Plane Master Copy

Chapter 952: : Voldemort's Carl

Suddenly, the magic of a space portal teleported all the strong men of the Super Theological Seminary and the Angel Tribe to the fallen city. This situation naturally caught the Demon Legion by surprise.

After some slaughter, the morale of the Super Theological Seminary and the Angels rushed forward.

During this time, Ge Xiaolun's performance was the most dazzling. With the help of Wu Yan, he developed part of the power of the galaxy. He started to sink heavily, and almost no demon was his enemy.

A sword fell, and the heavy force was enough to break the mountain.

With the invasion of the Angels and the Super Theological College, soon, Moganna was naturally shocked. Looking at the scene of the fallen city fighting, Moganna could not help but change her face.

What a joke? They have n’t done anything to the earth yet, but they are the first to do it?

However, although the attack was unexpected, Moganna's unexpected, but it has come to an end, of course, there is no meaning to stand still.

Mogana also shot, leading the forces of the Demon Legion to resist.

With Moganna's command, these demon legions seemed to have found the backbone of their main body, and worked together to gradually stabilize the situation.

Fighting and retreating, all the demon legions were suppressed so that they could only return to the fallen city. Soon, a confrontation between the two sides was formed.

"Kesha, I didn't expect you to be here in person." Leading the Demon Legion to stay in the fallen city, Mogana's eyes fell on Kesha's body, and she said with the color of anger and hatred in her eyes.

"Send you a ride, of course I have to come in person." Keisha, wearing bright silver armor, still looked high, and looked at Moganna calmly.

The look was obviously the look of the other person.

"Hum, send me a ride, I'm afraid you don't have this ability." Obviously, Kesha's picture was so high that she fixed her look again, making Mo Ganna unbearable, she said politely.

"Go ahead and annihilate these evil guys in one fell swoop." Holy Kaisa didn't mean to stir up with Moganna, raised her hand and waved it gently.

Following Kesha's words, the angel fighters attacked again and rushed towards the soldiers of the Demon Legion.

However, although the Angel Tribe and the Super Theological Seminary joined forces and suddenly invaded, she was caught off guard by Moganna, but the Demon Legion under her hands was very powerful and the number was very large. After adjusting at this moment , Once again, from the situation, it is not weaker than the other party.

Next to him, the crocodile holding a butcher knife is strong and strong, killing the Quartet, powerful forces burst out, beating off angel soldiers one after another, the strength is terrible.

As Moganna's left and right arm, the crocodile's strength is still very powerful.


However, when it was difficult to resist the crocodile's attack, a spear appeared, blocking the crocodile's butcher knife.

His butcher's knife was blocked at the tip of the eye, and the crocodile's eyes were even more fierce. The butcher's knife was raised again, and he wanted to smash the opponent severely.

However, when it looked at the gunman, it couldn't help but pause, and the person standing in front of the crocodile was not someone else, it was Jiawen.

"Yes, it's you ..." Looking at Jiawen blocking in front of him, the crocodile looked a bit complicated, and the butcher knife in his hand did not fall.

Although in the Super Theological Seminary, the crocodile was mixed with the purpose, but these days in the Super Theological Seminary, Jia Wen was very good to himself, and he also brought his special training to increase his strength. A lot.

"It really is you," after blocking the crocodile's butcher knife with a spear, looking at the crocodile in front of him, Jia Wen's look was complex, he said in a condensed voice.

Although in the Super Theological College, the crocodile has always been lying on the ground, and the crocodile in front of him is walking upright like a human, but Jia Wen can recognize that the crocodile in front of him is exactly himself in the Super Theological College. Pets.

"Before, Teacher Wu Yan said that you were from the Demon Legion, and that you sneaked into the Super Theological College to inquire about our information. I was still doubtful. I did not expect that what Teacher Wu Yan said was true." With a crocodile, Jia Wen said.

"Wang Wang, me, Teacher Wu Yan did not say anything wrong ...", the dog barked twice, the crocodile lowered his head slightly, did not dare to see Jiawen, only felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Well, since you are my pet, then your opponent is me, and I will defeat you personally and take it home!".

The spear stunned, and the spear in Jiawen's hand shot towards the crocodile, and said firmly in his mouth.

Ding Ding Ding!

Facing Jiawen's serial attacks, the crocodile's butcher blade turned in succession, trying to resist all his attacks. At the same time, he shook his head and said, "You, let's go, you are not my opponent."

Regarding the words of the crocodile, Jia Wen ignored it, but buried his head, waving his spear, and swept continuously towards the crocodile.

