Plane Master Copy

Chapter 909: : Invader Wu Yan

Wu Yan's strength is very strong. Chu Xuan has always known this. After all, he can see from the fact that he can invade the space of the main god, but is not detected by the main god.

Because of this, even if he knew his identity in the Zhongzhou team, Chu Xuan still stood still and did not dare to shoot.

However, Chu Xuan is very clear that no matter how strong Wu Yan is, he must not surpass the main god. Otherwise, why should he be a thief in the main **** space and obtain points from other reincarnations to redeem things?

After all, if his strength really surpasses the Lord God, he should plunder the Lord God directly, right?

Therefore, in Chu Xuan's view, if you can defeat, especially to subdue Wu Yan, it will be very beneficial to you, although it is also very dangerous, but the huge benefits are worth doing yourself.

However, Chu Xuan did not dare to act lightly without a perfect grasp.

Until this time of the Hobbit, Chu Xuan saw the hope of success, that is, the demon's replica Zheng Zheng is actually the captain, then Zheng Zheng should be the most potential reincarnation in the evaluation of the main god.

If Xun can make the replica Zheng Xun, especially the entity Zheng Xun died in Wu Yan's hands, this will inevitably attract the attention of the main god.

And the main **** realized that Wu Yan's existence, naturally he would not let this invader exist.

At present, Chu Xuan feels that his plan is still very successful. Although Wu Yan and Wu Meng's strength is higher than he expected, but the fire dragon Shi Maoge successfully injured Wu Meng, and Wu Yan's heart was angry, so Killed the fire dragon Smaug.

In addition, the main task of the Zhongzhou team is to kill Shimao, then there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the Zhongzhou team and Wu Yan.

He suggested that Zheng Ye was the main force of the battle. In Chu Xuan's view, Zheng Ye died in Wu Yan's hands. This should be the inevitable end.

I just, to Chu Chuxuan's surprise, the replica actually jumped out and gave up his life.

This situation was unexpected by everyone, even the copy Zheng Zheng himself.

However, fortunately, although there were some variables in the planning process, my purpose was successful.

Watching the sudden update of the main task on the main **** watch, Chu Xuan's mouth slightly raised.

"Mainline missions: Kill the invaders of the main **** space. The mission is successful. All the participants will receive 10,000 points. One S-level branch story. The mission fails. 5000 points will be deducted. once".

The demon team and the people in the Nakasu team felt the vibration of the main **** watch, and they were surprised when they saw the updated information on the main **** watch.

This is the first time that you have seen the mainline mission changed, and the reward of the mainline mission is actually terribly high. The level of the S-class sideline story is self-evident.

On the main **** watch, it not only updates the situation of the main line tasks, but also gives a geographical location information, which is obviously the so-called intruder.

And this position information, the Zhongzhou team and the Devil team found that they are where they are now.

Then, who the so-called intruder is, the result is self-evident.

It's not just the mainline missions of the demons and the Nakasu team that have changed. Similarly, as far away as the dark forest, with the appearance of the Fire Dragon Smaug, the Elven King of the Dark Milan also sensed the appearance of the Fire Dragon Smaug.

This surprised him secretly, and did not understand why the fire dragon Shimao hides in the guardian treasure of Gushan, and suddenly appeared from the treasure.

"How is it possible? The fire dragon Smaug was actually killed? And, the demon Sauron also fell down?" It was just that, before waiting for the Elven King in the dark jungle to investigate whether to investigate the situation, he suddenly felt a sense.

He was surprised to learn that both Demon Sauron and Fire Dragon Smaug were destroyed.

It's not just the dark jungle side. Similarly, in remote areas of Middle-earth, the kings of other elven tribes, even the wizard Gandalf, almost all of them noticed the news of the fall of Fire Dragon Smaug and Demon Sauron.

This surprised them all. Who is it? Can Sauron and Smaug fall? Could it be a **** outside the Middle-earth continent?

"Captain, something went wrong!".

In the dark forest, the people of the Gods team were still thinking about accompanying the elves to participate in the battle of the five armies, but the vibration of the Lord God's watch made them discover the changes in the main task.

"Intruder? There will be intruders in the main **** space? Who is sacred and can invade the main **** space?"

As the captain Adam of the Tenjin team, watching the updated mainline task on the main **** watch, his face is full of surprise.

"10,000 points, S-class sideline plot reward? As long as you participate in the battle? This reward is really rich and terrible!", Song Tian next to the **** team, with a surprised look on his face, was shocked by the rich reward of the main god. .

