Rain kept its mouth shut firmly. I wasn't pretending I didn't know.

This is a big deal.

'I really don't know.'

The mouth goes up. A light smile bursts out. I felt like the question that was filling my head was disappearing.

There's no way a sane man can save an assassin who's after his life.

That's right.


Alec was out of his mind in the first place.

If he thought so, his incomprehensible behavior was also persuasive.

"Phew. I can't believe you missed Devil's Bridge this time."

"Let's just ask one thing."


I looked at Alec with deep sunken eyes.

"You're not going to give up on him, are you?"

"Absolutely, because there are fewer Guardians. And he has personalities and talents that are suitable for his guardians."

An answer without hesitation.

Alec's words followed.

"Your sudden offer seems to be straying, but I intend to continue to persuade you. And... most of all, it seems that you are quite interested."


"I know you're worried because you think of him as your brother. But this is for the cause and for humanity."


Rain smiled.

There was still a woman's body in the alley.

The woman who was sacrificed because he didn't kill the assassin.

But Alec is still right, straight up.

There was nothing in his gaze but justice.

"Then I'll be going. Please try to persuade Mr. Seo Hun as well."

Alec turns around with a fresh smile.

I turned around and looked at his back.

I could not tell how many deaths he had averted so far.

But it was certain that this would not be the first time.

It couldn't be the first time. Humans don't break down so easily and quickly.

He's been against it for a long time. Irreversible.

"It's for humanity..."

I murmured low.

It was not difficult to predict why Alec was broken.

He would have sought to save all life in the past, without distinction of good and evil as it is now, without any discrimination.

'And you must have failed.'

This had nothing to do with his abilities or talents.

The moment I embraced the absurd ideal, my failure was inevitable.

People do two things when faced with failure.

Accept, turn away.

Alec only chose the option of turning away.

"There's an X."

I spit on the floor.

Accepting failure is harassing.

Admitting that what he had done was wrong was not easy.

On the other hand, it was easy to turn away from that failure.

It was simple and comfortable.

Alec Ozburn was not a man of strong will to govern his beliefs. I was just a loser to a coward I couldn't accept.

'I didn't mean to give up Kim Shi Hoon.'

In fact, it didn't matter whether he was a coward or a lunatic who couldn't accept reality.

If someone else had done this, they would have thought, "There is such a thing in the world."

But now it was often different.

Alec was trying to attract Kim Si-hoon to his force.

I was trying to 'make her the same' as myself.

'I can't keep it that way.'

If I don't give up on that side, I'll have to pull my son's sword from this side.

"Rather, it's a good opportunity."

It reminded me of Kim Si-hun, who looked at Alec with the eyes of hope.

Alec was very important to Kim Si-hun.

Kim Si-hun's trust in Alec was so strong that he had to use his subordinate powers to force him to reject his proposal.

It was clear that just as the hero beyond the screen had a big impact on the child, so had Alec.

It was likely that the heroic appearance of Kim Shi Hoon, who had been shown so far, was also imitating Alec.

'I don't like it.'

I opened my eyes thinly.

For Kim Si-hoon, the expectation was great.

I couldn't make him kill himself with a delusional ideal like Alec's.

"It's time for a big stimulus."

Until then, I had no intention of caring for Kim Si-hoon like a nanny.

I had to make him judge himself and act.

For him, we first had to remind him of Kim Si-hun, who is now wet with the illusion of being a hero.


I closed my eyes.

My head turned fast.

I came up with a good plan. I slowly opened my eyes that I had closed.

There was no need to hesitate for more than the plan had been set.

The rain turned its head.

'Before that.'

Before implementing the plan, there was work to be done first.


I clasped my feet lightly. My body came up in the air.

I spread the power of the Watcher to a large extent.

'You fled that way.'

Rain turns its head to where Margie's scent feels.

It wasn't as full of magi around as it used to be in Japan looking for trees in the woods.

To paraphrase the situation, look for a tree in a dry desert.

The rains flew to where the Demon Assassin had fled.

Where the Demon Assassin is headed is the Abandoned Factory at Incheon Port.

It was destroyed by a monster invasion on turbulent days and has still been abandoned.

'You've come a long way.'

It was a tremendous speed if you think you'd be quite tired of fighting Alec.

Margie's scent stopped in the waste factory.

Rain briefly looked at the situation while climbing above the factory.

'I don't think there are any more forces.'