On Moganna's side, her opponent was of course divine Keisha. The battle between the two sisters did not mean anyone to intervene.

The two sisters, Kesha and Moganna, seemed to be the enemy of fate.

As for the other demon warriors, they all swept towards the angels and the people of the Super Theological Seminary. These demon warriors were strong or weak, but the individual strengths were very good.

Coupled with the number of reasons, for a time, the situation on the battlefield, it is difficult to determine which side of the two sides have the upper hand.

Wu Yan didn't take any action, just looked at it quietly. Seeing that the Angels and the Super Theological College joined forces, they didn't have any upper hand, Wu Yan nodded secretly in his heart.

It is indeed at the beginning that they can completely crush the existence of the Super Theological Seminary and the Angel Clan, and have their own interventions. The people of these Super Theological Semins are stronger than the original, and together with the sudden attack, these demon legions Can actually stabilize the situation.

The power of the scorching sun broke out, and the goddess Lena's fighting style was very rigid. The golden sun was shining, killing the demon warriors and fleeing.

However, because of this, Lena attracted the attention of more demon warriors. After some battles, it was very expensive. Then the demon warriors seized the opportunity to fight back, and they were directly hit and flew out. The injuries were not minor.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yan walked over and withdrew Lena with a serious injury to withdraw from the battlefield. At the same time, she secretly copied the blood-line ability of Leiyang's protoss on Lena's body.

On the other side, the big sword in Ge Xiaolun's hands was heavily sinking, and every time the sword fell, a demon warrior could be cut off by him.

Seeing that his strength was so strong, dozens of demonic warriors surrounded him. Since it is impossible to defeat him in a one-on-one battle, then use the quantity to fill the gap.

However, these demon fighters may feel that they have understood the upper limit of Ge Xiaolun's strength to the greatest extent. However, after the battle has fallen into a bitter situation, Ge Xiaolun suddenly opened the fourth stage of the gene lock.

This is Wu Yan's ability to copy to him. With the opening of the gene lock in the early stage of the fourth stage, Ge Xiaolun's strength immediately soared.

The sword fluttered and fell fiercely, and the heavens and the earth shook. Then, the whole earth seemed to be split by his sword. A dozen insidious demonic warriors turned into flesh under this chopping. Splashing around.

The power of the galaxy originally developed is already very powerful. At this moment, coupled with the power of the gene lock, Ge Xiaolun's current strength, even if it does not reach the level of Holy Kaisa and Moganna, but compared to the angel To this extent, there is no gap.

"Is he the owner of the power of the galaxy? Is it possible to mobilize a large part of the power?" Looking at Ge Xiaolun who was next to him, Angel Angel's eyes lightened slightly, with a look of interest on his face. .

"Although your Demon Legion has a large number of people and its strength is not weak, it looks like a pity. Today you want to annihilate the entire army here."

Divine Kesha was inextricably linked with Moganna, and at the same time Kesha looked at Moganna and said.

As far as the situation is concerned, the Demon Legion is still able to fight and has not fallen into the downwind, but Kesha is very clear that the brothers and sisters Wu Yan and Wu Meng have not yet shot. If they do, the situation on the battlefield will not It's the same.

"Well, although you look very confident, it's not that easy for you to wipe out our army, right? I think you still care about your situation", but for Keisha's words However, Moganna suddenly laughed.

At the same time, he pointedly asked, "Don't you think it's strange until the battle has ended? Where has Carl gone?"

Moganna's words made Kesha's face slightly changed, and at the same time she felt a very disturbing feeling in her heart.

Yeah, did n’t you say that Death Carl and Moganna were colluding? Why haven't you seen Karl so far?

He is hiding ~ ~ Is there any conspiracy?

A long time ago, the **** of time Kiran once founded the Super Theological Seminary in the angel civilization, and Carl was a teacher of the Super Theological College. He was only expelled because his thinking was too dangerous. Sha also understood.

Feeling uneasy in her heart, Kesha just wanted to pull away and retreat. Suddenly, an invisible force appeared, holding Kesha's whole body and making her unable to move.

"What is this power !?" Suddenly, inexplicable power locked herself, which made Kasha startled.

However, Moganna seemed to have been waiting for this moment. When her body moved, a long sword suddenly appeared, and it instantly penetrated Kesha's body.

This scene made all the angel fighters shocked and incredible.

Suddenly without warning, Divine Keisha was defeated and encountered a crisis of life and death, which was unexpected by everyone.

At the same time, in mid-air of the City of Angels, Karl, wearing a red robe, appeared, and a huge machine locked Kaisha.

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