Planet Escape

Chapter 348: Last look at the Milky Way

At the moment when the formation force field of more than 400 stars around the galaxy battleships was formed, the rampant space energy directly flew the battleships represented by the major civilization and ethnic alliances. ⊙4⊙5⊙ 中 ⊙ 文 ↑,

Then the space energy around the galaxy battleship formed a spiral, and the galaxy battleship rushed into the wormhole like a bullet with spiral space energy.

Hundreds of Tier IV civilization flagships blocked by the entrance of the wormhole at the entrance of the wormhole launched an attack as soon as the galaxy warship started.

For a moment, various rays of light shone in the void of the universe. Numerous beams of light penetrated the void and hit the spiral energy barrier fiercely, erupting a terror of energy.

However, these attacks did not threaten the galaxy warships. The terror energy tide was swallowed up by space energy within a second. The galaxy warships rushed forward to the wormhole.

Xiang Qian looked at the hundreds of fourth-level civilization and ethnicity flagships on the big screen and launched a messy attack. There was no reasonable arrangement, and they knew that these civilizations and ethnic alliances were nothing more than a group of chickens and dogs.

If the Earth Federation is now facing one of these alliances, then the resistance may be a little stronger, but these alliances come together, and there is really no lethality.

As galaxy warships get closer and closer to the wormhole, the frequency of the fourth-class civilization races blocking the wormhole not only does not increase, but decreases. In the middle of the civilization race flagship, when the galaxy battleship was 60 billion kilometers away from the wormhole, it stopped attacking and began to retreat from the back to the sides.

If they do not retreat now, when the galaxy warships arrive here, they are likely to be directly hit into the wormhole by the huge space energy in front of the galaxy warships. That result was not what they expected. A quarantine flagship of a fourth-class civilization race was hit by a solitary wormhole. If there is no rescue, it is not far from death.

So when these civilizations and ethnic alliances found out that they couldn't help the Earth Federation. Retreat had long been born, but just saw that everyone had not moved. Hold it up. Now that some people are starting to quit, then other civilizations are also quitting. Anyway, they are not the first to quit.

But when the galaxy battleship rushed to reach 30 billion kilometers ahead, the front was flat, and no flagship of a civilization race was.

At this time, the race flagships of hundreds of civilized and racial alliances that did not continue to attack on both sides were more like welcoming in the channel rather than finding faults. This result was simply unexpected.

In this way, under the complex eyes of all the hundreds of civilizations and ethnic alliances. The galaxy battleship rushed straight into the wormhole.

Just one second after entering the wormhole, the galaxy battleship rushed out of the wormhole.

But in this second, everyone has a weird feeling, that is, the body has disappeared in this second, and only the spirit or soul of everyone is left. The feeling that the whole person seems to be integrated into the space is extremely profound.

Even if the galaxy warship has left the wormhole, everyone is still immersed in the feeling just now.

After a while, Xiang Gan returned to God. Looking at the Milky Way on the big screen.

Looking at the Milky Way from 230,000 light years away, it is like looking at a huge vortex. At the heart of the silver is a huge light bulb. There are several huge colored ribbons rotating around the light bulb.

Looking at the Milky Way here is very spectacular. The Milky Way is also very beautiful, but Xiang Qian has no feeling of excitement.

Think of the catastrophe less than hundreds of years before humans have flew out of the galaxy. This speed is really too fast, it makes people a little hard to accept. If step by step development. Maybe humans at this time have just been able to navigate the solar system. It is difficult to fly out of the solar system.

But now human beings are going to the distant Andromeda galaxy. No one knows what is waiting for humanity in the future. Like the Andromeda galaxy in the distance, it is now just a bright spot, surrounded by a dark universe.

Now it represents the bright spot of the Andromeda galaxy, which is the hope of human beings. Human beings can only catch the bright spot in front of them like drowning people, blocking it as their only hope.

"Starry sky, link the detector, receive all the data." After a while, Xiang Qian said to the starry sky.

"Okay, boss."

Soon, the detector's data was received. According to the detector's data, the wormhole exit was straight toward the Andromeda galaxy for 10,000 light years. There was no danger in the universe, and the galaxy warships could fly at full speed.

Do not think that the void of the universe outside the galaxy is a void, in this dark void, there may be countless dangers lurking. No one dares to say what is buried in the void of this universe. Since human beings have known the universe, the void in the universe outside the galaxy has always been a blank area.

There may not be stars here, and there are not as many extreme objects at the core of the Milky Way, but the danger here is not less than the core of the Milky Way, but the risk factor is greater.

It is possible to hide this huge space crack against a dark background, or it may hide a black hole, and it is more likely to hide the dangers that countless humans have not yet discovered. So the distance traveled by the galaxy is just a threshold. Now human beings have just crossed this threshold, but there is still a long way to go to truly travel the universe.

"Starry sky, where has that fleet arrived?"

"Boss, according to the data from the probe, that fleet is currently 9382 light years away from us, and now their speed has increased to 150 times the speed of light."

"Well, continue monitoring. They told me of any movement immediately. By the way, send out several unmanned reconnaissance ships, and move forward all around to collect all the data."

"Okay, boss."

The next day, the Earth Federation did not advance towards the Andromeda galaxy, but stopped at the wormhole exit, so that all citizens of the Earth Federation had a last look at the Milky Way. Because after today, human beings want to return to the Milky Way again, it is not known how many years later. Of course, it may not come back. In an unknown future, the Earth Federation may disappear into the universe at a glance like those civilizations that have been destroyed.

So for most citizens of the Earth Federation now, this time is the last time they look at the Milky Way with the naked eye, which gave birth to their galaxy.

At night, Xiang Qian blocked all the light inside the Earth ’s federal galaxy. As long as people looked up, they could see the huge silver disk hanging in space.

Everyone in the Earth Federation didn't go to work ~ ~ Sitting in pairs, leaning on a chair and watching the sky quietly.

Xiang dried up and condensed, lying on the roof, looking at the Milky Way in the night sky.

"There will be no dipper, no star, no ..." Ning said with emotion, but she was interrupted by Xiang before she even said me.

"Rest assured, there will be. All the data of the Milky Way has been saved, and one day, even if we cannot return to the Milky Way, I can make the Milky Way appear around the Earth Federation. By then we will still be like today, together Look at the stars. "Xiang Qian said firmly.

"Well, I believe there will be such a day." Condensation tightened and hugged Xiang Qian's arm.

The next morning, when the sun filled the ground again, Xiang Gan said two words in the command hall and set off.

In the next second, the formation force field started, and the surging space energy instantly tore the space, and the galaxy battleship disappeared into the cosmic void, leaving only a ray of light extending infinitely deep into the universe.

Goodbye, the Milky Way. (To be continued ...)

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