Plane Master Copy

Chapter 938: : The picture is too beautiful to look straight

Super Theological Seminary, Moganna didn't take it to heart before, although the Super Theological College has a so-called god-making plan, but can a god-making plan be found in a broken place like the earth? Therefore, for the Super Theological Seminary, Moganna was originally inconspicuous.

As Moganna ’s left and right arm, the crocodile naturally looked down on Super Theological College. If you did n’t know the power of Time God is standing behind the Super Theological College, where would the Demon Legion need to find out? Just push the globe straight.

Although the crocodile intends to sneak into the Super Theological Seminary to investigate the situation, in fact, the crocodile is only more concerned about the situation of Wu Yan and the angel tribe, other people do not take it seriously.

In fact, the first day after getting on the ship, he was hit one after another.

At first I thought that these guys from Super Theological Seminary were just kittens, but I don't know. I encountered the downhill tiger one after another, and the crocodile was scared.

I also paid attention to it before, keep it as low-key as possible, don't attract others' attention, and secretly explore the situation here.

But now, the crocodile feels that even if he wants to be high-profile, he can't be high-profile?


After a night without words, he slept peacefully for one night, and the next day, after washing, Jiawen took his pet crocodile to a culture class.

Someone who hasn't seen Jiawen's crocodile pet naturally feels a little new, but yesterday, many people knew that he had caught a crocodile.

After finishing the cultural classes in the morning, after lunch, these people quickly gathered towards Wuyan.

After more than a month of targeted training, the students of these super-theological colleges can clearly feel the improvement in their strengths, so they have been used to screaming and screaming from the beginning.

In view of the improvement of their own strengths, these students are now eager to receive coaching and special training.

"Oh, in the afternoon, were they going to receive special training?" Following Jia Wen, the crocodile listened to the conversation between the students of the Super Theological College next to him and understood that they were going to participate in special training. Now, my mind was alive.

To truly understand the strength of these students, naturally, to see their special training is the best opportunity.

Fighting the spirit, the crocodile had some expectations. What are the true strengths of these guys from the Super Theological College? Today, we can have a clearer judgment.

The students of the Super Theological Seminary, who were familiar with the situation, went directly to the deck of the Great Gorge, and then proceeded forward.

The space is like a broken mirror. After one after another these students walked in, they completely disappeared into the real space.

"Grassing grass, here at the Super Theological College, have you mastered the fully mature alien space technology? Can this technology be controlled by the earth people?" Watching these students successively enter the mirrored space, Crocodile Seeing exclaimed in my heart.

Before he came, the crocodile was all inconspicuous to the Super Theological Seminary. After it came, it felt more and more unfathomable.

Following Jia Wen, the crocodile walked on the ground honestly, completely afraid to stand up like in the Demon Legion.

After entering the mirrored space, the crocodile's eyes glanced and his pupils narrowed slightly. He saw the woman who had killed himself yesterday, sitting cross-legged.

This woman can't mess with herself, even if she doesn't hide her strength, she can't fight herself, the crocodile knows this.

Then, he glanced around, and another figure wearing a black armour attracted the attention of the crocodile.

"Isn't this the ruthless person who sacred Kaiser on the screen that day?", Recognizing that the figure wearing armor was Wu Yan, and the crocodile's head was buried lower, and almost all his head was stuck On the ground.

This is a big brother who can't afford to exist. I hope such big brothers don't notice themselves.

"I'm transparent, you can't see me, you can't see me ...", facing a big guy like Wu Yan, the crocodile buried his head, silently meditating in his heart, as if giving himself a spiritual hint.

However, sometimes the words are well spoken, and things in life are not as good as those that are unsatisfactory.

The crocodile buried his head and even hypnotized himself, hoping that Wu Yan would not notice himself, but Cha Cha Jia Wen took the crocodile and walked directly towards Wu Yan.

"Mr. Wuyan, hello, this is a crocodile that I caught from the sea when I was fishing yesterday. It has a lot of strength. I and Xiaolun joined forces to pull it up." Jiawen came to Wuyan Beside him, he opened his mouth and introduced the crocodile next to him.

"Huh? Fishing, can you actually get a crocodile from the sea?" When hearing Jia Wen's words, Wu Yan was also stunned, his eyes fell on the crocodile next to him.

