Planet Escape

Chapter 379: Black man shot


When the shuttlecock federation went to star field H199, the pursuit of the Sanyan tribe to the major civilizations of the galaxy has ended. | Every two people who read romance, there is an account that has signed up to °° 乐 ° 小 ° 说 °.

He said that with the exception of individual civilizations, which escaped the hunting fleet, basically all civilizations pursued by the Three-Eyed Fleet fell. And the rest of the civilization, at this time, had already fled far, even if the Three Eyes sent a fleet to hunt, it would no longer be able to catch up.

The sixth area command center, the large screen shows the current position and direction of each escaping civilization and race.

"Uncle, these civilized races have entered the desert area, and our mission has been completed. But why don't we continue to hunt them down, if we use all our strength, at least half of them can be eliminated." Fair sees Speaking to Tanzans on the big screen.

"It is no longer necessary. The following is a tug-of-war that lasts for tens of thousands of years. The temporary gains and losses are not the main. The remaining civilizations are 10,000 or 1,000. It makes no difference to us. The number of life planets is constant, so even if all these civilizations survive, their war potential is constant.

多少 The number of civilizations is not the bargaining chip that determines the final victory. The potential of civilization is the key to strength. The same number of life planets exert different powers in the hands of one civilization and in the hands of ten civilizations.

Now that we have eliminated most of the potential races of civilization, the rest are no longer considered. "Tansans said lightly.

"I see, but ..." Fair didn't finish his words, but the image of the galaxy battleship displayed on the big screen expressed his meaning.

现在 "Now it is a seed. If this seed grows into a towering tree, then we attach to it. If it grows into a small sapling, then we cut it off as our nutrient."

"Do you think that uncle will grow into a towering tree?"

"I don't know, but I know there is nothing wrong with listening to the ancestors."

"... the ancestors!"

After a while, an officer came to the two. Respectfully said: "His ambassador Tansans, His Royal High, the way back is already open and ready to go."

"Well, the left-behind fleet remains on alert. The remaining fleet follows us back." Tanzans nodded.

"Yes, Tanzans commander."

Twenty starship mothership formations guard the core starship mothership, slowly entering the door of space, followed by a huge fleet of fleets.

After the three-eye tribe main fleet entered the gate of space, the huge gate of space slowly disappeared. When this fleet appeared again. Already 30,000 light-years from the edge of the Andromeda galaxy, the cosmic void.

In this cosmic void, countless fleets are patrolling, and a few light years away is a huge cluster of galaxies. In the star field composed of this galaxy, there are a lot of star fortresses and countless defense weapons. The entire star field is like a war machine, quietly waiting for the enemy to come.


For a while, the alliance of more than a thousand civilized races who escaped with the Earth Federation at the beginning, and then left alone, also began to discuss the next countermeasures.

Compared with other civilization and ethnic alliances, the number of civilization and ethnic alliances is relatively large. And because this civilized racial alliance is an alliance formed by the use of civilized racial contracts in crisis conditions. Compared with other civilizations and ethnic alliances, the cohesion is much worse, and there are more internal small groups. Each civilization and race has its own ideas and interests, so it is not easy to maintain such a long time.

Today's meeting is to discuss whether to form a real alliance, not a temporary assembly like now.

However, before the meeting has been held for a long time, differences in various aspects have emerged. Among them, the biggest obstacle that hinders the formation of the Civilized and Ethnic Alliance is the use of distribution.

多个 The strength of more than a thousand civilized races is very powerful. However, if there are too many civilized races, the resources allocated to each race will naturally decrease. This is an unavoidable thing.

For example, the distribution of the planet of life, a planet of life can provide a population limit of 10 billion. It seems a lot, but if it is divided into more than a thousand civilized races, it will be poor.

A few other civilizations and ethnic alliances have laid down several planets of life. Basically, every civilization and ethnicity within the alliance can get a population limit of billions. And their alliance, unless occupying 700.800 planets of life, is assigned to the head of each civilization and race. It was drizzle at all.

If this situation continues to develop, it can be said that the alliance as a whole is strong, but the single civilized race is very weak, which is an irreversible fact.

But in the cruel universe, which civilization race is willing to sacrifice itself and fulfill others. Even if there is a struggle for power within each civilized race, let alone a coalition of more than a thousand civilized races, who knows how far this alliance can eventually go.

If the alliance is disbanded, then these civilizations have not been eliminated, so few civilizations and races support the formation of a true alliance.

When the day's meeting is over, I hope Hill of the Alliance will come to the room of the man in black and report the situation of the meeting today to the man in black.

"That is to say, most civilizations and races do not agree to form an alliance, but a few civilizations have sought you out in private and want to pull you to join their alliance." Men in black said lightly.

"Yes, master. According to the current situation, basically tomorrow's meeting is about to escape the issue of dissolving the racial contract of civilization." Hill nodded.

"Call over the race controllers who brought you into their alliance, and say that you agree to join their alliance and let them sign a civilized race contract. Anyway, no matter what method you use, you must lead them here." Black After thinking for a while, he said.

"Yes, master, I'll contact now."

"Well, go."

After a few hours, several people came to the flagship of Hope Alliance ~ ~ under the leadership of Hill and entered the room where the man in black was.

半 When these people left half an hour later, they had already made an expression with Hill, and they respectfully pushed out of the room.

Within three hours, these people drew a group of people here, and everyone became the same after half an hour.

That's it. In one night, the patriarchs of several powerful civilizations of more than one thousand civilizations came here one after another. When the alliance meeting started the next day, other small races suddenly discovered that the atmosphere of the meeting had changed, and it seemed that they were really going to form an alliance.

However, because most civilized races do not agree, the establishment of a civilized racial alliance is in the foreseeable future.

For the next half month, every day someone came to the flagship of Hope Alliance, and then went back to bring people over and over again.

半 When half a month later, when the meeting was held again, the motion to establish the Civilization and Ethnic Alliance was passed smoothly. (To be continued.) Xh118

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