Plane Master Copy

Chapter 942: : Copy the Dark Shield

At first, the Shenlong captured from the Fengyun plane and the pet order, today it seems that there are only more than 8,000 crystal points, and the strength is naturally nothing.

However, using the genes extracted from the flesh and blood of the dragon, Dr. Kenos can greatly enhance the power of the monsters. Even, Dr. Kenos specially formulated a plan to use the ability of the dragon blood to make monsters. , Called the beast plan.

Therefore, this time after coming to the plane of the Super Theological Seminary, Wu Yan also wants to copy some bloodlines.

Whether it's the blood of the Angels, Lena's Protoss, or the blood of the Demon, the better it is.

Borrowing these bloodlines, I want to come to Jinos to improve the cultivation of monsters.

Although Dr. Kenos can now make fifth-order evolutionary monsters, it is difficult to cultivate them in large quantities after all.

Wu Yan also dreamed that one day, if Kenos could cultivate fifth-order evolutionary beasts in large quantities, he would directly light up the spacecraft, and hundreds of fifth-order evolutionary beasts would flow like a tide. , The one who walks the heavens and the worlds must be unmatched.

"The queen, you misunderstood, you do n’t need to take off your clothes and dance, I just shake my hand ..." For Mo Ganna, Wu Yan shook her head and said that it is not difficult to copy the blood of the devil. It only requires physical contact Okay.

"Shake hands? Hello, we just seemed to shake hands, shouldn't you ..." Wu Yan asked Moganna to watch him vigilantly, while taking a few steps back, he said seriously.

Can you understand yourself just by shaking hands? In Moganna's opinion, Wu Yan is much more dangerous than he thought.

"It's not a bit, but you need to continue shaking hands for a while ..." Looking at Moganna's appearance, it seems that she has eaten a big loss, Wu Yan explained with patience.

"Oh, this is the case." Nodded his head, Mo Ganna understood it, but she didn't rush to promise Wu Yan, but just tilted her head to look at him, saying, "Although it's just a hand to hear you say it. No, but why should I promise you? This is not good for me at all? ".

Moganna's answer, it can be said that within reason, Wu Yan didn't expect a word from herself, she could promise herself.

Therefore, Wu Yan said, "So, we can make a deal, a deal that is good for both parties."

"Talk about it, and see if the queen is interested", nodded slightly, and Moganna began to speak, apparently interested, without saying yes or no.

"Ability of rules, I wonder if you are interested?".

On the day of the battle with Keisha, Wu Yan also understood the power of rule-based abilities. Even the sacred Kesha only mastered one. Therefore, Wu Yan felt that if he exchanged with a rule-like abilities, he wanted to come to this. Moganna could not resist the temptation.

"Rule-like ability? Do you actually control the entire rule? You can give this ability to others !?" When hearing the value thrown out by Wu Yan, even Moganna's eyes widened and looked at Wu in shock. rock.

It is unbelievable that ordinary people can master the ability of a rule category, but it is commendable, but can Wu Yan actually give others the ability of a rule category?

"Yes, I have a skill, as long as the target's energy attack does not exceed ten times its own, it will be able to resist completely without harm. I wonder if you can see it?" Wu Yan nodded and said to Moganna directly Throw the blocking skills out.

As the first regular skill of Wu Yan's contact, the role of blocking is still very large. After copying it to Moganna, I believe that the entire plane of the Super Theological Seminary can resist anyone's attack.

After all, you want to find the existence of crystal points more than ten times that of Moganna in the plane of Super Theological Seminary? That is impossible.

As a rule-based skill, after hearing about Yan's description of this block and skill, Moganna was also excited. At some point, this ability is almost a life-saving ability, right?

"This rule-like ability you said is really good, but for the queen, is it a little less effective?" However, despite her heart, Moganna still did not agree.

I just shook his head at Wu Yan, and his face was full of confidence, saying: "My power belongs to the ranks of the strong in the entire universe. I can't stop anyone's attack. I must Use this rule ability to block? Too few. "

Shaking his head, Moganna was not very satisfied with the blocking skills.

And her words also make sense. Blocking skills are more effective for people with weaker strengths. With the strength of Moganna on the supernatural plane, there are not many opportunities for blocking skills.

