Plane Master Copy

Chapter 884: : Brush points

Yes, the main **** has his own scoring mechanism, which is based on the previous performance in horror movies, the ability to exchange and the strength of props.

Because of the exchange of blood and skills from Wuyan, coupled with the alienated horror film, which has killed a lot of trust and damaged nearly half, this time the horror film is very difficult.

I do n’t need any specific battle plan. With everyone's strength, it is not difficult to get through this horror movie.

After I got Chu Xuan's analysis, everyone in the Zhongzhou team was relaxed a lot. In any case, the world of horror movies can be relaxed this time, which is a good thing in the end.

Alas, everyone did not rush to do anything.

After taking a good look at the surrounding environment, Zhang Jie said: "In previous horror movies, the Lord God generally arranged for us the corresponding identity. But this time, we appeared in the wild. It seems that the Lord God does not necessarily arrange for us. What is the right identity. "

所以 "So, may our enemies be more than just dinosaurs? Or may they be staff of Jurassic Park?" Zhang Jie's words instantly gave Chu Xuan a corresponding guess.

After all, before the dinosaurs ran away, everything in this Jurassic Park was under artificial control. If these uninvited guests appeared in the park, they would most likely be expelled by the park's owner.

"The problem is not big, it's just a few small problems ...", for the words of Chu Xuan, the reincarnation of the Zhongzhou team did not care too much.

人员 Staff from Jurassic Park? Even if some firearms are in their hands, they are just ordinary people. For the strengthened reincarnation, they are not a big threat.

Related issues, after a brief discussion, the light curtain of the Lord God slowly turned into an illusion and disappeared. The task of the Lord God officially began.

Zero's movement quickly, quickly climbed to the top of a huge tree, overlooking from a distance, at the same time, a single hook jade writing wheel eye in both eyes emerged, providing excellent power.

Soon, the zero point made a rough judgment on the surrounding environment.

诸 "All of you, we are now on an island. I just saw a dinosaur on the island. Obviously, we are now in the Jurassic Park." He fell from the tree flexibly and said at zero.

"Okay, so, let ’s check the situation first, and then the main **** ’s task is to kill the strongest dinosaur. Then, let ’s check where the base is and dive in to see the strongest dinosaur. "Where", after confirming that it is in the Jurassic Park, Zheng Zheng nodded.

During the conversation, a group of people walked straight towards the management base of Jurassic Park, not fast or slow.

I did not encounter any danger when I walked all the way. When I passed the road, I did encounter a few herbivorous dinosaurs, which was not threatening.

"What a big dinosaur ..." Although I knew it was in the Jurassic Park, but looking at the dinosaurs ten meters away, Li Shuaixi still had a shocking look on their faces.

If I do not see it with my own eyes, it is really hard to believe that the legendary dinosaurs will really appear in front of everyone.

"This is really a real dinosaur ...", next to them, Ming Yanwei and Zhao Yingkong, who are newcomers, looked at the huge dinosaur with the same look on their faces.

The momentary scene made them almost sure what Zhan Lan had said before. The so-called horror movie world and the so-called main **** space seemed to be facts, not to deceive themselves.

"Wait, someone is here ...".

大家 Just as everyone looked at the huge dinosaurs, all of them were filled with emotion. Suddenly, Zhan Lan next to him seemed to notice something, and he reminded everyone to say.

I heard these words, the people of the Zhongzhou team quickly hid.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for several cars to appear, and they drove in the same direction as everyone else. It seems that these cars are also heading towards the base of the control center.

"It seems that they are Dr. Grant in the original book." The incarnations of the Zhongzhou team are hidden in the dark. After observing for a moment, Chu Xuan said.

These original characters are obviously attracted by these huge dinosaurs. They walked down one by one excitedly and looked closely at these creatures that originally existed in historical legends.

However, at this time, Chu Xuan's eyes fell on Li Xiaoyi and said: "It seems that this is a very good opportunity. At that time, you will sneak into the base and explore the strongest Tyrannosaurus Rex in the park. Where is it? ".

"Do you have any plans?", Listening to Chu Xuan's words, Zheng Ye next to him asked.

"It's very simple, hasn't Li Xiaoyi learned the transfiguration technique? At that time, we will just create a little trouble, and then solve a story character, and then let Li Xiaoyi use the transfiguration technique to mix in.", Chu Xuan Speak, calmly.

Lu Chuxuan's idea is indeed good, convenient and fast.

