great if you take all the steps.'

The rains opened their mouths smiling.


"We have the power to turn humans into demons. I can give eternal life and eternal life to the mortal."


"Think about it. Why should a chosen man with a strong power like you rot among humans? It doesn't suit you that way. It suits me better to rule the mortal and reign over him."

I am not excited. I speak in a strong voice, to the extent possible.

He marbles with appropriate praise and persuades you, 'This doesn't suit you.'

"What do you think? You're with us. If we are, we can give you the power to take responsibility and promise you eternal life."

He smiles widely.

"I know you very well. Understand your desire and aspirations for power in your eyes. You're just like me. The place you're in right now doesn't suit you."

I lowered my back.

"Here we go."

I reached out my hand toward the rain.

"Won't you join us? You, too, can be the absolute being that the Devil has thrown out of his mortal constraints."

Anton knew how to stimulate people's desires.

I didn't seem to have done it once or twice, so I continued to speak smoothly and was not uselessly excited.

Be bold everywhere.

Stimulated desire.

If he were a human like Baek Gang-hyun and Fujimoto Ryomah, he would have accepted his offer without hesitation.

But it is.

"Will you make me a demon?"

It was raining in front of him, not anyone else.

"Ha, ha, ha!!"

A smile burst out. Anton's words about making himself a demon hover over his ears.

My stomach hurts. My body rots. I find this situation incredibly amusing.

Rain recalls Anton's words with a smile.

"You said you knew me well, right?"

"Yes, although this is the first time I've seen you in person. That look you have. Just look at the eyes filled with longing..."

"Hahahaha! You're funny."

After all, I burst into laughter again.

"No, what, did you put scooters in your eyes? What do you know when you look in the eye? I don't know what you're doing with your mom's eyes, man."


Heavy silence sat down.

Rain laughed and said.

"I pretend to know where."

I raised my hand.

The horrendous turbulence of Magi is concentrated in my hands.


The land that could not withstand the power split. The atmosphere went crazy like a storm.

I flipped my hand.

And then.

"You don't know who I am, you bastard."

The world has turned upside down.

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