Plane Master Copy

Chapter 962: : Royal Palace

The vortex of time and space appeared, Wu Yan felt a little dizzy, but fortunately it was only a moment. As Wu Yan shook his head, he soon recovered.

Xiao Meng next to him naturally followed Wu Yan firmly.

"Who !? Breaking into the forbidden area of ​​the palace !?" However, Wu Yan hadn't waited to take a closer look at the surrounding situation. Suddenly, the cold light suddenly appeared, and a sword ran across Wu Yan's face. A man, about 27 or 8 years old, is pointing at himself with a sword.


As Wu Yan's gaze fell on the man's body, after the number on the crystal measuring instrument was beating for a while, a value appeared that made Wu Yan feel astonished and unbelievable: 58!

"Here, which one is this plane? Is the force value really low? Or is this person in front of you weak?" Looking at the numbers that appeared on the crystal measuring device, Wu Yan froze. Silently murmured.

However, looking at his clothes and what he just said, is this the palace?

Wu Yan looked around. Indeed, looking at the surrounding architectural styles, it is true that the ancient palace looked exactly the same.

"My lord!" As the man subdued Wu Yan with his sword, soon a group of seven or eight people ran over and said to the man.

"The two men appeared in the palace for no reason, took them down and kept them under strict supervision!" After glancing at the subordinates behind him, the man said.

The crystal point number of 58 is at least a small head in the guards of the palace, and these guards next to it all have single digits, and one or two barely exceeded 10 points.

"The guards guarding the palace, but their strength is so? Am I coming to a low martial arts plane?"

Looking at the strength of these palace guards, although it is not yet known where this plane is at present, Wu Yan can roughly judge the level of force on this plane.

Seeing that Wu Yan was pressed by the sword, and someone was holding a weapon next to him, Xiao Meng frowned slightly.

However, Wu Yan winked at her and shook her head slightly.

These people are not strong. For themselves, there is no difference in the number of crystal points. It is better to pretend to be caught by them, and ask them for some relevant information about this plane.

However, thinking of this plane as a plane with low force value, Wu Yan sighed secretly.

Your ability to awaken across the heavens and the world is completely random.

For example, when you were weak, you crossed the plane of the return of the Great Saint, but now you have a lot of strength? But let himself come to such a low level of force.

Wu Yan and Xiao Meng didn't mean to resist, and let the guards of these imperial palaces put chains on their bodies.

The guard leader holding the sword next to him was secretly surprised, and felt very unusual for Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

First of all, they can sneak into this place without knowing the ghosts. Martial arts should be very good, but they have no intention of resisting.

Secondly, no matter they are Wu Yan or Xiao Meng, the looks of the two of them seem to be too calm, or they have no fear.

This is strange. They were arrested for breaking into the palace. It is not surprising to say that it was a capital crime. Why aren't they afraid?

"Take it away!" Although I was surprised, everyone was **** by a chain. Naturally, there was nothing to worry about. The man with the sword said, and then took Wu Yan and Xiao Meng directly and entered In the prison.

"Well, let's talk about it now, who are you? What happened to break into the palace?"

After pressing Wu Yan and Xiao Meng into Tian prison, the guard holding the sword, looking like Qi Xuanang, asked Wu Yan.

"Well, before you ask me a question, can you please answer me a few questions?" Even if he was in the prison, Wu Yan naturally did not have the appearance of panic, but just looked at the other person calmly and asked.

"Presumptuous, it is my official who is trying you! I urge you to still be honest, otherwise, don't blame me for my punishment!" Wu Yan didn't answer, so he asked himself? The guard leader, in shock and anger, scolded loudly.

"Rest assured, I'm not a confidential question, I just want to ask you, what time is it now?", The location is already known, in the prison of the palace, but Wu Yan is curious about the current time, or rather It is the current dynasty.

The guard's head frowned, and indeed, Wu Yan's question did not involve any secrets, and it could even be said that anyone could answer it.

But, for no good reason, what did he ask this question?

"What's wrong? Is there anything I can't answer to this question?" Looking at the man's look, Wu Yan in his mind could roughly guess one or two, and asked instead.

"Now, it's twenty-one years of Zhenguan." After thinking about it, it is really not a secret. Although he didn't understand why Wu Yan asked, the man still answered.

