Plane Master Copy

Chapter 891: : Nature's Devil Fruit

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Wu Ming Yanwei's words made the members of the Zhongzhou team look at her in amazement.

As an ordinary person, she has the courage to stand up in the face of these dinosaurs who cannibalize. Even take the initiative to help?

I want to know that most newcomers face the dangers and evade, or even hold the mentality of seniors to protect themselves. If you suddenly say something, it is surprising, but it is also comforting.

"Although her starting point is not Zhao Yingkong Gao, she has such a valuable personality. It is indeed a newcomer who can wake up with Zhao Yingkong at the same time. This time, the two newcomers given by the Lord God seem to have very good qualifications.", Zhang Jie He also took a serious look at Ming Yanwei and nodded secretly in his heart.

"Are you?" After hearing Ming Yanwei's initiative to speak, Chu Xuan turned her head to look at her.

之中 In this scuffle, Ming Yanwei was not able to participate in the battle, so Chu Xuan did not take her into consideration in the formulation of the battle plan.

However, since Ming Yanwei took the initiative to speak to help, Chu Xuan naturally would not refuse.

After Xuan groaned for a moment, Chu Xuan's eyes turned and fell on Wu Yan's body, saying: "Wu Yan, business is here. Would you like to do it?"

生意 "Business? Do you mean, do you want to credit?" Hearing Chu Xuan's words, of course, Wu Yan could understand what he meant, and looked at Ming Yanwei next to him.

"Yes, as long as she can go back alive, she will definitely get the reward for the main task. Now that she has completed the side task, plus the points obtained by killing the wounded, what do you think she can redeem now? Don't tell I'm in the world of horror movies, you can't use your exchange power. "

Lu Chuxuan's eyes fell on Wu Yan, who determined that Wu Yan's exchange, even in the time of the horror movie, could play a role.

"Well, it is true. The previous side mission allowed her to earn 2000 points and a B-level side story." Wu Yan did not deny Chu Xuan's words.

Wu Yan still knew about the side mission of a team.

During the conversation, Wu Yan's eyes fell on Ming Yanwei's body. Immediately, the palm of the hand turned over, and a green fruit appeared in Wu Yan's hands, saying, "In your current situation, and you want to quickly gain strength, If you participate in the war, this breeze of the natural system is the most suitable for you. "

武 Wu Yan walked on the One Piece plane at first, and let Doflamingo collect the demon fruit for himself before finally returning.

In the end, he successfully collected ten animal lines, seven superhuman lines, and two ancient species.

I just had a fantasy beast and a fruit of the natural system. He wanted to hide it but was discovered by Wu Yan, so he took it with him.

虽然 Although the ability of this natural demon fruit is good, it will be afraid that the seawater is also the biggest weakness. Therefore, most of these demon fruit remain in the hands of Wu Yan.

Today, it is good to exchange some breeze fruit for some points. After all, in the main **** space, the devil fruit has to be sold.

After all, it is the fruit of the natural system. In addition to asking for a B-level storyline, Wu Yan also needs 3000 points.

At present, Ming Yanwei's points are naturally not enough, but Wu Yan expressed her willingness to credit her for the remaining 1,000 points.

Regarding the asking price of this breeze fruit, Ming Yanwei didn't say much, nodded and asked Xiao Meng to take away the reward obtained by the side mission from her, then Ming Yanwei took it from Wu Yan. Taken this cyan fruit.

大家 Under everyone's attention, Ming Yanwei opened her mouth and took a bite, and her brows frowned tightly. Obviously, the taste of this demon fruit was not good.

I also know the role of this demon fruit, it only needs to take a small bite, so after Ming Yanwei frowned and swallowed, she left the remaining fruit aside.

"Very, very strange feeling, as if my body is a lot lighter ...", looked down at himself, Ming Yanwei's face with a surprised look, said in amazement.

When I spoke, I could see Ming Yanwei's body, turning into a blue wind, dissipating invisible, and then quickly gathered together.

"Although the Devil Fruit has just been eaten, the strength is not strong, but the Devil Fruit of the Nature Department is almost immune to physical attacks, and her security is also guaranteed." Watching Ming Yanwei gained the power of the Devil Fruit of the Nature Department After that, the members of the Zhongzhou team nodded.

In fact, if you can get the exchange directly in the world of horror movies without going back to the main **** space, this is also a great benefit for Ming Yanwei.

After all, the sooner you get this ability, the sooner you will become familiar with it, and even develop it, which can't be better.

