
The blue light extended to all sides.

Kim Shi Hoon's body shined in a clear blue light.

I felt the power of the inner air, which is hard to compare to what I just saw.

'There's no real Awakening Machine.'

Others have already achieved a difficult awakening once in a lifetime, twice.

This was not enough to simply call them talent insects.


Rain smiled faintly.

Often, it is said that efforts cannot surpass talent.

To some extent, it was true.

The wall of talent was so thick and high that I dared not count on effort.

'If you're human.'

Human life is finite.

No matter how hard you tried, there was a time limit for you to invest.

But it is.

He was different. He was evil, immortal, walking forever.

I struggled to live a time of 10,000 years.

Whether Kim Shi Hoon accepts the soul of a god of martyrdom or has a gift from heaven, he can't go beyond the 'effort' that has been built up during that unassuming time.

'I have to call this an effort.'

It was too desperate to express it in such simple words.

A longing for life.

The primitive instinct that I didn't want to die made him now.

I was not so clumsy as to be defeated by the talent that Heaven gave me.


Kim Shi Hun, who was covered in blue, shrank out.

I put my sword in my hand. Just lightly. I bounced my finger. The power of the wave concentrated on his fingers.


Black waves spread in circles. There was no room to avoid. An attack that must be stopped solely.

Kim Si-hun hurriedly raised his sword. A black wave swept his entire body.


Kim Si-hun's knee was broken.

I didn't have the strength to feel like I was lying just now.

'This is Satan's power.'

I got tired of looking pale.

I felt like I was facing a distant mountain.

I felt like facing the invisible abyss underneath.

I can't win. Confidence was added to the facts that I knew from the beginning.

With his own power, he could never go beyond that demon.

[It was not a bad move.]


[But that's how long it takes for Songsa to look at Valverdun.]


Daughter. Strength is loosened in your hands. The El Queiro blade fell to the ground. Satan approached him.

[Are you angry?]


[Do you think you'll lose your mind? Do you think the inside of your head will burn white?]

"Shut up."

I spit my lust out at the mocking devil. Satan laughed when he laughed.

[Good. That's the eye. Eyes filled with anger and hatred. That is the desire and longing that leads to life.]

"Stop talking nonsense..."

[Does not end.]

"... What?"

Satan answered with a voice full of joy.

[There is no way to finish this fun work.]

"What's that...?"

[I liked it. Your anger and hatred made me tremble. Made me excited. Made me nervous.]

Satan moved his hand. Alec, who was still grasping his neck in his hand, was flinching.

A normal person would have died a long time ago, but Alec was a supernatural person with different physical abilities than a normal person.

He was able to survive for more than an hour, even with his neck grasped and his breathing blocked.

"What do you intend to do?"

Kim Si-hun asked with a restless expression. Alec's face draws closer to Satan's hand.

[Do you want to save interest?]

"… Yes."

I nodded gently.

Satan's eyes flashed in madness.

[Very desperate. I admired your willingness, your willingness.]




A terrifying burst of fractures echoed.

Alec's head was dented. The skull explodes and the head is shattered. A mixture of dark red blood and white brain water flowed down.

"Uh, uh...?"

Kim Si-hoon's mouth opened.

His pupil trembled violently, as if he saw an unbelievable scene.

Alec is dead.

The Sword of Justice, his idol, admiration, and beyond is dead.

In front of your eyes, in vain.

"Ah, ah."

I didn't say anything. A piece of language that could not be a word hovered in my mouth.

My body trembles. My head flashes white.


The fierce anger Satan spoke of dominated his body as if it were exploding.

"Son of a bitch!!"

I grabbed the fallen sword and squeezed and stabbed at the power of the whole body.

However, it was difficult to grasp the sword properly with the hands that had already fallen into power.

Ting. The sword bounces off with a futile sound.

Kim Si-hun rolled the floor.

I tried to raise my body on the floor. I didn't have the strength in my hand. I fell on the floor. I wriggled. He tried to reach Satan even by crawling on the floor.

[Yes, that's the look in the eye.]

Satan nodded with a resounding voice. Satan laughed at Kim Shi-hoon's desperate appearance.

The relaxed devil lifted up Kim Si-hun. Faced with his hateful gaze, he slowly opened his mouth.

[Now that anger, hatred will be your nourishment.]


[Scream desperately. Beat me, remember me.]

The faces of Satan and Kim Shi-hoon are getting closer.

[I am death. I am the end, the anger, the hatred.]

The red mask tilted.

[I am Satan.]


