“Everyone, don’t move…., no matter what happens, don’t move!!”

At this time, there was no need for Tan to talk about it, and everyone did not dare to act rashly.

Just the name of the fifth-order monster directly scared them in place.

The kind that doesn’t blink an eye.

It’s terrifying!!

Third-order psionics, in front of the fifth-order, are just like children, fragile and unbearable!!!

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat under the three rounds of the sun.

I didn’t dare to move at all.

And the ant that killed Chen Tao stared at their team for a while.


Turning around, he let out a huge roar to the army of ants behind him.

“Boom !!!”

Subsequently, the army of ants continued to advance.

They are moving in the direction of “900” impartial, towards their entire team.


Everyone panicked!!

“So…. Director, you do…. Are you sure you really don’t move? ”

“Later, we won’t even know how we died.”

Someone asked Tan.

Tan Tan’s face was extremely serious and solemn.

“Don’t move, they move so fast, it’s like they’re running away, if we don’t do something to them like Chen Tao, they shouldn’t easily strike at us!!”

Tan Tan’s tone was extremely heavy.

Although he is not sure, but for now, he only stands motionless.

Voting on your attitude to them is what matters.

His only source of basis was the look in the eyes of the ant just now.

It was a conscious look.

Believe that they do this, vote on their mentality, and this group of ants will understand.

As the army of hundreds of ants advanced, it was getting closer and closer to everyone.

At this time, it was due to the three huge suns in the sky.

Everyone was covered with sweat, both on their faces and on their bodies.

Without moving, an incomparable feeling of heat rose from the bottom of their hearts.

But fear outweighed the heat in their hearts.

Only team central.

Ye Yang, Rifangu Dongshi Lang, Su Yunyun and Ren Yingying were more relaxed.

The two big ice cellars of Dongshi Lang and Su Yunyun.

The three suns in the sky did nothing for them at all.

And they listened to Ye Yang’s analysis in advance, and the pressure in their hearts was also much reduced.

After all, since the last test, Su Yunyun and Ren Yingying clearly understood the horror of Ye Yang’s analytical ability.

At this time, this wave of analysis of him is naturally extremely convinced.


In the crowd, the sound of swallowing saliva continued to sound.

As the army of ants got closer and closer, everyone’s hearts became extremely tense.

It’s terrifying!!

They looked at the army of hundreds of fifth-order ants, as if they saw the demon king.

Can’t fight at all!!

If there is a conflict, it is death without suspense!!


The earthquake-like tremor, clearly reflected in front of them.

Here it comes!!

Frontal contact.

Those who stood in front of the army of ants parted to the sides to make way for a road.

The crowd put their posture in a very upright manner.

At this time!

Everyone did not dare to look squarely at the army of ants in front of them.

No one knows if this army of ants will suddenly move in the next second.

If they do it, they will all be finished.

The remaining five genius teenagers of the Chen family did not dare to act rashly at this time.

And looking at the terrifying ant army in front of him, a brilliant light suddenly flashed in Chen Chen’s eyes!!!

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The slap that was secretly outside the country just now, he still remembers it vividly.

Originally, it was decided not to find trouble with Dongshiro Lang before Brother Chen Fan returned.


At this point, he saw an opportunity.

A fantastic opportunity.

After leaning over and whispering something in the ears of several other genius teenagers of the Chen family.

Then, he began to quietly move in small movements through the crowd.

Since he was almost moving over, few people noticed him.

And the people who noticed him did not care about his movements.

On the one hand, in the face of the current situation, no one dares to make any big moves!

Make too big a move, maybe you will die in the next second!!

What does this genius boy of the Chen family want to do, they don’t know!!

But they know that he should not dare to do anything too out of line, then his small actions, then it doesn’t matter!!

On the other hand, it is under pressure from the army of ants0…

Everyone did not even dare to breathe, how dare they speak at this time.

So he let Chen Chen move through the crowd.

Chen Chen moved quietly, and finally moved not far from Ye Yang and several people.

As he approached.

Suddenly, the whole body felt a cold feeling, which instantly emptied the hot feeling under the body.

He looked shocked.

His gaze became more fierce, and he gritted his teeth and secretly said in his heart:

“There have always been heat dissipation things such as curling, and such a good thing is not shared with everyone!!!”

“What a bominable abominable!!”

As a result, he strengthened the determination in his heart to do something.

After arriving near Fuyushiro.

He raised his hand slightly.

A small bow and arrow appeared in his hand.

Bright in your eyes!!

Pull the bow!!


A feather arrow with incomparably sharp power shot towards the ant army.



The feather arrow was directly hitting the hard shell of an ant, and suddenly made an extremely crisp sound.

The army of ants suddenly stopped and continued to move forward.

Hundreds of pairs of scarlet eyes instantly shot in the direction of the feather arrow that had just been fired.


Rifangu Dongshiro and Ye Yang and the others, 5.8 are standing quietly!!

At this time, the entire desert was silent.

The next moment!!!

Countless breaths of incomparably rapid breathing echoed throughout the desert.

Who put the arrow!!!


Don’t you want to live and find death!!

Seeing this, Chen Chen, who was sent later, quickly cut through the crowd and pulled out his legs and ran away! ! !

The other Chen family teenagers are the same.

Pull up your legs and quickly run into the distance!!!

They can all foresee the miserable situation of this team when the ant army rises!!!

No one will survive.

In particular, that elementary school student named Fuyushiro will be the first to die!!

Chen Chen thought, a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Offend Uncle Ben, then the end is death!!!

PS: Please!.

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