With Wu Yan's gaze, soon, after the number on the crystallizer jumped, it finally stabilized on a high number: 10260!

"Oh? The number of crystal points in the early ten thousand? It's a step into the fifth-order evolutionary beast." Looking at the number of crystal points of this crocodile, Wu Yan's eyes slightly narrowed.

The guard of Holy Kaisa, the angel's heart-warming crystal point is only 15,000, this crocodile has 10,000?

This is not a simple wild crocodile.

Born without love, this time the crocodile really has a feeling of being loveless.

When I saw the big brother of Wuyan, he had made up his mind to be a little transparent. He hid in the corner of the horn. Don't be noticed by Wu Yan. I didn't expect that Jiawen not only brought himself here, but even introduced it actively. Got myself.

Feeling that Wu Yan's gaze fell on his body, the crocodile's head almost reached the ground.

I do n’t know if it ’s a psychological effect. Wu Yan ’s gaze made the crocodile feel a heavy pressure. His eyes seemed to be heavy.

"Oh, can you get a crocodile from the sea? It ’s amazing. Does it speak?" After looking at the crocodile, Wu Yan asked Jiawen.

"Speak? That shouldn't work, but it's very smart and understands people." Wu Yan's inquiry made Jiawen startled for a moment. He didn't understand how animals can talk. Isn't it just a parrot?

"Can't you speak?", Nodding slightly, Wu Yan didn't delve into this.

I only looked at the crocodile for a few moments, watching it look like he was buried in the ground in horror, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and then his eyes moved away from the crocodile and fell on Jiawen's body again. I brought this crocodile and introduced me to it. What do you want to do? "

"Teacher Wu Yan, I just said that this crocodile is born with divine power, so I thought, if you train it into a pet, it should be very powerful. I want to ask the teacher if you have any solution in this regard?" Hearing Wu Yan's inquiries, Jia Wen opened his own purpose.

"So, OK, I'll study it with you later," Wu Yan nodded slightly.

During the conversation, I looked around all the students present and said, "Today, a new round of special training is about to begin, and the shadows in the darkness are slowly opening. If you do not want to die on the battlefield, just Give me a good training, you know? ".

"I see, Teacher Wu Yan!" As Wu Yan's words came down, the students of the Super Theological College responded in unison, one by one, very motivated.

The crocodile lying on the ground took a peek at the students of the Super Theological Seminary, and then continued to look down. Seeing that the students of the Super Theological Seminary were brainwashed by pyramid schemes, they could not help jumping out Fighting the enemy, the crocodile felt that if the Demon Legion really wanted to take down the earth, the probability would have dropped again.

"Well, now the special training starts." Seeing that these students are very motivated, Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

His hands were printed between words, and the shadow avatar operation was launched, which instantly turned into a large shadow avatar, and began to provide these students with one-on-one guidance and special training.

"One person, dozens of them in an instant? What exaggerated ability !?"

Although in the Devil's Legion, I saw Wu Yan smashing Holy Kaisa, knowing that Wu Yan's power is terrible, but being powerful is one thing. This ability to make many avatars in one breath is again Another thing.

"I have to find some time to go back as soon as possible and tell the queen the information here. This earth looks inconspicuous, but if you really want to attack it, you may not be able to do it ...", for the Demon Legion to attack the earth The plan, in the heart of the crocodile, has been questioned.

Not to mention what kind of thought is in Crocodile's heart at this time, Wu Yan's eyes fell on Jia Wen's body, saying: "Training the pet of war ~ ~ I am not particularly proficient, but , More or less, but also know a little bit, I will pass on the relevant knowledge to you now? ".

"Thank you Teacher Wuyan!", Listening to Wu Yan, Jia Wen nodded seriously.

There is no nonsense, Wu Yan stretches out his finger and points at Jiawen's brows.

Then, from his own knowledge area, he copied some of the related knowledge of the Naruto family of Naruto plane training ninja dogs towards Jiawen's E disk.

Copying this document to Jiawen's E disk, Wu Yan's mind could not help remembering the training of Moyun Leopard in this way.

A dignified leopard was barking by himself at the time?

I don't know what this crocodile will look like after special training in the way of a ninja dog?

I looked at the crocodile lying on the ground in front of me, thinking that it also screamed like a dog, even shaking its tail ...

Wu Yan couldn't help laughing, the picture was too beautiful to look straight ...

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