Plane Master Copy

Chapter 944: : Losing Mogana

The skill of kick-flying is actually not very large. It doesn't take much time to copy. Generally speaking, it still takes the most time to copy the blood of fallen angels from Moganna.

It took about an hour or so to start and finish, and all the skills about the blood of the fallen angel, kick flying and the shield of darkness have been copied.

As the copying was completed, Wu Yan took his hand back. Naturally, Mo Ganna would not hold his hand forcibly.

"Did you finish it?", Looking at the palm of her hand, there was no abnormality, and Moganna asked Wu Yan in amazement.

Yes, just holding hands and chatting, so that you can get the ability of rules? It looks like it is impossible.

"Has it been successful, should you feel it yourself?", Without answering Mo Ganna, Wu Yan just said to her quietly.

As Wu Yan slipped down, Mo Ganna took a good feel of her own situation, and as Wu Yan said, a sense of understanding rose in her heart.

It was as if a certain ability that had long been forgotten was suddenly remembered, and Moganna also knew about this skill of kick flying.

"Sure enough, this is a rule-based skill. Although it cannot cause damage, it is also very powerful to be able to kick the target directly at critical moments!" After understanding the role of the kick-fly skill , Mo Ganna's heart rejoiced.

I ’m quite satisfied with the role of kick-flying skills. At some critical times, this kick-flying skills can also work wonders.

"Very well, I have received this ability. Then, you said you need to learn more about our demonic bloodline gene ability. What do you need to do?" After getting the skill of kicking fly, Moganna did not The meaning of the words, nodded and asked Wu Yan.

"No, just when we held the hand, I already got the reward I wanted, and I also have some understanding of your blood gene ability," Moganna asked Wu Yan to shake her head slightly. .

"You've got it, and you know something?" His words made Moganna look at him with a stunned look.

Obviously, Moganna didn't feel anything about this, she really just held her hands and she gained a rule-based skill.

"So, how much do you know about our bloodline genes?" Thinking of this mysterious means of Wu Yan, I don't know how far he knows himself, Moganna asked Wu Yan.

"How much do you know? You can see now ...", following Moganna's inquiry, Wu Yan slowly closed her eyes, and her mind was quiet on the bloodline of the fallen angel in the C disk.

Bloodline abilities, if they are the same, will show one of them.

It's like copying Uchiha's water stop at the beginning, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke's bloodlines of the writing-wheel eye can only show one.

However, if they have different blood abilities, they can be displayed simultaneously without mutual interference.

Therefore, while maintaining the Asgard Protoss physique, Wu Yan used reincarnation and fast silver without any interference.

With Wu Yan's eyes closed, then, with the naked eye, the appearance of Wu Yan has changed a lot, and the body has a dark breath. The most noticeable thing is behind Wu Yan, a pair of black wings Slowly rise and unfold.

"This is !?", watching Wu Yan's body change, whether it was Moganna or the crocodile next to it, or even the demon warrior outside was a sensation.

Many soldiers hurried over, crowded at the door, and looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

"Fallen angel ...", watching Wu Yan's breath change, Mo Ganna's eyes paused for a moment on the pair of black wings that were behind Wu Yan, and she said.

She certainly knew that Wu Yan's current appearance was exactly like a fallen angel.

"Originally, is this your purpose !?", watching Wu Yan showed the form of a fallen angel, which gave Moganna a feeling of intimacy, but at this point, Moganna also probably Understand what Wu Yan did when he just shook hands.

Not only can he empower himself with rules, but he can even gain the blood of his fallen angel?

"Yes, it's just an exchange, it has no effect on you and me, does it?"

Nodded his head, Wu Yan also did not hide it: "My ability is like an exchange of ideas. You have an idea. I have an idea. The two of us communicate with each other. Finally, we have two Thoughts. "

"A liar! You are a liar!" Although Wu Yan was right, he did not have any substantial loss. However, without his knowledge, Wu Yan stole the bloodline ability of his fallen angel. This still made Moganna angry.

