Plane Master Copy

Chapter 906: : Wu Yan calculated by anger

Mordor, Demon Sauron asked his half-orc army to pay close attention to the situation in the Middle-earth continent, and at the same time, he was quietly waiting for Chu Xuan's news.

The Supreme Lord of the Rings is too important for Sauron. Naturally, his heart is very concerned.

It's just that Sauron hasn't waited for Chu Xuan's good news. Suddenly, there was a feeling in his heart.

"Abominable! What the **** is going on !? The Ten Major Spirits are all in a state of serious injury!", The voice of the demon Sauron, full of angry roar.

For the Demon Sauron, the power of the Ten Rings is indispensable. Suddenly, all the 10 Rings have fallen into a state of serious injury and sleep. They can no longer play a role for a century, which makes the Demon Sauron's heart. Furious.

Lu Chuxuan What are they doing? If it weren't for the state of the ten precepts, all of which are spirits, Sauron believes that now all of the ten precepts may be dead.

He was furious, and at the same time, Sauron felt curious.

what happened? Why are all the Ten Ring Spirits injured? What exactly happened?

As the existence of the dominance of the Ten Commandments, Sauron naturally knew where the Ten Commandments were injured. With a thought, Sauron left Mordor and quickly moved across the air in the form of a spirit.

It was only a few hours, and Sauron had traveled thousands of miles to the vicinity of Gushan.

Li Shuaixi was lying on the ground in a coma with serious injuries, Chu Xuan was sitting quietly, and looked very embarrassed. At this time, a powerful breath appeared, the spirit form transformed by the flame, the demon Sauron Appeared in front of Chu Xuan.

"Chu Xuan, what's going on? I need a reasonable explanation!" Sauron appeared, his voice low and angry.

"Sorren, we have a traitor!".

Chu Xuan looked very much, apparently in a state of serious injury, and said, "We have already successfully obtained the Supreme Lord of the Rings, but I have been betrayed by myself, not only the Supreme Lord of the Rings. It was taken away, and even we were all injured, I'm sorry. "

"Oh? Where is the Supreme Lord of the Rings?".

Hearing the news of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Sauron was not busy asking about the Ten Ring Spirits. Relatively speaking, the existence of the Lord of the Rings was more important.

"Wu Yan, should you know? He was with us originally, but he attacked us with the power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings and sneaked away and took away the Lord of the Lord. As far as I know, Wu Yan have now hid In Changhu Town. "

Tong Chuxuan's face was weak, with a look of remorse, apparently she regretted having trusted her companion.

"Is it in Changhu Town? As far as I know, Changhu Town is only dozens of miles away from here." After learning the exact location of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, how can the demon Sauron treat it calmly? As soon as he moved, he flew over to Changhu Town.

After the action of Demon Sauron, a moment later, the fire dragon Shimaoge in the lonely mountain also appeared, shaking the huge wings and flying to the side of Changhu Town.

From Chu Xuan's mouth, Shi Maoge has determined the main space of God, so Shi Maoge naturally does not want to be a creature in this box.

After Xu and Chu Xuan had a corresponding deal, the goal of the fire dragon Shimaoge was also placed on Wu Meng.

"The plan has begun. The action over the Devil's team should be fast, right?" After the successful design, the two bosses, Demon Sauron and Fire Dragon Smaug, rushed toward Wuyan. Chu Xuan's Thinking secretly in my heart.

At present, everything is planned.

Sure enough, following the actions of Demon Sauron and Fire Dragon Smaug, several figures quickly passed through the night, and they were the devil's reincarnation team.

Under the deception of the replica Chu Xuan, the demon reincarnation team also appeared, and their target was also Wu Yan and his party.

In Changhu Town, Wuyan is quietly staying in his room. The spiritual gemstones are suspended in front of Wuyan quietly. By using the power of spiritual gemstones to cultivate, the crystal point number of Wuyan is gradually increased. This kind of visible improvement makes Wuyan's motivation full of cultivation.

At the side of Wu Yan, Xiao Meng is also quietly practicing.

Devouring the magical powers of the moon swallowing the sun, let her increase the number of crystal points faster, silent night, everything seems very calm.

However, just while practicing, suddenly, a terrible flame appeared, and turned into a figure in front of Wu Yan.

"Devil Sauron? Is there anything you want to do to me?" Looking at the figure of Demon Sauron in front of himself, Wu Yan opened his eyes and asked in amazement.

For no reason, the demon Sauron actually appeared in front of himself, which made Wu Yan feel very strange. Next to him, Xiao Meng also stopped the magical power of the moon swallowing sun, opened his eyes, and stared at Sauron seriously.

Maybe because he has the ability of Xuexue fruit, Xiao Meng has an instinctive aversion to the fiery incarnate Sauron.

