Plane Master Copy

Chapter 899: : Only Chu Xuan can get helpless

"Yes, we are indeed twin brothers, but one of us has entered the dark camp, the other has entered the light camp ...", with the words of the demon Sauron, the replica Chu Xuan spoke and answered.

Who is the so-called dark camp and who is the light camp? I believe that there is no need for special instructions, the demon Sauron will naturally know.

Although I don't know why the people in the Zhongzhou team got together with the demon Sauron, but the advent of the demon team, the main **** arranged the identity, that is, a sharp knife team under the demon Sauron, got the demon Sauron After summoning, he came to Mordor from a distant place.

So, these people, Sauron must be very trusting, and the other party is a bright camp, this sentence is like a thorn, after entering, the devil Sauron will definitely take root.

"Yes, but I didn't expect that, brother, you actually turned your back on the light and plunged back into the darkness. If you knew this, you and my brother wouldn't have to look back at each other".

It's just that he hasn't waited for the demon Sauron to ask what is going on with the so-called bright camp in the Zhongzhou team. Chu Xuan also spoke, and said with a sigh of emotion.

"So, did he ever devote himself to the light? Was it just abandoning the light?", Chu Xuan's remarks caused the demon Sauron to turn to look at the copy of Chu Xuan, secretly in his heart. Murmur.

He fights with heaven and has endless joy; he fights with earth and has endless joy; fighting with himself is even more enjoyable ...

Although only two words were spoken by both sides, the amount of information contained in the words was very large, and even the soul of the demon Sauron followed the words of the two of them and kept reversing.

Quietly, Chu Xuan and his replica have begun to compete on wisdom.

"Yeah, there was a prophecy saying that you and my brother, like light and shadow, will be in the light and darkness camps respectively. At this moment, I am already in darkness, brother, are you coming, or have you already Bright? ", Again without refuting Chu Xuan's intention, the replica followed.

"Okay, okay, you two brothers don't say so much, I'm going to be fainted by you".

He waved his hand, and the demon Sauron stopped the conversation between the two Chu Xuan, saying: "You and I have met each other. One is my proud team and one is my ally. I hope You two can cooperate wholeheartedly. "

"Okay!" As the demon Sauron said, the two next Chu Xuan nodded.

Obviously, in Mordor's camp, no one can ignore the majesty of the demon Sauron.

"In this case, you can go back to each of you. You must be ready. In the next few days, I will have important tasks for you." After waving his hand, Demon Sauron's eyes fell on the copy Zheng Zheng's. Body, said seriously.

"I will not disappoint Master Demon!" Zheng Zheng, the duplicate, gave Demon Sauron enough face and nodded.

The demon team and the Zhongzhou team had a rough face-to-face meeting at Mordor, and both of them left the hall of the demon Sauron with their own hearts.

"Chu Xuan, how about? Let's analyze the situation ...", after the four members of the Devil team sat down, Zheng Zheng asked Du Xuan Chu Xuan.

降 The situation of the Zhongzhou team is known, but these people of the Zhongzhou team have come to Mordor, which is beyond everyone's surprise.

"About the minds of the Zhongzhou team, I can probably see some."

The replica Chu Xuan has calm eyes, but in the calm eyes, he has a wise eye and said, "Although I don't know what their mission is, Sauron also just said that the man in the Zhongzhou team is him. Allies, since they are allies, are not their own, then, if nothing unexpected, we are in a camp with the demon Sauron. The gods team should be the so-called bright camp, and I should be able to think of this. " .

"Then things are clearer. The purpose of those people in the Zhongzhou team came here. The first may be to borrow the power of Sauron to help them complete the task. The second possibility is to let the demon Sauron. Become their umbrellas, so that neither we nor Tenshin can start against the Nakasu team, of course, maybe both of them. "

"Well, your analysis is very reasonable". Hearing this analysis of the copy of Chu Xuan, the copy Zheng Zheng nodded, and at the same time, signaled that Chu Xuan continued to speak.

"The alliance, the word Sauron, has a lot of information hidden in it. First, why did Sauron align with the Zhongzhou team? Or, in other words, what good is the Zhongzhou team that made Sauron's heart? After all, the so-called alliance At least, both parties can give each other benefits to the extent that they can achieve a win-win situation? "

"You mean? The Supreme Lord of the Rings? This should be the easiest way to get Sauron's favor!", As Chu Xuan's words came down, a thin man playing a flying knife next to him, suddenly interjected.

"This possibility is more than 90%!", Chu Xuan nodded and agreed with the man's words.