"No, the generous reward must also mean a terrible crisis. Combined with the fall of the devil Sauron and the fire dragon Shimaoge, this so-called invader must be terrible".

As the existence cloned by stealing Chu Xuan's genetic information in the real world, Adam is only half weaker than Chu Xuan in terms of intelligence. From the main task of this change, he can clearly smell the unusual taste.

"However, this is the main task, must we participate? Otherwise, we cannot afford the penalty of 5,000 points," Luo Yinglong, another member of the team next to the Gods, said.

"Yes, the main task is that the main **** forced us to fight", Adam's face with a thoughtful look.

"Invaders, apparently, non-reincarnation invaded the main **** and saw it. Therefore, the main **** temporarily changed the main mission for us to kill Sauron and Smaug. This invader must be terribly strong. It ’s not just that we changed the mission. 90% of the time, the midline missions of the Devil and Nakasu team should have changed, ”Adam said in an analysis.

也就是说 "In other words, may this main mission be our Tenjin team, the Devil team and the Nakasu team work together?", The only female next to Linna Ya was shocked.

"This should be the case, although there must be competition between our three reincarnation teams, but if this intruder's strength is really strong, it is the top priority to complete the mission of the Lord God unanimously".

"After all, if you fail, everyone deducts 5,000 points, and no one can stand it." Nodded. For the situation of the three reincarnation teams fighting the invaders together, Adam thinks there will be no mistake.

"The current situation is really interesting." Luo Yinglong next to him suddenly interjected and said, "Master God Space, our Tenjin team and the Devil team should be the strongest, plus this Nakasu team is enough to fight with us. The strength of our three teams should represent the strongest power in the Lord God's space right now? Gather together to deal with the invaders. "

"Let's go, time is short, let's go to the position of the intruder first and then say ...".

After a brief discussion, the main task could not be avoided. Adam led the Tenjin team and quickly approached Wuyan where they were.

Not to mention the situation on the side of the Gods team, near Gushan, after the demon Sauron and the fire dragon Shimaoge were killed, Wu Yan can see that the entire Hobbit horror film world seems to have become the end of the world Similarly, there is a possibility of collapse at any time.

"Is this the Lord God found my existence?", Looking at the end of the world, Wu Yan secretly murmured.

Xiu Yan is very clear, just because of the death of Sauron and Smaug, the entire Hobbit world cannot have such a mutation.

If it is said that such a change is the master behind the scenes, obviously, only the Lord God can do it.

既然 Now that the Lord God has found himself, then, for the invader himself, would the Lord God want to obliterate himself?

However, the Lord God does not have any fighting ability, and he does not have the self-consciousness and wisdom to appear in front of himself. Therefore, it wants to destroy the entire Hobbit horror movie world in order to achieve its own in this horror movie. Does the World Die for Purpose?

"Chu Xuan, what to do next? Should we continue to do it?", The zero point next to him, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, the writing wheel eye has also successfully evolved into the shape of Ergouyu, but looking at Wu Yan, everyone on the scene didn't have much resistance. ~ After all, the power just showed by Wu Yan easily killed Demon Sauron. Everyone saw it with their own eyes.

"The duplicate Zheng Zheng is dead. Even if we rush all of it with our strength, it will never be his opponent. According to the rules of the Lord God, it will never issue a mortal task to us, so nothing unexpected. Wait, the means of the Lord God should appear. "Faced with a zero-point inquiry, Chu Xuan began to analyze.

The original purpose of Xun was to sacrifice Zheng Xun as a medium for the main **** to pay attention to Wu Yan.

But since the copy Zheng 吒 is dead, it has successfully attracted the attention of the Lord God, and Chu Xuan will not say more. Next, it is enough to look at the method of the Lord God.

"It's a wonderful feeling ...".

Zhan Lan, who was next to me, couldn't help but speak at this time, with a surprised look, saying, "The power of the Lord God has always brought me disasters and difficulties, forcing us to move forward. Now, we But we are standing in the same camp with the Lord God. It is wonderful to have the power of the Lord God to help us. "

Zhan Lan's words made everyone nearby nodded secretly.

Every time in the world of horror movies, I am afraid that the Lord God will change the plot and increase the difficulty. In short, the Lord God is the biggest source of danger. Today, I am waiting for the Lord God's help.


I seem to confirm Chu Xuan's words, the horizon, the powerful breath, as if thunder appeared.

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