Plane Master Copy

Chapter 916: : Corpse Tide Strikes

The monster siege made Wu Yan think of the corpse tide involuntarily, so he felt dignified.

However, after simulating Chu Xuan's thinking mode with the ability of the third-order gene lock, Wu Yan found that there was nothing to be afraid of when the monster attacked the city.

Also, taking advantage of this monster siege, it may still be a big gain for Changshi.

If it is a zombie, you can harvest a large number of zombie crystal nuclei. After all, many awakened props, equipment, or scrolls can be used.

If it is an evolutionary beast, it is naturally better. A powerful evolutionary beast can be captured as a pet or a mount. Even the weakest evolutionary beast can kill and eat meat.

In the last days, meat is very scarce.

Soon, Changshi moved quickly. Pei Yufeng took control of the fighting forces in Changshi and formed the awakening's fighting army. They began to gather near the east gate of Changshi.

Zhao Lei, on the other hand, integrated the fighting powers of Dalongshan Base, Hero City, and Titan City. Through the dimension gate, they were teleported to Chang City and entered the square at the south gate.

What about Wuyan? For the first time in front of everyone in Changshi, he took out the spaceship of Poros.

With the advent of the spacecraft, almost everyone in Changshi felt that the sky suddenly became dark.

I looked up and looked at the spaceships that looked like a city in the sky, one by one, disillusioned.

If such a huge spaceship is possible, it will be enough for all survivors in Changshi to survive in it?

"Is such a huge spaceship? This is by no means a product of the earth ...", looking at the spaceship of Poros, which is comparable to a city, Zhao Lei opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

Yes, with the technology of the last days, not to mention whether this spacecraft can fly in the universe, even if it is only flying on the earth, it is so huge that it can never be produced by people now.

"So, is this given to him by Master Wu Yan?", As Zhao Lei's words fell, Pei Yufeng murmured next to him.

In the face of Sun Hao ’s attack before the imperial capital, Wu Yan faked out a so-called Master and shocked everyone with the 10 million crystal points of infinite gloves.

The so-called master in Wuyan's mouth is a powerful traveler in the universe. Therefore, it seems that only Wuyan's so-called master can make such a huge spaceship.

Originally, I heard the appearance of a so-called monster siege. The residents of Changshi were all scared.

After all, in the last days, there were many survivor bases, but many survivor bases were completely destroyed under the corpse tide.

Therefore, I learned that there are monsters siege the city, countless people are dignified, especially ordinary people are even more fragile, and no one knows whether Changshi can stop it.

However, when this huge and incomparable spaceship came out, watching this spaceship, which is enough to call it a city in the air, was suspended, and countless people felt much relieved.

There is such a huge spaceship in existence. Want to come, there should be no problem in resisting those monsters?

More importantly, this spaceship can be a way for everyone to retreat. If it can't be resisted, can they retreat to this spaceship?

的 Most of the zombies and monsters that can fly in midair cannot threaten its existence, right?

Twenty-three days passed quickly. When the monster siege really arrived, Wu Yan and others were also ready for each other. The atmosphere of Changshi became unprecedentedly dignified.

Although the integrated strength has given everyone confidence, in the last days, the most terrible thing is the tide of corpses, and no one knows what the final result will be.

The battle of life and death, no one can control himself.

After a while, the guards of the four gates were fully prepared.

At the Dongdong Gate, headed by Pei Yufeng, countless powerful awakeners in Chang City have been waiting for them. Among them are the existence of fourth-level awakenings, which have erupted for so long in the last days.

At the south gate, Zhao Lei also waited quietly. There were also many powerful awakeners beside him. In addition, there were snake demon Xiaoqing, millennium tree enchanter, Transformers giant black, and Moyun leopard. Black and so on, all of them have reached the level of level four awakeners, which is a very good help.

At the Ximen Gate, the monsters of the Evolution House were quietly waiting, and the monsters with embarrassing faces behind Xiaomeng did not dare to have the slightest confusion.

Wearing a wide cold stream fairy skirt and holding an amethyst staff, Xiao Meng looks like a fairy walking out of mythology.

The number of crystal points of the puppet itself, coupled with the increase in the amethyst staff, Xiao Meng's strength has almost reached the level of about 20,000. At the West Gate, her existence is like a fixed sea **** needle.

