Planet Escape

Chapter 46: Want to eat bear paw?

"嘀嘀 ... 嘀嘀 ......"

多 At four o'clock in the morning, Xiang Gan was awakened by the prompt sound of the starry sky.

"Starry sky, what happened." Xiang Qian sat up and asked staggeringly.

"There was a large-scale battle five kilometers away, and it was determined that the evolutionary beast attacked, and a reminder was issued according to the first preliminary instruction."

After listening to the starry sky, Xiang Qian was immediately awake. The first preliminary instruction was set by him. As soon as more than 100 evolutionary beasts appeared, he should be notified immediately.

I put on my clothes and went downstairs, and came to the studio. At this time, the scene of a battle five kilometers away was displayed on the big screen.

Hundreds of people swept at the evolutionary herd with submachine guns, and many people drove things in their cars, mainly moving food. Women and children were already on the car when they were looking for them. As long as the food was finished, these people could evacuate.

After looking at this situation, Jian Xiang knew that the tide of beasts was coming. This was only the first wave. He did not see the evolutionary beasts of the first and middle stages on the screen, otherwise these people would simply be absent. As long as the first-level and middle-level evolutionary beasts are not hit with such key points as the eyes, they are basically the attack of immunity bullets.

The evolutionary beasts of the scale armor, even anti-equipment sniper rifles, cannot penetrate their scale armor, let alone the 81 bars they hold.

With the rapid advancement of evolutionary beasts, hundreds of people without professional training will soon be unable to keep their line of defense. In the absence of a solution, and regardless of the food left in the house, they can only leave the car.

But there are very few vehicles that can be driven, and at least two-thirds of them have no way to evacuate. How could two legs run over four legs, and the only consequence of being overthrown by an evolutionary beast is a pile of bones.

Xiang Qiangan didn't think about saving people, he couldn't save them at all. Without cover, even wearing exoskeleton-powered armor would be drowned by endless evolutionary beasts. As for firing missiles, he simply did not have enough ammunition.

"The starry sky, sound the alarm and notify all researchers to stand by. The wire grid is energized, the initial voltage is 2000 volts, and the warning lights and lights are turned on." Xiang Qian seemed to give an order to the starry sky for a while.

Immediately, an alarm sounded throughout the courtyard, and all researchers' communicators displayed instructions on standby. Numerous electric sparks appeared on the wire power grid, and crackling sounded continuously. All the foreign objects falling on the wire power grid were burnt by high voltage electricity. Although the iron wire grid fused with tungsten metal does not have a melting point as high as 3800 degrees, high temperatures below 2500 degrees cannot really be fused.

The entire yard was chaotic with Xiang Qian's order, but with the reminder of the starry sky, everyone knew that the danger was coming soon. Those who did not run around and robbed the fire were honestly staying together according to the instructions of the starry sky.

I am very satisfied with the response of the crowd. If you dare to make trouble at this time, he will never be softened. One will kill one, and two will kill one pair. If you can't calm down these people, then it will be really messy. Fortunately, none of the backup methods he prepared were used.

"Son, what happened, what do you call the alarm in the middle of the night?" Xiang Gan's voice came from outside the door.

"Dad, it's okay, you go back to sleep. It's enough for me and Zhao Ming, Lei Brother, Li." Xiang Gan opened the door and saw his parents and Zhao Ming's parents, Ning, Zhao Ming, Zhang Lei, etc. When a large group of people stood outside the door, he said quickly.

"It's all right, don't look down on your dad, think about it ..."

"A handful of people, what else did you do that year, don't mess up your son, come back with me."

Xiang Xianggan's stepmother interrupted his dad and pulled him away.

Zhao Ming also persuaded his father to leave, and soon these young people were left outside the studio.

"Don't stand here, just come in. Condensation, don't you go back and rest, things don't need your help tonight." Xiang Qian said he saw the condensation and went in.