"Wu Yan, hand over the Supreme Lord of the Rings!", The voice of the demon Sauron, full of majesty that cannot be resisted, said.

"Extreme Lord of the Rings? Didn't Chu Xuan agree to look for you? Not with me."

He shook his head, Wu Yan denied it, and at the same time felt a little strange and unreasonable. How did the demon Sauron come to ask for the Supreme Lord of the Rings?

"Hum, don't quibble. Since you don't want to surrender, then I'll do it myself!" Wu Yan will deny that this is not surprising. The devil Sauron is not surprised, just the tone contains Feeling angry.

At the same time, the violent breath transpired from Demon Sauron's body, and immediately, it turned into a landslide and tsunami and pressed towards Wuyan.

"Do you want to do it with me? Other people are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you!".

Although the power of the devil Sauron can be regarded as the fifth-level awakener, but now Wuyan also has more than 8,000 crystal points, after feeling the movement of the devil Sauron, his frowns, the truth of everything, He will wait until he is subdued.

The breath on Wu Wuyan's body, at this moment, also transpired, welcoming towards the demon Sauron.

However, from the perspective of the number of crystal points, Wuyan is a long way behind. After the collision of breath, Wuyan is completely out of favor.

"Huh, it's not just that the number of crystal points is very high. As a demon, this guy's own means are also very strong!", At the beginning of the contact, he was living in the downwind, Wu Yan snorted in his heart, and prepared to use the eight-door armor Power to increase.


It's just, seeing that Wu Yan is on the downside, how can Xiao Meng beside me stand by? Amethyst Staff was taken out.

With his own power, plus the increase of the Amethyst Staff, Xiao Meng's own power is better than that of Demon Sauron.

When the two of them joined together, the incarnation of Sauron's flames seemed to have condensed at this moment.

什么 "What? This woman has such a mighty power !?", feeling that Xiao Meng's wind and snow power is stronger than herself, and Sauron felt incredible.

For no reason, how could such a strong man appear on this Middle-earth continent?

I regretted it. When the demon Sauron was shocked, he felt regret.

If I knew the power of these two people was so terrible, I shouldn't have come alone.

Such a terrible power, it is no wonder that Chu Xuan them, and even their top ten ring spirits are not opponents at all.

"Sure enough, their power is so terrible. Even the Devil Sauron is not an opponent at all." Chu Xuan appeared with the ability to move instantly, watching from a distance how the Devil Sauron was suppressed. , Secretly amazed.

Among them, Xiao Meng's power made Chu Xuan even more shocked. From the situation, it seems that Xiao Meng's power is higher than Wu Yan?

"Xiao Meng, don't kill him!" Although Wu Yan is not smart, but he is not stupid. For no reason, the devil Sauron suddenly shot at himself, and also said that the Supreme Lord of the Rings was in his own hands, which made Wu Iwas felt a little nasty.

Therefore, I am afraid that Xiao Meng will not kill the demon Sauron in a serious way. He will also ask from his mouth what is going on, and who is the black hand behind the scenes.

I heard Wu Yan's words, Xiao Meng's action was a little slow.


Only, at this time, the hot breath appeared from the sky, at the same time, the huge figure of the fire dragon Shimaoge appeared, with a terrible roar in his mouth, and rushed towards this side.

He opened his mouth wide, and a large spit of flame spit out towards Xiaomeng.

As a fierce name, 能 can almost suppress the fire dragon of the entire Middle-earth continent ~ ~ Shimaoge's strength is extremely powerful, in terms of individual strength, even surpassing the demon Sauron.

After all, Sauron and Chu Xuan's deal was after the Supreme Lord of the Rings, so Sauron dared to join forces to deal with Smaug.

Although the Demon King is strong, and there are ten ring spirits and half-orc army under his command, he is suppressed in Mordo and cannot easily appear.

The fire dragon Shimaoge is just a single one, but it can guard the treasure of Gushan, which makes people dare not to shy away.

Didi Didi!

Looking at the 100-meter-sized fire dragon Shimaoge, the numbers on Wuyan's crystal measuring instrument jumped. Immediately, a high number of crystal points appeared in front of Wuyan: 19970!

"The number of crystal points around 20,000? The fire dragon Shimao leather is more powerful than the devil Sauron. If there is not a fatal injury, its existence can be called invincible!", Looking at the fire dragon Shimao leather, Wu Yan's heart was secretly dignified.

史 The strength of Shi Maoge made Wu Yan feel a little threat.

Of course, Wu Yan's heart was secretly dignified, and in a vague manner, it seemed to feel a large net in the darkness, which was quietly opened, ready to deal with himself.

The demon king Sauron will stop. Now, even the fire dragon Shimaoge has appeared, looking at it all for himself?

Who is he? Count yourself behind the scenes?

Xun's heart was angry, Wu Yan's palm was raised, and the Qingdi sword appeared in his hand.

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