Moganna's words made Wu Yan think for a moment, and it really made sense, so she nodded, and said, "Well, you make sense, then change it. I also have a technique called kick flying, as the name suggests, any Enemies can kick and fly out, of course, this skill is not harmful. "

"And !! How many rules-like abilities do you have?", Wu Yan's words made Mo Ganna look at him with a stupid eye.

Although Morgana's words are reasonable, in fact, she still deserves to block this skill, and the rules skills are not weak. I just talked, but I was trying to squeeze the price, and then go elsewhere. Ask for some compensation.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yan directly proposed another rule-type skill. Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has mastered a lot of rule-type skills?

"How? You see this regular skill, right?" Wu Yan didn't answer the meaning of the words, Wu Yan followed.

"Yes, if that's the case, it's true, but how do you transfer the ability of rules to others?" Nodded his head. Moganna was naturally not dissatisfied with the skill of kicking and flying. Mo Ganna looked at Wu Yan with anger.

Can rules skills be given to others? Incredible, can anyone else do this?

"It's also very simple, just shake hands," Wu Yan reached out and said to Mo Ganna.

"Shake hands?" Looking at Wu Yan's outstretched palm, Mo Ganna's expression flashed a moment of hesitation. After a little consideration, she still stretched out her palm and grasped it with Wu Yan's hand.

Ding, found removable storage!

As the two hands were mastered together, the corresponding page on the computer page popped up, and there was no nonsense, Wu Yan directly opened Moganna's C disk space.

Sure enough, Morgana's C disk space contains the bloodline gene files of the fallen angels. Although she once belonged to the angel family, but after becoming a fallen angel, Morgana's genetic bloodline information has completely changed. Genetic blood is completely different.

There is no nonsense, Wu Yan directly copied the bloodline files of Moganna's fallen angels towards her C drive.

This file is not small, with a full capacity of 100G, which is much larger than the blood file of Thor's Asgard.

After all, the original copy of Thor's bloodline gene was only 55G.

With a capacity of 100G, this file is very large, and the time required for copying is naturally not small. After the copy bar appears, Wu Yan can see the progress bar of this copy and is advancing at a very slow speed. Visually, It takes almost an hour.

"Fortunately, the capacity of my C drive is large enough." Although the copy progress bar is slow, relatively speaking, Wu Yan still feels helpless about the 100G capacity.

100G, from the perspective of capacity, this is almost the life of an ordinary person.

Of course, with the progress of the progress bar, Wu Yan will not be blind to waste time. After thinking for a moment, Wu Yan followed into Mo Ganna's D disk to see what skills Mo Ganna has.

I have to say that as a person who has lived for tens of thousands of years, Mogana has a lot of skills and is very messy. Some skills have a large file capacity and some skills have a relatively small file capacity.

In addition to combat skills, Moganna also has many aspects of life skills.

"Huh? This is ...", just as Wu Yan casually browsed the skill files in Moganna's D disk file, suddenly, a skill file appeared in front of Wu Yan.

Shield of Darkness-8G!

"Dark shield skills, 8 G capacity? Is it? This skill is ..." Looking at this skill document, Wu Yan thought reflectively of Moganna's E skill in the game.

The role of the Dark Shield is not just to resist attack damage like magic spells. The biggest effect is to offset almost all control effects.

Imprisonment ~ ~ Slow down, stun, fly, silence, deform ...

In the League of Legends game, all control effects can be completely exempted. In a sense, this Dark Shield skill can also be regarded as a rule skill.

Yes, Sacred Kaisa has her own rule-type skills, which is similar to the invasion of all kinds of laws. As the corresponding Moganna, it seems not strange to have the rule-like skills of the Dark Shield?

My heart moved, now that I have seen this Dark Shield's skills, with his eyes on his D disk and more than 30 G capacity, Wu Yan will not be polite, and made up his mind to transfer this skill to his D disk. Copy in the past.

"Hey, Wu Yan, where are you sacred? I can't investigate your information from the dark matter computer. Are you someone other than what we understand?"

Perhaps because the two held hands and remained embarrassed, Moganna asked Wu Yan.

(PS: "Tang Monk Penetrating the Westward Journey", has gradually entered a good situation, brothers and sisters can go and see, rave reviews ...)

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