Planet Escape

Chapter 548: Universe reenactment

As time goes by, the civilized race fleet leaving the Virgo Galaxy cluster is getting closer to the black core of the parallel universe core.

However, after the communication of the Kaqiu civilization, there was no other action, so now these civilizations and ethnic groups have not taken the command of the Kaqiu civilization at all.

But when these civilizations and races reached the core black hole ten thousand light years away, a huge space ripple radiated from the black hole.

This huge wave of space did not cause the void of the universe to break, but merely distorted the void of the universe into a corrugated shape visible to the naked eye. And the coverage of this space ripple is only ten light years, but when this ripple spreads outward, it has been observed by all civilizations.

"This is what the Kaqiu civilization wants to do, and it starts to attack from such a distance." Fair said, watching the big screen.

"Who knows, it may be a warning, or there may be other reasons, anyway, it has nothing to do with us." Di Long said with a lip, and carelessly said.

Xiang Qian looked at the space ripples on the big screen, and after thinking for a while, said to the starry sky, "Notify the man in black and let him control the civilization and race to meteorites enclosing the door of space, shoot out with a detector, Do n’t face the core black hole. "

"Okay, boss."

After Xiang Gan gave this order, everyone else looked at Xiang Gan curiously, not knowing what he was doing.

"Do you think these civilized races are in danger?" Said Queen Moon, turning her eyes.

"I don't know if there is any danger, but we should not continue to be close to the core black hole. Now this distance is close enough. There is no need to be so close." Xiang Qian said, shaking his head.

Nothing was said about Xiang Gan's explanation. Whether you stop here or move on. For the Earth Confederation, it has no practical significance.

Soon, the meteorite enclosing the door of space was shot inside the detector.

The information that the Earth Federation can receive next depends entirely on this detector, and the Earth Federation cannot use any other means.

In a blink of an eye, the year in the universe is over. At this time, the guardian tree of civilization, which has absorbed a variety of science and technology, has infiltrated its lush foliage into the walls of the universe.

Inside the crystal wall of the entire universe, it is under the protection of densely guarded branches and leaves of civilization. When this huge network formed by the leaves and branches of civilization guards was formed, the stability of the entire small universe increased by dozens of times. Even the defensive strength of the cosmic crystal walls and the efficiency of energy absorption switching back have increased many times.

At the same time, the space-time energy absorbed by the guardian tree of civilization has also multiplied geometrically. In just 50 years, enough energy has been stored for Regulus to break through the sixth-level civilization.

At this time, Regaloth is desperately absorbing these energy. It is expected that within a month, Regalthros will be able to digest it and begin to break through the sixth-level civilization barrier.

On this day, all senior scientists of the Earth Federation enter the life support module and receive external news through the virtual network. Wait until the universe repeats itself. After the explosion of space and time, after these scientists complete theoretical research through virtual networks, they will also enter the hibernation state of life.

It can be said that starting today, the science and technology exhibition of the Earth Federation will enter a state of stagnation. As for how long this state will continue, it depends on when the Earth Federation can break through the seven civilizations.

A month later, Regaloth broke through six civilizations. This time, the evolution direction he chose is fixed, which is the black hole form.

The entire form. Regulus can already form a small universe in the body, that is, a new universe space inside a black hole. But Regulus did not do that. Instead, this ability to form a small universe is used to stabilize the Earth Federation small universe.

When this ability of Regaltos acts inside the small universe, the small universe of the Earth Federation can be regarded as a growing small universe. When Regalothus absorbs energy and introduces it into the universe, it will automatically distribute this energy into various basic material particles.

These most basic matter particles may form space energy to expand the size of the small universe, or they may form the most basic particles of ortho, antimatter, dark matter, etc., so that interstellar dust can appear inside the small universe and can condense into stars.

In other words, the small universe of the Earth Federation will have the opportunity to become a real universe, but it will take a very, very long time, calculated in billions of years. Although they may not see Xianggan, there is always a glimmer of hope.

It can be said that at this time, with the efforts of the three parties of the Guardian Tree of Civilization, Regulus and the flagship of the civilization of the Mingyue Empire, the Earth Federation Small Universe has finally become solid, even if it is the impact of the chaos of time and space, it cannot destroy the Earth Federation Small Universe.

In this way, all obstacles left by the Commonwealth of Earth in the parallel universe have been wiped out, and the parallel universe can be safely waited for the parallel universe to restart.

In 19 seconds, another 19 years passed, and at this time all civilizations and races had reached the core black hole.

However, all civilizations can't approach the core black hole. Because so many years have passed, the Kaqiu civilization has used the huge gravitational pull of the core black hole to cover the distance of the light-years around the core black hole.

Any object that enters this light year will be twisted into twists by huge space ripples, even neutron stars.

Under such circumstances, all civilized races have to stop in the cosmic void outside the core black hole light years.

"Haven't any abnormalities yet?". The patriarch of the Kaqiu civilization walked frantically, occasionally looking at the big screen and asking about the brain, but the results obtained never changed.

"Nothing is found now ~ ~ The probe has reached the Virgo Cluster, and the Earth Federation Universe does not have any abnormalities," Zhinao replied.

The head of the Kaqiu civilization was almost crazy when he heard this answer. Now is the time, and there is less than a hundred years left until the parallel universe repeats itself. The Universe of the Earth Federation is still inside the Virgo Galaxy cluster without any trace of movement.

This situation was completely unexpected, although he considered whether the Earth Federation has any special space to shield the small universe and let the small universe secretly move. But after he sent the detector, the answer made him give up the idea.

Because he did not believe in the level of technology of the Earth Federation, he was able to develop a technology that would shield them from the close observation of the Kachu civilization probe. At the same time, he set a trap in the spatiotemporal space without any alarm, so the answer he came to was that the Earth Federation did not move the small universe.

"Since you don't leave, wait for the parallel universe to be destroyed when it repeats itself." Kachu civilization chief said with gritted teeth. He did not believe that under the interference of the rules of the universe when the parallel universe repeats itself, there can be civilizations in the parallel universe. internal. (To be continued ...)

Chapter 545 The countdown to a parallel universe reenactment:

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