Plane Master Copy

Chapter 987: :return

Since it is ready to plant the seeds of technology in this low-force value fantasy plane, naturally, Wuyan has already decided what to copy.

He opened his E disk, and from the knowledge disk, copied some related physics, chemistry, knowledge, and even some natural science knowledge into Di Renjie's mind.

This knowledge is like a seed. If Di Renjie is willing, I believe he can let this seed take root and even thrive.

The copying of knowledge did not take long, and the copying progress bar was fast, just a few minutes. The copying of knowledge in the E disk was completed, and Wu Yan slowly closed his fingers back. .

With Wu Yan's fingers retracted, Di Renjie could feel in his mind, countless complicated but not confusing knowledge emerged from the bottom of his heart.

From the beginning of junior high school physical chemistry, natural science, etc., to the later mathematical equations, etc., all these things made Di Renjie's eyes widened.

The knowledge in his mind made Di Renjie understand many natural phenomena that were originally difficult to understand.

For example, why does it rain in the sky, why the water on the ground gradually decreases, and why the air in the woods is exceptionally fresh ...

Photosynthesis of green pigments, chromosomes of organisms, laws of force, chemical reactions, quadratic equations of one element ...

"Here, are these the knowledge controlled by the gods? Is this the essence of the world?", With his eyes widened, Di Renjie's mouth murmured.

From the knowledge of natural sciences, he also understands the earth that exists, but it is just a huge sphere, and he also understands why Wei Chizhenjin insisted on going around the earth.

It used to be rain, but why did it rain? Di Renjie had no idea.

In the past, there were four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Di Renjie also understood, but why did the cycle repeat itself? Di Renjie didn't understand.

As before, rainbows appeared in the sky after the rain, which is extremely beautiful, but why do rainbows appear in the sky? Di Renjie is also unknown.

But now, the countless knowledge in his mind makes Di Renjie seem to understand the nature of the entire world, and even makes him understand. As long as he masters this knowledge, even ordinary people can change the world and have a huge impact on the world. And even subversion.

"Hey? Lao Di? How are you?" Watching Wu Yan just stretched out his fingers and clicked on Di Renjie's forehead, Di Renjie looked completely stupid. I patted him.

Sha Tuozhong patted his shoulder, and Di Renjie soon returned from the state of absence.

However, Di Renjie did not answer the words of Sha Tuozhong, but instead looked at Wu Yan seriously, and immediately bowed to Wu Yan seriously: "Thank you Mr. Wu Yan for imparting this knowledge of fairy arts. With these, Knowledge, if passed on, will help people around the world. "

Although the so-called physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc. are well known to modern people, for this era, it is only for people to truly understand the nature of the entire world. What is not fairy knowledge?

"You don't need to tempt with me ...".

Regarding Di Renjie's words, Wu Yan smiled slightly and immediately waved his hand and said, "Since I have imparted this knowledge to you, naturally, they are yours. If you want to use it to change the world, or even impart them It ’s your own business to others. "

"Thank you very much, Mr.!" Even though his words had just come out, Wu Yan immediately pierced his mind and got his affirmative answer. Di Renjie was still ecstatic and said his heartfelt thanks.

At this time, he understood what Wei Chizhenkin did, and in the face of such knowledge that would change the world, the so-called power and wealth were indeed a sight.

"Hey hey, Mr. Wu Yan, is it me?" From the reaction of Di Renjie, he seems to have gained a great benefit? Sha Tuozhong stepped forward at this time, he said to Wu Yan with a smile.

"Well, naturally I won't forget you ..." Nodding slightly, Wu Yan also stretched out his fingers, and passed on some modern society's knowledge about business to Sha Tuozhong.

business? Wu Yan is naturally not very proficient, but in modern society, he can know a little by looking at everything around him.

For example, how to advertise, for example, to develop the entertainment industry in this Tang Dynasty, and for example, what is the system of the bank ...

All of this, if Sha Tuozhong can use it properly, I believe it is enough to accumulate huge wealth.

Naturally, these huge wealth will greatly help Di Renjie and Wei Chizhenjin.

After all, scientific experiments and research, everything, all need money to support it?

After copying some relevant knowledge to Sha Tuozhong, Wu Yan also slowly withdrew his finger and waved his hand, saying, "Okay, what I have given you is already given to you, what is the way forward? Go, it's up to you. "

What Wei Chizhenkin saw was macro-cosmic stars, Di Renjie copied the scientific and technological knowledge of physical chemistry, and the power of money from Sha Tuozhong as support.

Wu Yan and some look forward to it, what will the future of this plane look like?

Of course, all of this is just an interest in Wu Yan. As for what kind of situation the world will eventually go to? Wu Yan himself is not clear ~ ~ Of course, it is impossible to see.

After all, it takes years, and decades of development are possible ...

After copying, Wu Yan didn't bother about Di Renjie's actions anymore, but only knew that Di Renjie and Sha Tuozhong both resigned and left, and they were busy with their own affairs.

What about Wu Yan? He Xiaomeng still lived in the outskirts of the city, working at sunrise, resting at sunset, practicing in his free time, and steadily improving his strength.

It was another half a year or so.

Seeing that the deadline for return was getting closer, Wu Yan didn't mean to say goodbye to anyone, but just cleaned up the house with Xiao Meng.

Until the middle of the night, the palm of the hand was slightly warm, Wu Yan glanced down, and a computer-designed logo was completely outlined, which immediately burst and turned into a space-time vortex.

It is difficult to resist the power from himself. Wu Yan pulled Xiaomeng together, and the two were directly involved in the vortex of time and space, leaving the plane of the Di Renjie series.

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