No other magi was felt near the waste plant.

Among the higher priestly devils, there were some who hid Magi in their hearts, but did not think of it.

If I had that much power, I wouldn't have hit Alec alone.

"Phew, Phew!"

I heard a rough breath.

It seemed quite exhausted to ruin it with full speed right after the battle with Alec.

I clenched my fist.

The ceiling of the waste factory was lowered.



Light smoke dust bloomed. I saw an assassin looking this way with long nails pulled out.

"... Who are you?"

I was astonished at the sight of the assassin who looks beyond the Red Devil Mask.

I thought Alec was coming after me, but suddenly the wrong guy showed up, so it would be natural to react like that.

Rainfall smiled at the assassin's question.

"Who are you?"


"You're not going to tell me, are you? Neither do I."

The assassin was in a low position. Sharp livelihoods blossomed.

"You must be part of the Guardians."

I think I thought it was Alec's colleague.

The rain shrugged.

"Hmph. I know you're the Guardians even if you try to move on like that."

The assassin stretched out his hands wide.

Nails longer than 30 centimetres shined sharply. The fingernails have a magi.

"Yes, think what you want to think."

I didn't have to tell you the truth.

After all, people saw what they wanted to see and listened to what they wanted to hear.

"I have a lot to ask you."

"Do you think I'm going to tell you?"

"No, I wouldn't say that."

I shook my head.

I raised my right hand.

The key to the mahogany, which was in the form of a ring, changed its appearance.


The key to the Macau Sea changed its appearance, turning into a black glove.

It was a glove with the power of the devil, the power of the blockade.

"I'll make you want to talk."


I landed.

Using the power of speed, the body that was shot suddenly reaches the assassin.

I was terrified of the snow beyond the mask.

Per billion!


I made a point with my handcuffs.

The assassin's body was bent and bounced.

I follow. I kick myself with my feet as I fall to the ground.


The wall of the waste factory was smashed.

The abandoned rebars poured down towards the assassin.


The assassin swung his hand.

With a loud thud, the rebar grew. The assassin sprinted low.

Sharp nails flew from bottom to top.



I grabbed my nails.

I pulled my nails with the power of force. The rooted nail fell to the ground with a drop of blood.

The assassin's movement slowed down because of the severe pain.

I grabbed his shoulder with a purse with the power of containment.


Bones shattered and gloves stuck on his shoulder.

A terrible scream burst out.

"Uh, uh? Why is the power...?"

The assassin with the power of containment fell to the ground.

Rain used the power of subordination immediately after it prevented the assassin from committing suicide by sticking his finger in his mouth.

A massive magi flows into the assassin's body.


[The soul of the target resisted the power of subordination.]


Rain filled my tongue as if I didn't like it.

After sealing the power with the power of containment, subordinate power might have worked, but it didn't work as expected.

'I can't help it.'

There was no reason to give up because the dominant power did not work.

I stabbed my finger in the shoulder that was shattered in my wallet.


A repressed scream burst out.

I didn't mean to stop here.

'The power of hell.'

The flame that burned his life began to burn directly inside the assassin's body.

In the first place, burns were one of the greatest pains a human being could feel.

If the burn was not outside the body, but inside, the result was obvious.


A terrible scream echoed.

Rain has gained power.

"Now you're ready to talk, aren't you?"

"Argh! Argh!"

"Or one more time?"

"Enough of that! I mean, please stop!"

I shouted as if I couldn't resist the burning pain in my body.

The rain nodded with a gratifying smile.

'What should I ask you first?'

I had a lot to ask.

However, I couldn't ask.

'Cause I'm going to burst and die or twist and die.'

So far, from experience, the Devil Church has made it impossible to speak about inside information.

It won't be any different this time.

'I can't repeat the same mistake.'

I wasn't a jerk with no learning skills.

Rain first identified information unrelated to Devil Church.

"Tell me what you know about the Guardians."

"... Why not? If you're a Guardian, you know better about them than I do... Ahhh!"

"Don't ask questions. Just answer the question."

"Argh! Argh!"

Tears came down in the eyes of the assassin since it was horribly painful.

"They are a group of people from all over the world called 'Guardians.' I don't know the exact number. However, no matter how many there are, there are no more than 10 people and the leader's name is Guyana."

"The chief's name is Guyana?"

"Yes, it is."

Rain snow thinned.


Naturally, the Guyanese system came to mind. I didn't think it was a coincidence.

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