Planet Escape

Chapter 372: Pursuit and separation

"Hurry up and send the fleet to pursue targets with higher risk factors, and you must not let those warships of civilized races run away." Fair growled in the command hall.

At this time, the situation was beyond his control. Tens of thousands of civilized and ethnic flagships fled, even if they had more warships, it was not enough. After all, a small number of warships were sent to death, but a large number of warships could not chase all the targets.

So Fair can only send warships to pursue those civilizations with strong strength and high risk factor. Eradicating these civilizations and races is more valuable than erasing other civilizations and races.

But after looking at the galaxy warships on the other side of the screen, Fair's face became even more gloomy.

Now with the galaxy battleships, there are nearly a thousand flagships of the fourth-class civilization race. Such a power cannot be stopped by the three star mothership formations.

"Send two more starship mothership formations ..." Fair was interrupted before he could even say me.

Captain Tanzans patted Fair's shoulder and said, "Okay, don't send a stellar mother ship formation to pursue, even if you go, it's useless."

"But the other side ..." Fair wanted to justify what was interrupted by Tanzans.

"Nothing, but this huge starship mother ship is already the same as the star system defense circle. Not a few starship mother ships can break through. And the civilization of this starship mothership is still The only other race in the entire galaxy's technology level to reach the fourth stage of civilization.

So this race has met the pre-selection conditions. Now what we have to do is not to destroy this civilization, but to observe it. "Tansans looked at the galaxy warships on the screen and said deeply.

After listening to the fat, he was silent, and looked at the galaxy warships on the screen, full of unwillingness.

"I see, but for the final plan, now give them a little pressure, so that their power can not be too huge, this is no problem." After a while. Fair's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Yes, but pay attention to size and don't make things clumsy." Tanzans understood what Fair meant. After thinking about it for a while.

"Relax, I know."


In a blink of an eye, time passed.

At this time, the civilized races that have not been pursued have begun to adjust their directions and fly to places with abundant resources.

And those civilized races chased by the fleet. You still have to flee. There is no way to go to the resource-rich area. You can only rush in the opposite direction to avoid the chasing fleet. This makes the chased civilization and race very depressing. They also don't understand why there are so many civilizations and the other party stares at them with no other chasm.

The three fleets behind the Pleiades battleships also pursued with perseverance. Because everyone's speed is the same, no one can throw away. Can only be so consuming.

There is no way to do this. Fortunately, galaxy warships have sufficient energy reserves, and more than 700 stars are the most powerful source of power. Even if they do not replenish energy at half past one, there is no problem. He didn't believe that the opponent's fleet could continue to chase without supplementary energy.

So Xiang Qian is confident that he can get rid of the opponent's pursuit, it is only a matter of time.

The Earth Federation is not afraid, but the civilized races behind the galaxies are not. Their energy reserves are not enough. The energy that was originally collected at the last resource point consumes more than half of it after sailing 200,000 kilometers. Then there was a battle, and now their remaining energy does not exceed 30% at most, and they may not consume more energy than the opposing fleet.

But now the direction of galaxy battleships. In a short period of time, there are no galaxies, so they want to resupply, either to follow the galaxy battleships, persist in stellar galaxies more than a dozen light years away, or switch directions to nearby galaxies.

These civilized races look at the three huge fleets behind them, leaving the second method behind.

that's it. In the pursuit of the two sides, five years have passed.

Over the past five years, more than a thousand civilizations that have followed the galaxy warships have hoped that the Earth Federation will take the lead and form an alliance to jointly resist the indigenous civilizations of the Andromeda galaxy.

But these civilizations have been mentioned several times. Even if they all agreed to obey the orders of the Earth Federation in the war, Xiang Qian did not agree to establish this alliance.

So after several times, they did not invite Xiang Gan, but set up an alliance themselves. However, there is one exception. When running away, he publicly stated that he would join the biological civilization of the Earth Federation. The civilization race named Pabo Dilong did not join the alliance established by more than 1,000 civilizations. Instead, he made up his mind. To join the Earth Federation.

干 For this Pabodilong civilization, Xiang Qian also resigned. He has made it clear that the Earth Federation currently does not accept any civilized race, but the other party does not give up, just follow behind the galaxy battleships, and if you do not accept me, I will not leave. In the face of such a situation, what can you do with Xiang Qian? You can't destroy others.

Xiang Xiang ignored the work of other civilizations, but instead focused on scientific research. This time, if the galaxy warships have not been upgraded for 500 years, and the technology level has been upgraded to the standard of the fourth stage of civilization, then the galaxy warships cannot run even if they want to run.

From here, you can see the importance of scientific and technological levels, so Xiang Qian has been focusing on scientific research, just to let the Earth Federation upgrade the scientific and technological level to the peak of the fourth-level civilization before it leaves the pursuit. When the galaxy battleships are upgraded again, the Earth Federation will be considered safe.

In this way, while other civilized races are allied to share information and resources, the Earth Federation is busy with scientific research. The three fleets of the Three Eyes continued to pursue with perseverance.

Ten years elapsed in a blink of an eye, sailing without curvature, and fifteen years, but only a distance of more than 12 light years. For the Andromeda galaxy, which is hundreds of thousands of light-years in diameter, this is simply a step in place.

I sailed here, and the civilized races behind the galaxy battleships were already impatient. And their energy reserves have fallen to the alert line. If they don't replenish their energy, they won't be able to sail for long.

So when the stellar galaxy was approaching a few years ago, these civilized races mentioned to Xiang Qian that the stellar galaxy was blocking the three fleets behind.

Xiang Qian also rejected this proposal, because eliminating the next three fleets is not good for the Earth Federation. Counting on these civilized races to work together to destroy the three fleets, it is better to wait for the technology level of the Earth Federation to reach the pinnacle of civilization, develop the strongest weapon, and destroy the three fleets behind.

项 After Xiang Qian rejected the proposal, the civilization races behind the galaxy warships were not calm.

The Earth Confederation has sufficient energy reserves and can run forever, but these civilizations and races cannot.

I ran forward with the galaxy warships again, a desert of resources, a vacuum zone between several spiral arms inside the Andromeda galaxy, where there are no resources, and the span is very large. It would take at least a few hundred years to cross the vacuum belt ~, at which time their energy reserves had already bottomed.

So after consulting with those civilizations and races, they decided to leave the Earth Federation and flee alone. At this time they were ready to be pursued by a rear fleet, but after they fled, the three rear fleets did not look the same, let alone assign a fleet to chase them.

This result not only makes them happy, but also makes them depressed. Isn't it obvious that they don't take them seriously.

The three fleets that were engaged for a long time were only for chasing the Earth Federation. They were like a fool running blindly with the Earth Federation for more than ten years. Thinking about it, these civilizations and races collapsed. I had known that they had left alone, and they waited till now.

In addition to the Pabodilong civilization following the galaxy battleships, other civilizations and races have left to attack the star system ahead.

的 A year after being separated from the Earth Federation, a coalition of more than 1,000 civilizations and races came to the outside of that star system, ready to attack this star system with only a few battleship defenses. At the same time, these civilized races also took a sigh of relief and wanted to vent in this stellar system. (To be continued.) Xh118

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