Plane Master Copy

Chapter 918: : 1 punch, 1 level 5 monster

The rumbling, immensely savage bull, is so strong that it can't be resisted, and rushes forward with its head buried, giving it an unstoppable feeling.

In front of these fifth-ranked wild cows, even the city walls of Changshi can't resist, and they will be hit by a huge gap, which is obvious.


The sound of howling and screaming rang, and countless awakeners piled up at the door of the East Gate, but as the wild cow slammed into the air, all the awakeners were slammed into the air, leaving them dead and injured.

The fifth-order zombies have about 20,000 crystal points. The power of this wild cow is much stronger than that of ordinary fifth-order zombies.

"Oops, if you go on like this, the city gate will be broken ..." Pei Yufeng was dignified, watching that no one could stop the impact of this wild cow.

Looking at its 20,000 crystal points, Pei Yufeng knew very well that with his more than 1,500 crystal points, even if he used block, he could not stop it at all.

"Duel!" If the block cannot be used, then Pei Yufeng can only use the ability of duel, although the point of Pei Yufeng's crystal points, the ability of duel can not be maintained for too long.

However, there is no other way to prevent the impact of the bull.


Sure enough, after Pei Yufeng's duel target selected a fourth-order zombie next to him, the impact of this wild cow hit Pei Yufeng's body, and it had no effect at all, and it was difficult for her to cause any harm.

Naturally, the impact of this wild cow was also resisted.

In terms of crystal points, the bull is more than ten times as much as Pei Yufeng. In terms of body shape, the bull is more like a giant beast.

However, Pei Yufeng is standing on the ground, like a reef rooted in a tsunami. No matter how powerful the impact of a wild cow is, it is difficult to shake her back!

"Miss Yufeng! Great!", The other awakenings next to them, watching the city gate was about to be broken, but Pei Yufeng stood up, successfully blocked it in front of the bull, stopped it, and yelled in surprise. Road.

No one expected that Pei Yufeng's strength could actually block the fifth-tier zombie beast.

Although as a zombie, the bull has no wisdom at all, only pure instinct is left, but seeing that he is blocked by a small point, the bull fully explains what is called a cow temper.

He didn't mean to bypass Pei Yufeng at all. The attention of the bull was completely attracted by Pei Yufeng. It was a violent and terrible attack on Pei Yufeng.

Under the attack of the bull, Pei Yufeng did not have the slightest power to fight back, not to mention, Pei Yufeng would not fight back.

Because she knew very well that the target of the duel locked other zombies, even if her attack fell on the bull, it would not have any effect.

"Don't be too optimistic, I can't stop this monster, quickly send a signal flare for help!", Suppressed by the attack of the brutal cow, although unscathed, but watching the duration of the duel skills decrease by one minute and one second, Pei Yufeng Shouted loudly.

As Pei Yufeng's words fell, the awakening person beside him also realized that Pei Yufeng only relied on the magic of his ability, and for the time being entangled with this wild cow, so he quickly sent a signal to pop out.

After the flare was launched, soon, under the breath of wild hunting, a humanoid monster rushed towards this side. It was Poros.

Although it looks like a humanoid on the surface, Poros's height is about three meters, much higher than ordinary humans.

More importantly, his skin and his appearance are completely different from humans, especially the one-eye that occupies almost half of his cheeks, and it is completely different from human eyes.

The huge one-eye on Poros's forehead has long turned into a lilac reincarnation eye, and after rushing directly to the East Gate, Poros's eyes locked on the 20,000-point savage cow. With a bull, he rushed over.

蛮 The barbarian apparently saw the mighty Poros, with a roar in his mouth, lowered his head slightly, and slammed his way towards Poros with his sharp horns.

Just, looking at the savage cattle that came across, Poros ignored the huge gap in body shape, raised his hands directly, and grabbed the horns of the savage cattle.

Suddenly, the terrible force broke out suddenly, and Poros grabbed the horns of the bull, hit him with a fierce shoulder, and smashed the bull to the ground.

The terrible shock made the earth look like a terrible earthquake.

After 之后 slamming the wild cow on the ground fiercely, Poros didn't mean nonsense. He raised his hand and aimed at the head of the wild cow. Then, a strong energy was launched from Poros' palm.

The catapult fell on the body of the bull, a huge shock, like a nuclear bomb explosion, but was controlled by Poros within a very small range, making the power of the explosion several times stronger.