Kim Shi Hoon shut up firmly. The Red Devil Mask is deeply engraved in my head.

[Be strong, man. Feed with anger and grow with hatred. And….]

Giggle. The sound of the devil's laughter hovers over your ears.

[Kill me.]

Per billion.

Satan's fist hit Kim Si-hoon's stomach. The consciousness of Kim Si-hun, who was barely holding onto him, was broken.

"Phew. That sounds like a tone of voice, really."

When Kim Shi Hun fainted, he took off his red mask.

Rain is in vain because of the wrinkling of his hands and feet.

"Satan, this son of a bitch used this kind of tone in his usual spirit."

The tone that I spoke to Kim Shi Hoon was the one that Satan actually used.

'Well, I didn't just make it sound like a tone.'

The situation was similar.

Rain was defeated when it first fought Satan. He is overwhelmingly trampled, after which he speaks to the defeated rainforest.

Be strong, man. Feed with wrath, grow with hatred. And... kill me.

'And I really searched.'

Satan's end was quite funny.

Satan, who had captured all kinds of shit foam that he didn't expect to be strong enough to kill himself, became ugly when he was in a deadly crisis.

No, how can humans...? How did you get Maha?

"Don't poop on it, but kill it when you can."

Rain pounded my chest.

Long live the war.

Satan was devoured by the unknown sea of Magi.

Most importantly, the Grand Duke's soul escaped to hell and could not eat it, but his power and enormous magi were consumed.

'I can't handle it.'

The Grand Duke's power could not be dealt with before the Great War was sealed.

The rainfall on the margins of Magi's handling was also an area of inevitability as much as the 'Grand Duke's power'.

"By the way."

I shifted my eyes.

I saw Kim Si-hoon fall. It was a bit harsh, but I shook my head.

'I need to give Kim Si-hun a big boost right now.'

Kim Si-hoon had everything.

From the talents of the sky down to the benefits of a great teacher, the Sword.

But there was one thing lacking in him.


Kim Young-hoon and Kim Jae-hyun were captured.

In Kim's view, the heavy burden of pressing on his life suddenly disappeared.

The only motive for moving him now was admiration for wanting to be like rain.

'That's not enough.'

It wasn't a kid joke.

I had to be desperate to be strong. I had to eradicate it.

Only then could I tear open the comforts that were coming to me without knowing.

'Understand, Sihun.'

I was forced to use a somewhat radical method.

When I gave the order to be 'desperate' with the power of subordination, it was no different from what was actually desperate.

'Your sword must be defiled.'

It had to be a bloody sword.

It had to be a sword that would blow the enemy's throat without hesitation at an important moment.

Otherwise he dies.

'Like Alec.'

Rain approached Alec with a bitter smile. I reach out. A black flame burns Alec's body.

"That's it for now."

Alec was dealt with and stimulated Kim Si-hun. Awakening was dumb.

Now all I have to do is wait for the person named Guy to approach Kim Si-hun.

"You'll have to break this damn level limit while you wait."

Secondly, it was also important to weaken the seal of the Great War.

When I thought about the level limit, I sighed.

'Well, you need to know how to unlock it...' '

The thought that followed was cut off. I remembered a blue message window with the sound of an orange bubble in my ear.

[Defeated Guardian.]

[The energy of the system that was blocking the level limit has been weakened.]

[Limit level increased to 69.]

[Accumulated EXP will be applied.]

[Level rises by 10.]

[7th Awakening Reached!]

[STR stat +11, AGI stat +9, HP stat +8, Wisdom stat +4] Increased!]


My eyes grew bigger. Unlock level restrictions. What he wanted so badly happened at an unimaginable time.

"Killing the Guardian lifted the level limit? '

A shabby smile came out.

If I hadn't killed Alec, there wouldn't have been a way to know.

Rain calmly examined the system messages.

'Normally, if you break through a level 59 wall once, there is no level limit to level 89.'

At the end of level 89, the 9th Awakening, I was right to have no original level restrictions other than being stuck in the 'End of Talent' again.

'But I'm limited to level 69.'

I didn't even have to think about it anymore.

That's what was deliberately suppressing his growth.

'And breaking that restriction is killing the Guardian?'

I turned to Kim Si-hun, whose gaze of rain was falling.

Very briefly. I really drool around the mouth.


Rain shakes his head. I shuddered my desire.

"It's not like this, though."

Isn't Kim Si-hoon a man who swore allegiance to him as a sincere young man and a comrade with mixed souls?


You believe me, don't you?

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