"Zhenguan? In other words, is it now that Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty was emperor? Is it the world of the Journey to the West?" The man's answer made Wu Yan's heart move slightly, and it seemed possible.

With his current strength, it seems quite appropriate to cross to the plane of Journey to the West.

Moreover, in this mortal world, there are only dozens of crystal points in the guard, which seems reasonable?

"Isn't it this time that you are traveling through a world with a low force value?" Wu Yan felt ecstatic at the thought.

Waiting to speak again, the other party spoke.

"Well, I have already answered your question, now you answer my question, what's your name?", The sword guard, asked Wu Yan.

"My name is Wu Yan, this is my sister, Wu Meng." I have a question in my heart to ask, Wu Yan didn't hide it, and answered.

"Wu !?" Wu Yan's words made the guard's face slightly changed.

This surname was unusual in the Tang Dynasty.

"Now it's my turn to ask? Has it been 21 years of Zhengguan? In other words, has Master Xuanzhang learned the scriptures? Did Master Xuanzhang accept the three disciples of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing? But, instead of waiting for the guard to ask, Wu Yan followed suit and asked.

"Master Xuanzang? That is Master Sanzang, is he? He really has learned the scriptures, but who do you mean, Sun Wukong? I haven't heard of it." Wu Yan's words made the guard shake his head and answer. Road.

"Mage Xuanzhang returned from taking the Jingjing, but did not know the existence of these people like Sun Wukong? Isn't it? Or can he not reach them as Sun Wukong?" This answer made Wu Yan's heart groan secretly. Up.

"Well, now it's my turn to ask", no matter what kind of thoughts in Wu Yan's mind, after answering Wu Yan's question, the guard then said, "What are you two brothers and sisters sneaking into the palace?" thing?".

"I said, are you two of you who came to the palace by chance? I didn't come here for any purpose." Wu Yan told the truth about this guard's inquiry.

"Impossible!" Naturally, if this is the case, the guard doesn't want to think about it. He flatly drank, of course, it is impossible to believe Wu Yan.

By chance, he avoided everyone and appeared directly in the palace? It's like someone who sleepwalked into the president's room, who can believe it.

"Believe it or not is your thing, but this is the fact ..." Wu Yan was not surprised by the response of the guard, and it can even be said to be reasonable. However, it is indeed unclear about this issue. Wu Iwa did not explain it.

"Well, if you don't want to answer, stay here and think about it, when you want to tell me, I'll tell you, I have patience, I'll keep you here, I'm not in a hurry" Seeing Wu Yan didn't explain the meaning, the guard said coldly, got up and prepared to leave.

"Sorry, you seem to have made a mistake." Wu Yan smiled slightly at the guard's words and raised his hands between the words.

Launched by the force of the King of Magnetics, the pair of shackles locked on Wu Yan instantly turned into a liquid flow, fell from Wu Yan's wrist, and fell to the ground.

"Jianghu Fangshu !?", watching Wu Yan's movement, the guard's face changed.

The long sword came out of the sheath and clicked directly towards Wu Yan. In a blink of an eye, the blade came to Wu Yan.

However, this sword blade can only be in front of Wu Yan, because an invisible barrier seems to exist, crossing Wu Yan and him.

His sword seemed to pierce a steel plate, no matter how hard he tried, the sword was hard to advance.

"Bold ~ ~ In the prison, the other foxtails responded very quickly. Seeing that Wu Yan had started, the weapons in their hands followed and rushed towards Wu Yan.

However, for their movements, Wu Yan just waved his hand.

Immediately, under the control of Wu Yan, the metal parts of the weapons in these people's hands turned into several metal chains, which bound them all with great flexibility. Several people who ran over naturally fell to the ground.

"What kind of alchemy is this?" Seeing the ending of several subordinates next to him, the guard widened his eyes and looked at the scene in disbelief.

For Wu Yan, it is natural to subdue these mortals.

With a raised palm, the guard fell into Wu Yan's hand and grabbed his head.

Ding, found removable storage!

The system prompts on the computer page. As expected, Wu Yan followed by pulling away the F disk of the other party and copied the memory files of the recent period toward his own disk.

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