Plane Master Copy

Chapter 914: : Monster Siege

The vortex of time and space appeared, Wu Yan felt like he was thrown into the washing machine, and his head felt slightly dizzy.

However, this feeling comes fast and fast. When Wu Yan converges, he finds that he and Xiaomeng have left the infinite horror plane and returned to the real world.

This time the world of infinite horror has gone through. For Wu Yan, the gains are still quite large. One is that his own crystal point has been improved a lot. The completely liberated soul gem is used to cultivate and increase the speed extremely. fast.

Second, naturally it is the flinching gun exchanged from the Lord God, although it is only a weakened version.

However, the strength of a retreat cannon that can pierce the moon in one shot is self-evident.

For a long time, Wu Yan's focus has been on his single attack power, but this time when facing the three gods in the Hobbit world, Wu Yan found that Poros ’spacecraft can still play a very important role. The big ones, those monsters of the Evolution House, can also play a lot of roles.

Therefore, after carrying a retreat gun, the spacecraft is no longer as simple as a base.

The shrinking cannon that can penetrate the moon is stronger in terms of destructive power than in the state where the dead door was opened by itself. Even if it is not as good as Saitama, it is almost the same. For Wu Yan, it is a big killer.

Didi Didi!

Xiao Xiaomeng followed Wu Yan's side step by step. When Wu Yan's gaze fell on her, the number on the crystal measuring instrument beating.

Immediately, a high figure appeared in front of Wu Yan: 15880!

"Well, Xiao Meng's crystal point is close to 16,000, and this increase is really fast." Looking at this crystal point, Wu Yan nodded secretly in his heart.

I am sighed by the strength of the moon-buffing and sun-drenching magical powers, and also by the qualifications of Xiao Meng now, which is totally unmatched by myself.

I walked around the main **** space only, and Xiao Meng's number of crystal points increased by about 3500.

After looking at the crystal points of Xiaomeng, Wu Yan glanced down at himself again.

数字 After the number on the crystallizer jumped, soon, the same number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 9925!

"Well, although my ascension is not as good as Xiao Meng, it is not bad. In a few days, I can officially break through to the level five awakening person." For the number of crystal points, Wu Yan Nodded with satisfaction as well.

I remember that when I crossed the infinite plane of terror, my crystal point was about 8000, and now it is close to 10,000.

This time walking on the infinite plane of horror, my crystal point number has also increased by about 2,000, and this increase is still huge.

Naturally, the number of crystal points in the normal state has increased, so the eight means of increase, such as the eight-door armor, heaven and earth, and even the fairy mode, have also risen with the increase of water.

For his eschatology, he is not invincible to the world with his current strength, but it should be regarded as the first echelon of the eschatology.

Although it is only one day away for the real world, for Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, they have already left for more than half a year.

So, after returning, Xiao Meng and Wu Yan both returned to the base of Changshi.

Because of the gang decree, Changshi, originally a modern society, has become a medieval Western European and American architectural style, just like the main city in the game.

I walked in the city of Chang, Wu Yan felt a sense of sight that crossed the Middle Ages.

Every time I cross, I will stay in the other world for more than half a year, but when I return to the real world, I only stay for more than half a month. In these years, a large part of Wuyan ’s time has been spent in other worlds, so In Wu Yan's life, it seems that it is the essence of his life to cross the heavens and the world, and in the real world for more than half a month, it feels like a holiday for himself and a rest at home.

Hero City, Titan City and Dalongshan Base, a large number of residents have moved to Changshi.

In particular, Dalongshan base was originally not many people. After Wuyan opened the dimension gate, almost all residents of Dalongshan moved to Changshi.

The original Dalongshan base seems to have become an outpost in Changshi.

It didn't take long for Jinchang to recover. Naturally, there are many things that need to be busy, and all these things are almost grasped by Pei Yufeng.

For example, the area where the new residents live, the business district, and the awakening unions from Emperor ’s capital have been heard from Wu Yan. Pei Yufeng has modeled a similar organization.

It is worth mentioning that although the appearance of Changshi has changed dramatically due to the construction of the city, it is a bit uncomfortable for people to live, but it also has great benefits, that is, the entire Changshi base, like It is like the main city in the game, protected by mysterious power.

No matter whether it is a zombie or an evolutionary beast, there is no way to rush into the city and wreak havoc.

Therefore, the majority of residents living in Changshi need not worry about safety.