With Ming Yanwei's joining, Chu Xuan arranged for her to help Li Shuaixi to pin down the Raptor leader. The members of the Zhongzhou team started to hunt some other dinosaurs to earn points. At the same time, they were waiting. The news came from Li Xiaoyi.

For two days, it flew by.

In the past two days, the people of the Zhongzhou team not only simply killed the dinosaurs and scored points, but more importantly, they joined forces to fight together, and worked well in the way of group fighting.

Of course, in the past two days, Ming Yanwei also became familiar with the power of her breeze fruit.

Elementalization is nothing more than being able to maintain its own security. Real attacks still need to borrow the power of wind.

For two days, Ming Yanwei was able to gather a wind knife in front of her to conduct a long-range attack.

Although the attack power may not be very powerful, at least it is passable. It can still pose a certain threat to the flesh dinosaurs.

In the past two days, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng did not disturb the people in the Zhongzhou team.

Although they followed them quietly, Wu Yan and the reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team became more and more alienated.

After all, Wu Yan and the two are not the identity of the reincarnation, the reincarnation of the Zhongzhou team, they already know it unconsciously.

"This infinitely horrible time, my gain should be quite big, right?", Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are independent from the Zhongzhou team, watching the people of the Zhongzhou team unite, hunting many powerful dinosaurs, secretly in their hearts Murmur.

In a short time, with each crossing, Wu Yan can stay in other planes for more than half a year, and if these times are placed on the plane of infinite terror, they can stay for a long time.

I followed the people of the Zhongzhou team and experienced the world of horror movies. Until now, it has only been less than a month.

Wu Wuyan's mind is already thinking about how to find other Sentinel Squads.

For the people in Wuzhongzhou, the points have been almost scraped by themselves. For the first time, they have earned more than 10,000 points. This time, it is estimated that what they will exchange will shrink in a straight line.

After all, the ability of the bloodline should be developed by themselves, so Wu Yan is very clear and if he wants to continue to make a lot of money, he should still contact other teams of reincarnation.

Only, although Wu Yan can use the power of space gems to forcibly tear up the barriers of the main **** space, Wu Yan cannot do it without the reincarnation.

Therefore, if you want to contact other reincarnations, Wu Yan can only continue to follow the Zhongzhou team, and then wait for the world of horror movies in which Zhongzhou team meets in teamfights.

"This time, after the return of the Zhongzhou team, want to come in the evaluation of the main god, will it be greatly improved?" Watching the actions of the people in the Zhongzhou team, Wu Yan secretly murmured.

Yes, at the beginning, the main mission to the team of the Zhongzhou team was indeed very easy. It did n’t take much effort to get through.

However, these members of the Zhongzhou team began to score points, which obviously attracted the attention of the main god. Therefore, the main **** greatly increased the difficulty of the task.

However, from the current situation, if nothing unexpected happens, even if the Zhongzhou team faces the mission's greatly increased difficulty, they can spend it with zero damage, and even score points.

Plus they have fewer things to redeem from themselves. Want to come, in the world of the next horror movie, the difficulty of the Zhongzhou team will skyrocket.

Even, it is likely to encounter a mission of the group battle type.

Not to mention Wu Yan's mind, on the other hand, after two days of the most primitive exchanges of limbs and sounds ~ ~ Li Xiaoyi's changing raptors are finally Successfully integrated into the Raptor group.

Because of genetic mutations, the appearance of these raptors has changed more or less.

Some raptors have a pair of small wings behind them that run extremely fast, and they can even toss a few times in the air. Some raptors have many fine scales on their skin, and their defense is very high. A barb grew on the raptor's tail, and a fling of the tail was enough to shave a large piece of flesh from someone else's body ...

After Li Xiaoyi successfully mixed the Raptors, he naturally followed the Raptors to live together.

I drank the stream and ate raw meat. After spending about two days like this, from all aspects of these raptors' life habits, Li Xiaoyi finally determined what the raptor's leader looked like.

This is a fast-looking raptor, with wings and scales, and can even spit flames, like the evil dragon in Western fantasy legends.

More importantly, in just a few days, the leader of this fast Raptor, with the continuous supplement of flesh and blood, has become more huge and more powerful.

呼叫 "Call everyone, I have found the leader of the raptors. If you want to do it, you must be early. This raptor leader is growing very fast!"

After Xun's goal was determined, Li Xiaoyi found a remote place, lifted the transfiguration technique, took out the communicator, and contacted the Zhongzhou team.

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