Plane Master Copy

Chapter 919: : Summoned Lena

The nearby Ge Xiaolun climbed up from the ground and was preparing to continue to teach Wu Yan them. However, looking at the heavens and earth, which is more than 300 meters high, looks like a hundred-story building. This made Ge Xiaolun next to his eyes startled: "grass the grass, what is this thing, how so huge? What is going on?".

Next to me, all the students of the Super Theological Seminary, who had watched Wu Yan as an outsider actually do something to their classmates, were a little upset in their hearts. At this moment, looking at the huge size of the heavens and the earth, everyone was shocked and afraid to move Already.

Sometimes, let alone strength, let alone the difference in body shape, it is enough to make people feel heavy pressure.

Wu Yan glanced back at the teacher. Now that he has spoken, Wu Yan's goal of showing strength can be achieved. If he continues to persist, he will not look like he is walking in the universe. Chivalrous people, they are like evil invaders.

Therefore, Wu Yan nodded slightly and closed his magical power of heaven and earth.

"Wu Yan and Wu Meng, aren't you? You say they are justices walking in the universe? You know that the earth is going to war, so come to help?"

Seeing that Wu Yan had collected the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, there really was no trouble. Teacher Liu stepped forward and asked Wu Yan a few steps.

"Yes, I did come to help," Wu Yan nodded and replied.


Not to mention what kind of changes happened with the appearance of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng when the goddess Lena was called here. On the other hand, at the headquarters of the Super Theological College, with the emergence of space-time swirls, Wu Yan appeared in The situation of the Super Theological Seminary, of course, was monitored by the army.

"Lee Feng, how? The results of the investigation?", Asked General Duccao, wearing a military uniform, giving a sense of integrity.

In front of him is a huge computer screen, and what is shown on the screen is the existence of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

"General Dukao, can't analyze it!".

For Dukao's inquiry, the woman next to Li Feng shook her head and said, "In the analysis, these two people are not any known gods, but their bodies have very powerful powers. If these powers completely erupt, If it comes out, it is comparable to a nuclear bomb. "

"Not a divine body, but with such a strong power? What are these two people for?" After listening to Lianfeng's answer, Dukao frowned slightly, feeling a little tricky.

It's a little bit surprising whether the enemy is the friend or not, with such a powerful force, but extremely mysterious, making people completely confused.

Although he is now on Earth, Dukao ’s true identity is to surprise the generals of the Nord Galaxy, which can be said to be well-informed, whether it is a deity, an angel family, or a demon, a void creature Wait, more or less know some relevant information.

"General Dukao, at present it seems that the two of them are not like evil people. They obviously kept their shots against Xiaolun. They said that they were just men, and maybe they could help?" , Lian Feng beside him thought for a while, and opened his own opinion.

"Well, these words are reasonable ..." Li Feng's opinion made Ducca nod slightly.

Indeed, according to the analysis, both of them have extremely powerful powers, but they have just started, and they obviously kept their hands. Moreover, the ridiculous figure is obviously only scaring the majority, but they have not shot.

Although they are still uneasy about the two of them, at least from the current performance of them, it is indeed not malicious.

"Forget it, let me see them personally, from the strong in the universe." After a moment of groaning, Dukao decided that it was better to meet with Wuyan in person, so, throw it away. After such a sentence, he turned around and went out.

On the other side, Wu Yan and Teacher Liu were still talking, and after demonstrating their strength, no one laughed at themselves about the self-introduction they had just shown in Secondary Two.

The dialogue between Teacher Liu and Wu Yan is also testing the identity and origin of Wu Yan. Of course, I also want to determine whether he will pose a threat to the college and the earth.

"Hello, from the strong in the universe ..." At this time, a rough and just voice sounded.

Wu Yan turned around and could see a middle-aged man dressed in military uniform with an unselfish look on his face.

"I am Dukao. First of all, you are welcome to come to the earth. I wonder if you can find a place with me in detail about the war you said?" Dukao came to Wu Yan and looked seriously. He asked, it seemed that he wanted to see something out of the changes in Wu Yan's expression.

