Plane Master Copy

Chapter 997: : Buma

For Klinn, the best way to get on the road is of course air dancing. After all, to his current level, even the means of transportation such as airplanes are completely inferior to his own flying speed.

However, Klin, suspended in mid-air, didn't rush to leave, just looked at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, and said, "Do you have the ability to fly? If not, it will be more troublesome."

"Naturally," Wen Yan said that Wu Yan's figure also floated.

Naturally, Xiao Meng beside her turned into a snowstorm and flew into the air.

Wu Yan's ability was nothing, but looking at Xiao Meng's body turned into a snowstorm, this made Klinn very surprised.

What ability is this? Seems the body has turned into snow? And when she first started, she used the power of Fengxue.

Could it be? Can't she be a magician?

"Let's go", watching Klin's bun look, Wu Yan reminded him.

"Oh, okay, let's go now." When reminded by Wu Yan, Klin nodded, then turned around, shaped like electricity, and flew towards the distance.

At the same time, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng naturally followed quickly.

It has to be said that Klin's strength is still very strong in the number of crystal points in his early 30,000. This flight is very fast, but from the perspective of the number of crystal points, even if Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are slightly worse, they are It's not much different, so the three of them are flying in mid-air, and the speed is almost the same.

"This, this ...", not to mention Wu Yan and Klin flying in mid-air. On the ground, the man who was controlled by Wu Yan stopped the car, watching the three of them directly fly up and disappeared quickly , The whole person froze, an incredible expression on his face.

Can they fly? Who were those guys just now?

In fact, when Wu Yan came through time and space, he was at the seaside, and it was not far from the turtle fairy house. In the direction of the sea, he flew about one hundred and eighty miles. Wu Yan was already able to see It's an island.

Fangyuan is only a few kilometers away, and there is only a small wooden house on the island, but it feels like a paradise.

Standing high, you can see a small and exquisite plane parked next to the cabin.

After a group of three people landed from mid-air, Klin looked at the plane with a smile on his face: "It's Buma."

"Hey, Klin, where did your kid go?"

Inside the wooden house, a sturdy and wild girl voice sounded. Then, a young woman in her twenties came out of the wooden house with a mighty look: "Don't you say that? You must intensify your cultivation these days, I'm in charge of logistics for you, and today I delivered some supplies, you ... ".

"Well?" Before the words were over, the woman saw Wu Yan and Xiaomeng next to Klin, and then hesitated, and said, "Klin, are these two?"

"Buma, let me introduce you." He heard Buma's inquiries, and Klin's face smiled. "These two are Wu Yan and Wu Meng. They are both walking in the universe. Among the Earth Warriors, because they knew that the Saiyan was about to invade the Earth, they came back to help them, and they were very good. "

Immediately, Klin turned around again and said to Wu Yan, "Wu Yan, this is Buma."

"Hello", looking at the Buma in front of him, Wu Yan nodded slightly, and looked curiously at Buma's body while talking.

Of course, the reason Wu Yan looked at Bouma was not because she was a young and beautiful woman. The main thing was her technological ability. If she wanted to use the means of technological ability, Bouma's ability might not be in Marvel. Under Tony Stark.

"Do you stare at me like this, is there anything dirty on my face?", Wu Yan stared at him seriously, Buma said awkwardly.

"Oh, nothing." Looking at Buma's look, Wu Yan also shook his head awkwardly, then looked around left and right, shifting the topic: "Is there anyone else in this turtle fairy house?".

"Kekeke, and me", as Wu Yan's words fell, an old man with his head naked and a figure in his shape walked out with a cane. Although wearing a pair of large sunglasses, it was Feeling, his eyes locked Xiao Meng's side.

The identity of this old man is self-evident.

"Wow, it's a beautiful girl, welcome and welcome," said the turtle fairy, a kind old man, with a enthusiastic expression in his mouth. He opened his hands between words and wanted to give Xiaomen a warm hug.

However, looking at the turtle fairy with open hands, Xiao Meng just raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

Immediately, a force of snow and snow emerged, and then the hands and feet of the turtle fairy were frozen under the force of snow and snow.

"Teacher Wu Tian ...", looking at the turtle fairy, Klin next to him was startled.

"It's okay, okay ...", frozen, the turtle fairy's body shivered slightly, but he said hard.

During the talk, the breath agitated, breaking all the ice cubes around him, but then he sneezed a few times, shook his head, and turned back to the turtle fairy house.

"Fantastic!" But, looking at the appearance of the tortoise eating turtles, Buma next to him looked very happy, and nodded to Xiaomeng.

This old man ~ ~ is indeed a good lesson. I always want to take advantage of the beauty of the beauty every time. Today I can count it as a kick.

Looking at the appearance of the Turtle Fairy, I ate a puppet, but there was no dangerous look. Klin was relieved, and his eyes fell on Wu Yan. He said, "In addition to the Turtle Fairy Master, Yamu tea and oolong them, and today Buma is here, you know him. "

Having said that, Klin gave a slight meal, and then said, "In addition, we also have Tianjin rice and dumplings. They are also strong martial arts. We can also fight side by side at the time. Finally, we have another Sun Wukong, a friend of Xiu Xingxing, believes that the possibility of defeating Saiyan will be greatly enhanced if he is present. "

"Well," for Klin, Wu Yan nodded, and understood that the current timeline was at the time when Vegeta hadn't reached Earth, but Latiz had already died on Earth.

"How long has the Saiyan you killed in the past?" After thinking about it, Wu Yan asked again.

"Oh, it's been almost two years since that happened," Klin replied, hearing Wu Yan's inquiry.

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