After a brief summary, Zheng Zheng and Li Shuaixi were responsible for driving two dinosaurs by force, creating chaos.

The entire Zhongzhou team, their strength is the strongest in the team.

After waiting for these original characters to continue on the road, Li Shuaixi and Zheng Zheng each found their own goals.

Two huge dinosaurs, under the attack of the two of them, fled in the direction of the original characters in shock.

At the same time, his sniper rifle was set up at zero, and a bullet came from a long distance, which successfully blasted the tire of one of the cars.

胎 The car is flat when it ’s running. It ’s naturally a dangerous thing. Fortunately, it ’s not a highway. The car is not fast, so it only shakes a few times. It stopped after a sudden brake and did not roll over.

With this car's problem, naturally, the other cars also stopped.

I just did n’t wait for these plot characters to check the condition of the car. Suddenly, I felt the ground trembled. Then, two huge dinosaurs ran towards this side.

Although the dinosaurs that came over were herbivorous and not too threatening, they were very huge after all. If they were killed by one foot, it would be really wrong.

So, these original characters, seeing the dinosaurs running over, fled away immediately.

After picking up his goal of posing, Li Xiaoyi quietly leaned forward. As a senior, it is not difficult to solve an ordinary person.

Then, Li Xiaoyi transformed himself into the appearance of the opponent, waited for the dinosaurs to run, and then went back to the base with great fanfare and the original characters.

Everything went well, the people in the Zhongzhou team naturally did not have the intention to continue to move forward, but stopped in the wild, waiting for the message from Li Xiaoyi.

Of course, it also determines whether hunting dinosaurs and trying to earn points.

The dinosaurs in Takino are herbivorous dinosaurs, and there is no ferocious existence. Otherwise, if this Jurassic Park cannot guarantee the safety of visitors, how can it use this park to make money?

After Xun aimed at a sword-backed dragon, Zheng Xun tried to take a shot, with the tiger sword in his hand, and chopped directly towards the sword-backed dragon.

Although these herbivorous dinosaurs are not very aggressive, when life and death are at stake, they will naturally resist, after all, rabbits are anxious and bite.

This huge dinosaur, once rebelled, is still very powerful.

The people next to him did not mean to help, but just watched Zheng He's actions quietly.

Although it is more troublesome to solve a sword-back dragon, everyone can see that Zheng 吒 is not in danger.

Take this opportunity to take a good look at the strength of these dinosaurs, it is also a good choice.

In this way, it took several minutes. Finally, seizing an opportunity, Zheng Xuan rushed directly to the sword-backed dragon, and the tiger sword dipped directly into the eyes of the sword-backed dragon, penetrating through the sword-backed dragon. Brain, let its huge body fall to the ground.

如何 "How? What can you gain?".

I watched Zheng Zheng finally killed this sword-backed dragon, and the reincarnations also had a rough idea of ​​the strength of these dinosaurs. Immediately, Zhang Jie asked Zheng Ye curiously.

"Yes, yes, after killing this dinosaur, I got a reward of 50 points", and nodded, Zheng Ye's face was smiling.

"Although there are not many 50 points, there are a lot of dinosaurs here. It seems that before completing the mission of the Lord God, we can make good use of the points?" After hearing Zheng Zheng's answer, Li Shuaixi and others There are smiles on his face.

No matter what the main **** ’s rating of the Zhongzhou team will be, at least as much as possible to get the strongest power, there is nothing wrong with it.

If the strength is strong, the possibility of survival will be greater in the future ~ ~ After listening to Li Shuaixi's words, Chu Xuan frowned slightly.

Although for Chu Xuan, he is only crossing the horror movie for the second time, and he is not very familiar with the main god, but if it is inferred from common sense, the main **** should not allow a large number of points.

However, Chu Xuan did not rush to stop. Since the Lord God will not allow such behavior, it will inevitably prevent it. How will the Lord God prevent it?

In Chu Chuxuan's heart, secretly looking forward.

Moreover, if you want to take the opportunity to learn about the situation of the main god, this horror movie with the least difficulty is the best opportunity. Chu Xuan understands that after passing this horror movie, the world of the next horror movie will be greatly Increased difficulty.

While Li Xiaoyi has not found the required information, the members of the Zhongzhou team began to act and hunted the dinosaurs to score points.

According to the original work, it won't be long before the entire Jurassic Park becomes chaotic.

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