Planet Escape

Chapter 133: Race Flagship

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Half a year later, the Niya lost more than 3,000 people, the entire race lost more than two thirds, and the adult people were less than 2,000.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Lehmansein warships lost more than 30,000 ships, and the potential for racial warfare was huge. However, under the command of the Lehmansein emperors, they once again used the power of the whole family to create 8,000 warships and attack the Niya.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At this time, the King of the Nya, a super beast with a length of more than 800 meters, led 1,000 people to confront the Leimsein fleet.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This battle of the 8,000 battleships of the Leimensaiin family was completely destroyed and vitality was severely injured. The loss of the Niya tribe did not exceed 200, mainly because the strength of the Nya king was too strong, and it stood alone against the attack of 8,000 warship main guns, destroying more than 4,000 warships in the fleet formation. At the same time, the Nya people occupied the two resource satellites of the Lehmensaiin and killed the mining personnel on all the resource satellites.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Half a month later, the Lymensei once again dispatched 1,500 warships to attack satellite 11. The Niah king did not dispatch, only 800 Niahs were sent to meet. As a result, the 800 Niya people were completely destroyed, and only 900 Leimansein warships were lost, and they fled before the arrival of the Niya king.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The battle of the Leimensaiin emperor personally played, even the flagship of the Leimensaiin emperor. The emperor's flagship is equipped with all legacy equipment from prehistoric civilizations. In the face of the light weapons left over from prehistoric civilization, the proud defense of the Niya is not as good as plastic wrap.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, although the Emperor of the Lemensin tribe was somewhat second, he was not stupid. After destroying 800 Niya people. Evacuate immediately. Because the kings of the Nya tribe are rushing towards them like crazy, if not, even the emperor's flagship may not be able to guarantee their safety.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp We need to know the King of the Nya tribe. It is also a fusion of the existence of prehistoric giant bones. It really fights with the emperor's flagship. Who knows who wins?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In this way, in the end, there are more than 1,000 people left in the Nya, and there are not many warships in the Lehmensaiin. It can be said that the two sides will be defeated to this extent.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp was also at the time when the Nya and Lehmensai were fighting. The other races are not idle.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The Rami and Divi also made a real fire with the Hildi and West Asians, after losing more than 10,000 warships each. One after another, the flagships equipped with equipment left by prehistoric civilizations were launched.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As a result, the flagship of the Lami tribe was punched a big hole and hurriedly withdrew from the battle. Except for a flagship of the West Asians, all warships were destroyed. Also ran back. Hildi was the worst, and the flagships were all scrapped.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Only the strength of the Emperor Uighur is the most complete. Although the losses are also great, they are much better than other races. In addition, most of the losses of the Emperor Uyghur were lost in the war, and most of them were destroyed after the break.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But anyway, after the Diwei tribe's decision, they let them save most of their strength. Each time the Emperor Uyghur fleet can't match each other. They will immediately abandon some warships and let the large forces leave. As long as the Emperor Uyghurs dare to fight hard, they have not lost.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And the war between humans and the Dini. Has been in a stalemate. Both fleets also lost a lot, but they didn't add up to any other race. After all, humans can't mine eternal blue gold when they lay down the 8th satellite.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the same time, human beings were also afraid that the Dini people would be anxious, and they would let them open the race flagship, which would be difficult at that time.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A flagship made entirely of prehistoric civilization equipment and technology, there is no pressure to destroy the human fleet. At that time, humans will have no choice. Because human beings have no racial flagship at all, all legacy equipment of prehistoric civilization is in the hands of major powers. They can't get together at all, let alone make warships.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Human beings have not thought about making a racial flagship, but after being proposed at the United Nations conference, they were vaguely passed by countries. Because it is impossible for the real race flagship to be handed over to anyone, with the race flagship pushing across all countries, it is very fun, so countries are afraid to surrender the legacy equipment of prehistoric civilization in their hands.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But everyone also gave a bottom line, that is, when the entire human civilization encounters a devastating disaster, countries will take what they have in their hands and build a battleship together. At the same time, they also gave each other a bottom and announced what they had in their hands.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Tian Chao has a protective cover generating device, an artificial gravity device, and a main engine thruster. Miguo has the core components of the core energy system reactor and plasma main gun.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Polar bears have atomic polymer material production equipment and energy buffer return system components. Lao Guo has a super quantum computer and a modular design drawing of a battleship. The Eagle has the auxiliary power steering engine and the core components of the warship's auxiliary laser weapon.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The remaining gravitational traction equipment, constant kinetic energy equipment inside the ship, core equipment components of the ecosystem, and ultra-high-precision optical sighting equipment are scattered in the hands of a large country.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The God Eye radar is in the hands of Xianggan. Its real name should be a matrix fire control radar scanning device. As for the true use of m3-a, it is not only a biological weapon, but its use on a warship is to support medical auxiliary ecological The equipment core host is simply a medical system.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It is the main equipment for protecting the health of personnel inside the warship when it is exposed to interstellar rays and various kinds of radiation after leaving the top of the sun and losing the protection of stellar force field. As for the m3-a supporting equipment in Lao Guo's hands, it is a production line that specializes in the production and cultivation of various biological weapons.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although this United Nations conference did not allow humans to create racial flagships, all countries have said that all the equipment left by prehistoric civilizations has a bottom. With at least these devices, a race flagship can be built in a short time.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After half a year of fighting, now the various races are also honest, and the bottom line is almost the same. It is impossible to want the crazy riots like before, after all, the genetic fluid of nuclear power is limited, and now all races are almost consumed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the same time, various races also noticed that the cost-effectiveness of the battleship did not seem to be so high, and the melee weapon was useless at all. So they started to study the combination of gunboats and space fighters, while warships were made in small quantities.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Time passed quickly, and one year passed in a blink of an eye.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This year, major races are still competing for you on the resource satellite, but the situation of human-like alliances is very bad. Fully constricted on the three satellites No. 5, 6, and 7, humans occupy satellite No. 5, the Hildi and West Asians together occupy satellite No. 6, and the Lehmensaiin family occupy satellite No. 7.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even the transport spaceships must be protected by the power of the four races in order to break through the siege circle of the intelligent beast alliance.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Xiang has been doing this for a long time without any action. He only does one thing a day, which is to observe the situation of various races. Don't look at the Lilan people seem to disappear for more than a year, but according to the information he got, he has determined that the Lilan people are already in action.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A year ago, human clones on satellite 5 often somehow died. At first everyone thought it was a problem with the cloning technology itself. However, after rigorous review, no defects were found in the clones. After three months, no clones died. This matter was left to nothing.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Actually Xianggan knew which clones died at that time ~ ~ It was because after the Lilan tribe successfully awakened, it was discovered that this body was a clone, so the gene chain of the clone was cut off immediately, resulting in the clone The gene collapsed and died. Only when the gene breaks down can humans be unaware that the cloned gene has been invaded.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the same time, during the six months of the UN conference, Xiang Qian also felt that the parasites of the blue group were mixed in. However, these terms did not tell anyone, because it is useless to say. Unless humans do not transport eternal blue gold back to the new earth, there is simply no way to prevent the genetic seeds of the Leam tribe from being brought into the new earth.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Boss, there is a civil war in West Asia." Xiang Gan was sleeping on this day, and the sky reminded him.

As soon as Xiang Gan heard it, Xianggan became energetic. He knew that this was the Lilan tribe's hands. This was the first step for the Lilan's parasite to begin to control the West Asians. (To be continued)

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