呢 As for the last North Gate? It looks empty, far less than the defense numbers of the other three gates, because only Wu Yan is left alone.

However, with one hand wearing infinite gloves and the other holding the Qingdi sword, even if Wu Yan was alone, he was more than enough.

Time passed, one minute and one second passed. While waiting, everyone was silent, nobody knew when the monster siege was, but it is today.

That's it. By noon, all of us suddenly felt that the earth was shaking, and the amplitude of the shaking was getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, the film's growl sounded.

Jinchang City was originally a large city, and the surrounding areas of the city were plains within twenty to thirty miles. Therefore, the vision is very good. Under everyone's attention, you can see countless dark shadows in the distance are approaching.

After these figures come closer, everyone can see that all the figures coming over are zombies, densely packed, and countless.

These zombies come in all shapes and sizes, some are emaciated and act like wind, and some are tyrants of huge tyrants.

In addition to the evolutionary zombies under the speed type and strength, there are naturally many special types of evolutionary zombies. The situation of the monster siege this time is not the same as the original corpse tide.

Most of the previous corpse tide were just ordinary zombies, and this time the monsters attacked the city and looked around, all of them were evolutionary zombies, about half of which reached the third-order level. Unprecedented.

"Long-range attack, get ready!", Watching these zombies rush towards this side, Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei guarding the East Gate and South Gate, respectively, and began to yell.

Immediately, under their command, countless long-range attacks attacked the tide of corpses.

These evolutionary zombies are quite strong, but it has been four years since the end of the world, and the awakeners are not weak. Various types of attacks, even guns, are continuously moving towards the tide of corpses. Smashed in the past.

I do n’t need any aiming. In this situation of large-scale war, only the skills need to be released continuously.

The awakeners of the melee and defense categories are at the top, the awakeners of the control category are in the middle, and the awakeners of the long-range attack and auxiliary categories are at the end. This combat mode is like a real online game.

As these corpse tide approached and erupted, East Gate and South Gate were two places. 霎 Time became a battlefield, and countless corpse tides fell in a dense attack.

He exhausted the power of Changshi and the other three major bases, just to keep the two doors. Although the battle was fierce, the huge firepower suppressed it, but he successfully controlled the situation.

At the Ximen Gate, as the endless zombies rushed towards this side, the monsters behind Xiaomeng also arched one by one, ready to spread out at any time, and many monsters were secretly grinding their claws.

"Don't move!" For people other than Wu Yan, Xiao Meng said very little and spoke clearly.

With her order, naturally, none of these monsters behind her dare to move.

Xiao Meng has no nonsense, wearing a wide cold current fairy dress, holding an amethyst staff, walking towards the corpse tide who came over step by step, then, his eyes were slightly condensed ~ ~ The zombie's ability is activated instantly, and the invisible power instantly turns into these tide of corpses.

The roar of the zombies sounded, and the violent rushing zombies came to a halt slowly, and even, under the control of Xiaomeng, turned, turned from an attacker to a defensive, and became the first to guard Simon. A barrier.

Identity of devouring zombies, Xiao Meng can devour the nucleus of other zombies to achieve the ability to acquire the evolution of other zombies.

The speed, domination, and age-changing power three crystal nuclei were devoured by the front and back, and Xiao Meng could naturally dominate other zombies.

Close to the number of crystal points of 16,000, it is said that these are the third- and fourth-order zombies. Even if they break through to the fifth-order zombies, it takes a little extra effort and Xiao Meng can successfully control.

Compared to the fierce battle between the East Gate and the South Gate, the West Gate is quite quiet.

As for the North Gate? Wu Yan is also the old **** staying at the North Gate, watching these dense rushing zombies, Wu Yan also stood up and walked up slowly.

Then, the overbearing power of the overlord color burst out directly.

The invisible overlord color, centered on Wu Yan's body, swept past in all directions in an instant. Thousands of zombies in front of Wu Yan were stunned in an instant.

The violent menacing zombies all fainted in the blink of an eye, looking extremely shocked.

Similarly, the north gate side is also very quiet, which is completely different from the situation of the east gate and south gate.

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