Having said that, Chu Xuan gave a slight meal and then said, "In addition, Zhao Zuankong, don't forget, the existence of the alliance has another meaning, that is, it represents the strength of the Zhongzhou team, and it won Sauron. Affirmation, otherwise, there is only a dominant relationship between the strong and the mentally retarded, and no alliance can exist. Therefore, the strength of the Zhongzhou team may be stronger than we think. "

"Is this wrong? The devil Sauron is very powerful, even stronger than the boss. We are all just the sharp knife team under him, but the Zhongzhou team can make Sauron pay attention to it? Is the Nakasu team stronger than we are? ".

"If this is the case, why should the Lord God arrange them to enter the world of horror movies 36 hours in advance?" It was said that another man from the Devil Team seemed to exist in Europe and the United States, and interjected.

"" Tom, your question is very reasonable, it is indeed a question that is not very logical, but now I have some guesses in my heart, but I know too little information to verify ", nodded, Chu Xuan also agrees with the questions raised by his teammate. All of this is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Well, don't talk about these things. Wisdom has always been your consideration. Now that you know the minds of the Zhongzhou team, can there be a way to make certain arrangements for them? Others are OK, but, For the Nakasu team, I must kill him. "

These analysis words, it seems that Zheng Zheng, the replica, did not have so much patience to listen to it, waved his hands, and asked straight forward.

Zhao Zhuankong and Tom next to the cricket also nodded secretly and looked at the copy of Chu Xuan.

Wisdom, everyone is not good at it. This is something that Chu Xuan is considering. He only needs to tell you the specific combat plan.

"This, it is difficult ...", but in the face of Zheng Zheng, the replica Chu Xuan shook his head.

"It's hard !?" Chu Xuan's words made everyone look at him in surprise.

This is the first time I heard Chu Xuan would say such a thing. In normal times, he looks like a well-thought-out man.

"Yes, it's difficult. After all, the Zhongzhou team has my own body. His wisdom is the same as mine. I can understand his plan and he can naturally guess. Therefore, some corresponding changes are bound to be made. ".

"So, what changes will he make, can't you reason about it?", Zheng Zheng, the replica, asked Chu Xuan strangely.

"I can guess, I can't guess".

The replica Chu Xuan shook his head and followed: "It's like the other party took a coin and held it in my hand. I think he might come out positive, but he will realize that I guessed this, so he might It is the opposite, but the same reason, I may realize that he may be the opposite, he may also do the opposite and be positive. "

"So, when the wisdom of the two of you is exactly the same, wisdom sometimes has no effect. You are competing for luck? For example, with this coin, the other party may bounce at will, and you are not sure of the front and back? Zheng Zheng, the replica, understood what he meant, and nodded.

"So, can Chu Xuan be the only one who can help Chu Xuan in wisdom? Only Chu Xuan himself?", Wen Yan, Tom next to him said with emotion.

"Of course, there is another possibility!", But at this time, the replica Chu Xuan followed.

"Information, no matter how high wisdom, can only be reasoned on the basis of substantial information. Therefore, the more intelligence we have in order to win each other in intelligent warfare, the better this winning rate. "Big", replica Chu Xuan, said seriously.

"However, we do n’t even know the specific strength of the Zhongzhou team. We have less intelligence information and have no advantage at all. Even, because the other party arrived earlier, they are already superior to us in this regard. Zhao Chaokong shook his head and pointed out the problem.

In terms of intellectual battle, there is no advantage at all, and in the battle of strength, because of the existence of the devil Sauron, the Devil team can not be upright against the Zhongzhou team, which makes the Devil team's mood becomes a lot heavier.

I didn't expect to deal with a Zhongzhou team, and now there is a feeling that the lion bites the turtle ~ ~.

"If it is not necessary, it is best not to risk the annoyance of Sauron to start against the Zhongzhou team, but now it is necessary time", after a moment of deep groaning, the replica Chu Xuan said.

During the conversation, the copy of Chu Xuan's eyes fell on Zhao Zuankong, saying: "Tonight, you have a chance to weigh the best of the Zhongzhou team. Don't try to kill them, at least you should know about them. The strength of the Nakasu team. "

Shooting against the Zhongzhou team will obviously annoy Sauron. However, since Chu Xuan said so, it is natural to have the necessary coping strategies.

So Zhao Chaokong nodded slightly and said nothing.

"By the way, since the Zhongzhou team has my own body, then more than 60% of our plans may be insightful, so be careful", and finally, Chu Xuan said to Zhao Sukong with no confidence.

Reminder Chu Xuan reminded Zhao Chaokong to nod slightly. Indeed, the demon Sauron and the Zhongzhou team have a cooperative relationship. It seems to prove the strength of the Zhongzhou team, which is not simple.

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