"You can't sleep in the night, you won't be able to sleep if you don't sleep." Condensation White dried his eyes and went in.

Xiang Xianggan smiled helplessly, come and come, anyway, it is not uncommon.

"What are you doing, just sit and sit. Now the screen shows the situation of the East Gate. At the speed of the evolutionary beast, even if someone resists it, these evolutionary beasts will reach us for up to an hour." Xiang Qian looked at Several people stared at the screen stupidly and said funnyly.

"These evolutionary beasts are crazy ... How did they start attacking the city? Isn't the evolutionary beast going crazy." Ning said in surprise.

"I don't know if they are going crazy, but they must be hungry and crazy. As long as you don't see them, they would rush up to bite if they die."

"This is too incredible ..."

During the time they were talking, the evolutionary beasts rushed to the Jiangpu District Government. As long as they were living, no matter where they hid, they were all found by the evolutionary beasts. On the road, there are evolution beasts everywhere on the roof. According to the statistics of the starry sky, there are 37,000 evolution beasts so far.

There are more than a dozen first-stage mid-level evolutionary beasts that Xiang Qian saw. Most of these dozen first-stage mid-level evolutionary beasts are snakes, and the scary one is a bear. I do n’t know where this bear or bear lived before. He was not found. At this time, he became a first-rate mid-level evolutionary beast. He can slap a car with one slap.

"Lei brother, Li brother, you guys, please prepare, put on exoskeleton power armor to the yard, each person is responsible for a wall, if there is an evolutionary beast up, shoot directly. Zhao Ming, you are in charge of the gate, if I wait Open the door and let people in. You have to collect all their weapons as soon as possible. "Xiang Qian felt almost the same, so let them prepare.

"OK." Several people answered.

Wait for them to leave, there are only two people in the studio, Xiang Gan and Condensation.

Xiang Xianggan looked at the condensation at this time, and found that her face was already white, and she could not help but shake her head and said, "Don't look at it, just go back to sleep."

"Hmm ... who said I can't stand it anymore, I'm just a little ... a little cold," said the cold mouth.

How could the twenty-four degrees in the squatter room be cold, Xiang Qian thought silently, but did not take it apart.

After another half an hour, tens of thousands of evolutionary beasts were divided into two parts, one part rushed towards the village on the left side of the national road, and the other part rushed towards the right side of the national road.

"Little bright, little tiger, you don't need to operate, unless there is a problem with the automatic control system ~ ~ You switch to manual operation, do you understand?" Xiang Qian said to his brothers in the Li family.

"Understand, brother."

Evolutionary Beasts soon after they arrived at Xingfu Xincun, seeing that they were coming to them. The straight line distance did not cross 400 meters.

"Starry sky, start to attack." Xiang Qian watched that the fastest running beast was less than 300 meters away from the courtyard wall, and immediately ordered an attack.

接受 "Accept the order, the fire control system is on ... the laser weapon is recharged ... and the attack begins."

A red and white light shot from the bunker, and the evolutionary beast 300 meters away disappeared without leaving any corpse.

After seeing this situation, Xiang Xianggan said, "Starry sky, adjust the laser weapon power to 30%, and the maximum output must not exceed 20,000 watts."

接受 "Accept the instruction, adjust the laser weapon launch power, adjust it, and continue to attack."

This time is much better. At least I didn't evaporate the whole evolutionary beast, but my head was gone. Seeing such an attack intensity item nodded, if the intensity of the first blow was like that, after the beast tide, he could not get a bottle of genetic nuclear power solution, but had to take some upside-down, that would not be a loss.

The people in the courtyard did not know what was going on outside. They could only see the four corners of the fortress. Three of the fortresses' lasers were firing wildly. The entire courtyard seemed to be continuously illuminated by hundreds of flashlights.

At this time, Xiang Qian suddenly saw a huge bear on the screen.

"Condensation, do you want to eat bear paw?" Xiang Qian said with a smile.

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