Back to the city's main house, naturally, this place has become the residence of Wu Yan, where Daqing Xiaoqing, as well as the **** ink clouded leopard, giant black transformers, all stay in the city's mansion, the millennium tree enchanting Also re-established its roots around Changshi, and a small potted plant was separated as a landscape tree.

"Wangwang ...", seeing Wu Yan and Xiao Meng returning, with the eyes closed, the evolutionary beast Dahei is practicing, screaming at Wu Yan.

Looking at a leopard, but learning to bark, Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

When Xun took Dahei to Naruto, he taught Dahei to learn how to train dogs of the Inuzuka family. Now it seems that Wu Yan doubts whether his choice was right.

A good fourth-order evolution beast Moyun Leopard was trained to become a second-half.

Yes, although there is no more Wuyan crossing the heavens and the world, Dahei is just practicing alone, but in these days, the Moyun Leopard, which originally had more than 700 crystal points, has also increased to about 2000. Then, be regarded as a fourth-order evolution beast.

Only, for the current Wu Yan, the Moyun Leopard with 2000 crystal points can hardly provide any powerful help to himself.

"Master, miss, you are back ..." Xiao Qing, who was brought back from the Ghost Plane of the Chinese Lady, brought a wash of face water and said to Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

Compared to Mo Yunbao, Xiao Qing's practice is relatively shallow. Until now, he has not broken through 1000 crystal points.

But fortunately, she is just a maid, and she doesn't need much power.

In the face of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, Xiao Qing felt somewhat restrained. Although he and Wu Yan were already very familiar, as the days passed, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng's crystal points became higher and higher. .

Nearly instinct, she was more frightened when facing Xiaomeng and Wuyan.

"Well, come back, what has happened recently?" After picking up the towel and wiping his face, Wu Yan asked Xiaoqing.

"Specifically, nothing happened, but yesterday Mr. Zhao Lei came to visit you and said there was something to discuss with you", hearing Wu Yan's inquiries, Xiao Qing answered seriously.

"Oh? Did Zhao Lei find me?"

Brow raised slightly, Wu Yan did not go to Zhao Lei's mind, but raised his hand and directly launched the function of the wedding ring. Then, the space was twisted, and then Zhao Lei appeared directly beside Wu Yan. Already.

Seeing Zhao Lei's appearance, he reached it with a bite, his breath was a little chaotic, and there was some blood on his armor, which seemed to be fiercely fighting.

"Have you worked very hard, and are you playing monsters again?" Seeing Zhao Lei's aggressive look, Wu Yan praised.

"Although I have been working as hard as I can, it is still difficult for Xiuwei to catch up with you". I also know the effect of the wedding ring. Zhao Lei put away the knife in his hand and looked helpless.

I just said, when Zhao Lei's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, the whole person's face changed greatly, and he looked like a ghost.

"You, your number of crystal points, is about to break through to the level of the level five awakener?".

多 How long haven't you seen? Seeing that Wu Yan's crystal points had increased by about 2000 points, Zhao Lei was completely dumbfounded.

提升 The kid's crystal point count increase ~ ~ is completely jumpy. Every more than half a month or so, he will disappear for one day. When it appears again, the crystal point number will skyrocket.

"My promotion is okay, Xiao Meng's promotion is big." Looking at Zhao Lei's astonished look, Wu Yan smiled slightly, and said with a bit of humor to Zhao Lei.

Sure enough, when hearing Wu Yan's words, Zhao Lei turned and looked at Xiaomeng next to him.

Immediately, like a wooden chicken.

Looking at Xiaomeng's nearly 16,000 crystal points, Zhao Lei was dumbfounded and almost suspected that he was dreaming.

On that day, Xiao Meng's crystal points were very low, and she and Wu Yan took her to fight to upgrade, the purpose is to get her to the level of the fourth-level awakener as soon as possible, reaching the level of 1,000 crystal points, in order to have the ability to protect herself At the beginning, the situation seemed to be near.

Hey, but how long is this? Her number of crystal points has already reached this point, and the number of such crystal points is already far beyond her several times.

Looking at Zhao Lei's appearance as a wooden chicken, Wu Yan smiled secretly in his heart, which can be considered to have achieved his purpose, and said honestly: "I heard Xiaoqing say, do you have something to discuss with me? Is there anything wrong?"

Upon hearing Wu Yan's inquiries, Zhao Lei remembered the business, his face was straight, and he nodded, and said, "There are really important things to discuss with you, because I was afraid of causing panic, so I did n’t tell anyone Over. "

As soon as he said this, Zhao Lei paused and said, "The situation of the monster siege is coming."

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