Planet Escape

Chapter 178: Shock brought by technical data of different civilizations

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In less than two minutes, both technical data were downloaded.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After receiving the data, the Orson civilization immediately organized scientists to start cracking the two data, and was also responsible for identifying the authenticity of the two data.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It is still possible to do this. We have studied and put forward the scientific theory of this technology, but we have never thought that it can be done this way. Such a scientific thinking is simply incredible."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Yes, the original electromagnetic force field can still be used in this way. This technology has just opened another door for us. Many problems that could not be solved before can now be solved."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Do an experiment now and see if the experiment works."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A large group of scientists from the Orson civilization exclaimed after reading the data. The scientific thinking of human scientists shocked them all.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The same thing happened not only in the Orson civilization, but also the Earth ’s Academy of Sciences. Many scientists also praise the first-class scientific and technological materials of the Orson civilization, claiming that the ideas in these technical materials are simply incredible.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Three hours later, the Academy of Sciences submitted a report on the demonstration of the scientific and technological system of Orson civilization.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The science and technology theory of Orson civilization is the same as that of the earth. The material in the living environment also owns it, and the similarity of civilization and technology is 83%.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, the Orson civilization focuses on pure mechanical power, and the use of electronic items is very low, which is obviously different from humans in power transmission.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For example, many human powers are powered by engines or electric motors. It is then assisted by a hydraulic booster system. However, this is not the case for Orson Civilization. With the same equipment, Orson Civilization does not use hydraulic power assistance. Instead, use purely mechanical boost structures. Use a very complex combination of mechanical engagement and gears, connecting rods, etc. for power transmission.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although the technology of Orson civilization seems to many people, it is to take off pants and fart. But the mechanical dynamics technology contained in it is not available to humans.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is like a watch with an electronic watch and a mechanical arm. Do you say whether the electronic watch is complicated or a mechanical watch auxiliary, of course, it is a mechanical watch auxiliary. So as technology advances. Mechanical watches will definitely be eliminated. Although folk mechanical watch manufacturing still exists, and the price is still high. But the spacecraft will never use a mechanical watch as a clock.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The first-level technical information of the Orson civilization is completely cheap for humans. Among them, information on precision parts processing, mechanical dynamics structure, ultra-precision machining machine tools, etc. are completely complementary to the subject of human mechanics.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Xiang Gan was shocked after reading this technical evaluation report. He did not expect that the first-class scientific and technological data of the Orson civilization would be so helpful to humanity. As long as human beings digest the best theories in these technologies. Then in the future equipment manufacturing of human beings, many practical electronic power places can be replaced with auxiliary power. Among them, the exoskeleton power armor has the greatest benefits. With these data, the mechanical results of the exoskeleton power device can be updated immediately.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Starry sky, let the academy of science extract all the technologies and theories that the earth does not have in these technical materials, and then make the basic parts of them into textbooks and send them to various schools. By the way, the auxiliary memory device research has not come out. After talking, I suddenly thought of something.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Auxiliary memory devices are devices that help students memorize textbook knowledge. This is not the 21st century earth. The science and technology tree of the third-level civilization can not be learned in just over 20 years. At present, human learning is unified from elementary school to high school, but after college. Began to select various talents.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp One of them is to teach according to talents and interests. The direction of the disciplines chosen at the university will basically not change. Because from this time, students will begin to come into contact with professional knowledge and subject-related knowledge. Any other knowledge not related to the subject will not appear in the teaching content at all.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So this choice must be selected, otherwise you will find yourself unsuitable for this subject when you finish your studies. You have to waste a lot of time to start learning something in another subject, and then your time is completely wasted.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After graduating from university, it depends on the subject. With different levels of knowledge, the federal government arranges students to study at different secondary colleges. All the knowledge learned in these secondary colleges is the science and technology of secondary civilization, of course, there will be technical and academic ones.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When the secondary school graduates, the students of the technical disciplines will bid farewell to the school and enter the factory for the final study. After these students can flexibly use all the knowledge learned in the past thirty years, they can choose to leave the factory to start their own business or go to a tertiary institution to continue their studies and learn the operation of the tertiary civilized industrial equipment. However, basically 90% of people choose to continue their studies at tertiary institutions.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And academic students graduated from the second-level colleges and went directly to the third-level colleges to study and create third-level civilization and scientific theories. At this time, academic students were not only students, they were also candidates for scientists, and there was no graduation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Only after the affirmation of 100 scientists, the student can get the title of scientist. At this time, you can choose to work in the Academy of Sciences or work in a tertiary institution. Otherwise, he will spend his whole life working in a tertiary institution for research, and wait until the scientific level is sufficient before going to the Academy of Sciences.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp One of the largest students in the third-tier college is now almost forty years old and has not yet graduated. The average age of a tertiary college student is 33 years old. Even if he starts school at the age of seven, it takes 26 years to reach the tertiary college. This period is simply too long.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Human memory is limited and it takes time to not study. The third-level civilization is better now. The surgery industry has a specialization. Everyone studies a discipline, and the earth's science and technology system can still progress. However, when humans became a fourth-level civilization, Xiang Qian could not believe how many years it took a person to study.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For this reason, Xianggan ordered the development of an auxiliary memory device, so that the device would help students double their learning efficiency. As for the two techniques of memory inheritance and memory infusion, condensation has also been studied, but for the human brain, condensation is nothing.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Only when the technology level has been raised can we know how complex the brain is. There is no way for the brain to master the biotechnology of condensation. Although biotechnology can be used to cultivate biological brains, this does not mean that condensation can change the human brain.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At that time, Xiang Gan also ordered the use of clones for human trials, but the technology developed by clones was useless to living people. At least the conclusion is that human memory is related to the legendary soul, and the clone has no soul, so the successful technology tested on the clone has no effect on humans.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After getting a condensed answer, Xiang Qian stopped the study of direct infusion of memory and began to establish a subconscious infusion research project, which is now the auxiliary memory device.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The research has not yet been completed. The current difficulty is the balance between subconscious interference and neuron bioelectrical transmission. Once the subconscious interference is too large, the slightest is neurological weakness and severe brain cell damage." Xingkong said immediately.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Okay, don't urge them, let them study slowly. In case of urgency to come up with a semi-finished product, then grief." Xiang Qian shook his head.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He knows that this kind of research is sometimes the case. It may not progress for ten or eight years, but there may also be a sudden flash of light, and the research is completed immediately. There is no reason for this. Even scientific prophets are not omnipotent. They can give the correct theoretical direction of scientific research, but they cannot do anything about details.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After another three hours, news finally came from the Orson civilization, and continued to upload secondary civilization data.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspXiang laughed after getting this news. The first-level civilization has given a lot of inspiration to human beings. I do n’t know what the technical information of second-level civilization can bring to humans. Even better, but this chance is even smaller than the chance of smashing the earth with eggs. (To be continued)

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspps: After the year is over, I am finally at ease.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The update some time ago was ineffective, subscriptions, monthly tickets were all gone, the full attendance was gone, and the landlord had nothing to say. This is all because of the landlord himself.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It's over now, and the update will not be a problem. From today, if there is no accident, three changes a day, it will happen from time to time.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the same time, thank you very much for continuing to support the landlord friends during this time. Thank you for your subscription, monthly pass, and reward! !! !!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The landlord knelt! !! !!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

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