In the loud noise, the body of this wild cow was exploded, completely dissipating into minced meat.

Crushing, the zombie bull with 20,000 crystal points, in front of Poros, had no resistance at all, and was completely crushed.

After Xun easily killed this unbelievably strong bull, Poros' eyes fixed on several other fifth-level zombies, without any nonsense, he rushed straight up.

With a sling, Poros, which is almost close to 50,000 crystal points, can deal with these zombies with 20,000 crystal points or less.

He punched one, and dozens of fifth-order zombies were not Poros's opponents. He was easily killed by the thunderbolt.

After solving these fifth-order zombies, Poros quickly moved away from the east gate and rushed towards the south gate to help.

At the Dongdong gate, all the awakened people looked at Poros's leaving body, all of them staring at each other, it was difficult to return to their minds for a long time.

The fifth-tier zombie has no resistance in his hands. The power of Poros gives a feeling of invincibility, and even many people's secret suspicions, even if Wu Yan's strength is inferior to it.

Of course, this is the first time that Poros has shown his strength in front of people in Changshi, and even Pei Yufeng has seen Poros for the first time.

Therefore, everyone's secret suspicion about Poros's identity does not know where he is sacred.

The battle was still going on. After the fifth-level zombies were completely beaten by Poros on the East Gate side, the next battle was naturally relieved of pressure.

On the other side, according to the law, originally, Zhao Lei could not resist the power of these dozens of fifth-level zombies, and they were ready to use signal bombs for help, but Poros came at a critical time.

I also destroyed these fifth-level zombies one by one with the trend of destruction, and saw Zhao Lei stunned, then drifted away.

On the other side, at the North Gate, the fighting situation was also very fierce. Nine monsters that reached the fifth level, led by Xiao Meng, were in full swing with those fifth-level zombies.

Likewise, under the leadership of the Beastmaster, the fourth-order monsters are fighting with other zombies.

Wearing a wide cold stream fairy skirt, holding an amethyst staff, wielding Xiaomeng's staff, and spraying a large snowstorm, instantly several monsters were frozen into ice sculptures.

北 The battle at the North Gate was very fierce. Generally speaking, Xiaomeng had the upper hand.

Bang bang bang!

On the other side, Wu Yan was standing alone at Ximen, and huge slashes were sent out one after another, almost all the fourth-order zombies were killed and injured, but those fifth-order zombies were not injured.

Soon, a fifth-order spirit ape came to Wu Yan very quickly, and the monkey's paw drew directly toward Wu Yan's heart.

"Drain the soul!", Looking at the ape zombies rushing in front of himself, Wu Yan's eyes slightly fixed, raised his fist, and smashed directly towards the spirit ape.

Wu Jishun is a blow, which is a skill Wu Yan copied from Sun Hao.

He has developed skills for four years, and this damage can almost be said to have reached every second.

With a bang, Wu Yan's crystal point number was already very high. At this moment, the spirit attack of the soul-stealing blow was played. In the chest.

There is a cool-down time for the Soul Draining Skill, but the cool-down time is not very long.

After this ape was killed by a second, a strong wind came ~ ~ Behind him was a huge zombie bird attacking to his side.

He felt the attack from the zombies next to him, Wu Yan's hands with infinite gloves clenched his fists.

Then, the purple power gem flashed, Wu Yan's fist wearing infinite gloves hit the zombie bird.

Under the terrible strength, the body of this zombie bird also flew into fluttering flesh, splashed out, and was killed by a punch.

The next battle is not too much of an accident. With the killing of these fifth-order zombies one by one, the monster siege situation on the Simon's side has gradually come to an end.

Because of the reincarnation eye, he and Poros share vision, so Wu Yan also knows that the overall situation on the east gate and south gate has been set.

怪物 This monster siege is also coming to an end. Everyone joins hands and it is considered that they successfully blocked all these monsters outside the gate.

In the next battle, there are only a few sweeping things left. Naturally, with the end of these monsters attacking the city, the news of victory here soon arranged for a wave of publicity in the city.

I cheered loudly, listening to the terrible battles outside the city, and even seeing Wuyan ’s heaven and earth, the residents in the city were waiting tremblingly.

听到 After hearing the news of victory at this moment, they cheered one by one. They knew very well that with the real victory, they were truly safe, and there was no danger to their lives.

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