If others know their own situation well, wouldn't they have no secrets in front of him? Isn't this still called loss?

"Her Majesty", looking at Moganna's angry look, and the demon warriors on the outside watching with a probe, also realized that something was wrong, one after another rushed in, standing behind Moganna, eyes burning Staring at Wu Yan.

"Teacher Wu Yan, you ...", the crocodile next to him also had a helpless look on his face.

Indeed, although Queen Moganna promised to let him know the existence of the blood of the devil, but without the consent of the queen, or even the case of intentional concealment, the ability to acquire the blood of the queen's fallen angel was indeed like A thief.

"Are you ready to start?" Wu Yan said calmly, looking at Mo Ganna's angry look, and the demon warriors around him.

Even in the face of the entire Demon Legion, Wu Yan did not have the slightest fear.

"Do you think you can overturn us alone?" Looking at Wu Yan's calm look, Moganna felt very upset, surrounded by all the demon legions, so calm, this is despised alone?

"Although it is not very likely that I will overthrow your Demon Legion by yourself, it is equally unlikely that you want to leave me."

Putting back a pair of black wings, Wu Yan's gaze fell on Mo Ganna's body, and she said calmly, "If you can, I don't think it's better to do it. After all, even if you win No good, isn't it? ".

Yes, even if you win, Wu Yan won't do much good.

And the more important thing is that what you want has already been obtained. There really is no need to stay here for a fight.

Wu Yan's words flashed a moment of hesitation in Mo Ganna's look. Indeed, although Wu Yan was only a person, alone, alone, it was only when his strength was weak that he would be alone.

If it is really a terrible character, then sometimes, no matter how many people, it is meaningless.

What's more, Wu Yan's words are reasonable, and the matter has come to an end. If they really fight, it seems that nothing can be changed.


However, although I think what Wu Yan said makes sense, I was so scared that I didn't even dare to do it? This is not Moganna's mind.

Without speaking, Mo Ganna suddenly moved and rushed towards Wu Yan. At the same time, she stretched her legs and kicked Wu Yan's body fiercely.

"Well, since you have exchanged my bloodline gene ability to exchange the skills of this kicking game, then let you taste this skill!" Severely rushed towards Wu Yan's body.

Even if there was no other way but to let Wu Yan leave, Mo Ganna had to keep a little bit of her face.

Dark Shield!

However, in the face of Moganna's kicking skills, Wu Yan's heart tightened, and then the Dark Shield's skills were activated.

The power of darkness turned into a layer of invisible shield, and Wu Yan was enveloped in it. Moganna's foot slammed on Wu Yan's body, but it had no effect at all. Wu Yan's body did not even shake. .

"This is? My shield of darkness!", How Moganna could not recognize Wu Yan's ability to resist this move, which made Moganna's eyes widened, and her eyes became more angry.

This guy not only secretly obtained his bloodline genes, but even stole his ability?

An ability to kick fly, changed his shield of darkness and bloodline genes, no matter how you count, you have lost a lot?

"Kill me! Let's do it together!" If Moganna could still bear her anger at first, and felt that the loss was not great, now Moganna has been completely burned by anger. ~ ~ shouted loudly.

As Mogana's words fell, all the soldiers of the Demon Legion next to him moved, and they swooped towards Wuyan like a tide.

"Sorry, I don't have so much time to play with you, goodbye!" But just looking at these demonic warriors, Wu Yan waved his hands and said.

As Wu Yan's words fell, behind him, the space was directly torn apart, and he immediately retreated.

"Want to open the space wormhole and leave? Don't even think about it!" Just looking at the space passage behind Wu Yan, the demon warrior next to him reacted quickly, tapped a few times on the computer, and directly blocked the surrounding space. Let the space passage behind Wu Yan's body be closed again.

"Oh? Good technology, but ..." Although the space ability could not be activated, Wu Yan's look remained calm.

While talking, the infinite gloves appeared in his hands.

The blue space gem flashed, even if the space was closed, the power of the space gem forcibly tore the space channel, and Wuyan disappeared across the space ...

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