"No problem, I want to ask you, too, what about the earth?" Wu Yan smiled, and nodded as he said, and Dukao was about to turn and leave.

"Well, students ..."

Seeing that the two uninvited guests, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, were received by General Dukao in person, and Teacher Liu, who was clapping his palms, drew the attention of everyone present, and said, "Just a little time has passed. Now we come back to work. , I am about to call out a goddess to train with you. "

Teacher Liu's words really attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked back to this side with the look of expectation.

Wu Yan, who was originally leaving with Dukao, couldn't help but step aside, leaning over and looking over here.

"Is the brother Wu Yan also very interested in the gods?" Feeling the pause next to Wu Yan, Dukao also stopped and asked calmly.

"It's okay, I just want to see who else will come to the earth." Wu Yantou did not return to Dukao's inquiry, just curiously looked at the call that Teacher Liu was preparing. magic.

Remember that the goddess Lena, the goddess of the sun, was called in the original? The prototype in the League of Legends is Leona, the goddess of dawn.

More importantly, remember that when Lena was summoned in the original book, she seemed to be bathing in a bathtub?

With Teacher Liu's summoning magic, a cloud of nebula appeared soon, and a dazzling light bloomed, so that the students of the nearby Super Theological School could not help raising their hands, blocking the dazzling light in front of them.

The appearance of this goddess looks much more cool than Wu Yan's appearance through the space-time vortex just now.

But for a moment, these dazzling rays of light came fast and quickly. When the rays of light dissipated, everyone put down their hands in front of them, and they could see a heroic woman who appeared in front of everyone.

She looks pretty, wearing a golden armor. Under the sunlight, this golden armor seems to be shining, like a female general on the battlefield, majestic.

"Wow, is this the goddess? It looks so good ...", looking at the goddess who appeared, countless people at the Super Theological College said in amazement, the looks looked extraordinary, and the armor on the body. Extraordinary.

"Hey hey, this group of guys, was really convinced by the goddess, it is worthy that I deliberately took a bath and changed my armor over", watching these appearances, let these people stunned, Rena's heart secretly Nodded in satisfaction.

I am satisfied with my appearance and, of course, I am also satisfied with the response of the students of the Super Theological Seminary.

"Well, my classmates, let me introduce you. This is Miss Lena, the goddess from the star of the sun. In the next days, she will ..."

Looking at Lena's high-profile appearance, she seemed to have deterred other people. Teacher Liu was also very satisfied in her heart. She opened her mouth and introduced it to everyone. It seems that although Lena is still young, she still looks reliable. of.

"You all listened to me. From now on, I will be your monitor, I am God! Hahaha!" But just before Teacher Liu finished speaking, Lena spoke and announced loudly.

The palms of her hands rose high as she spoke, and immediately, a more dazzling light burst out from her.


The power of the sun burst out, and a powerful explosion instantly occurred. With the explosion here, many students at Super Theological Seminary were frightened and flee.

"Cough ... cough ..." Even the teacher Liu coughed a few times and got up from the ground. His clothes were a little tattered and looked awkward.

It seems that she is still too naive. The situation of Lena is completely like a problem child. She can't be trusted at all ~ ~ for a while, teacher Liu secretly suspected that she summoned her to earth Come, is not a right choice.

"Abominable, are you guys trying to kill us?" The other Ge Xiaolun, the other of them, already fell a dog to eat **** for the second time, got angry and perverted, and shouted at Lena angrily.

Originally Lena appeared, the goddess's spirit was convincing, but with this scene, his image of the goddess in everyone's hearts collapsed in a moment, scattered all over ...

"Looks, is it because of me?" Watching the goddess Lena dressed up completely, Wu Yan shook her head with regret.

Is it because I appeared earlier and took some time?

"It seems that all of them need some special training, everyone ..." Dukao looked at Lena over there, frowned slightly, and murmured secretly in his heart.

Yes, in Dukao's view, Lena's existence is completely a problem child who has powerful power, so her problem is even more serious.

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