Plane Master Copy

Chapter 878: : Chu Xuan, guess your identity?

When it comes to space ability, Wu Yan still has it. Whether it is the instantaneous movement of the nightwalker or the magical space of Kama Taj's magic system to transmit magic and mirror space, it belongs to the ability of space, not to mention, Wu Yan's palm still has Space gem.

However, even with these space means and staying in the alien horror world, it is still impossible for Wu Yan to go to the main **** space.

Because Wu Yan doesn't know where the main **** space is.

But now, the tasks of Zheng Zheng and others have been completed. The reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team have all been taken back by the main god. In front of Wu Yan, the space was torn apart. Naturally, Wu Yan noticed the main god. Where the space is.

So, taking out the space gem, Wu Yan forcibly opened the passage to the space of the Lord God. Together with Xiao Meng, he also left the alien horror world and came to the Space of Lord God.

"Is this the main **** space? It really is the same as described in the novel ...".

After coming to the main **** space, Wu Yan carefully looked around, and said with some emotion on his face.

主 This main **** space is a huge square. In the center of the square, you can see a huge ball of light floating quietly, that is the main god.

In addition, twenty rooms can be seen on the edge of the square, apparently created for twenty members of the cycle.

"Finally back, great ...", as the mission was completed, the reincarnation team of the Zhongzhou team had returned to the main **** space, Zhang Jie and Zheng Zheng, they were all relieved for a long time.

At the same time, several figures also greeted them, namely Zheng Ye and Zhang Jie's life forms.

"Is this the main **** space?" Compared to Zheng Xie and their seniors, Li Shuaixi and Chu Xuan are new, so when they came to the main **** space, they were very curious.

I also know that these newcomers will feel curious, but after a while back, Zheng Ye they all need to be gentle with their women, so I just explained briefly that the room can be used casually.

Also, the reinforcement issues will be decided after everyone discusses together. After a brief explanation, the seniors returned to their rooms.

"As long as you think about the appearance of the room, can you become what you want?" Since not eager to choose to strengthen, Li Shuaixi also found an empty room to enter.

On the main **** square, Chu Xuan walked under the main god's light ball, closed his eyes slightly, apparently checking the situation of the main **** and communicating with the main god.

As for Wu Yan? After sweeping left and right, they also walked under the light ball of the main god, and looked carefully.

It's hard to believe that it just looks like a light ball, and it is not different. However, this light ball can transport people to the world of horror movies, and even allow people to exchange various blood, skills, knowledge and even props Or something like that.

In a sense, the power of the Lord God and the power of his own awakening are very similar.

I walked to the side of the main god's light ball, Wu Yan looked at it, and tried to communicate with the main god, but the spiritual power spread out, but it seemed to hit a layer of wall, completely untouchable.

After a few trials, after no effect, Wu Yan had no choice but to regain his mental strength.

Although there has been conjecture in his heart, Wu Yan still felt a little disappointed and helpless when it actually happened.

Because I am not a saint, I have no way to establish communication with the Lord God.

If you really want to say something, can you be regarded as a stowaway in the Lord God's space?

Beside him, the communication between Chu Xuan and the Lord God seemed to have been completed, and there was no eagerness to strengthen it. After Chu Xuan simply understood it, he withdrew from the communication with the Lord God.

I looked at Wu Yan who was also standing under the light ball. Chu Xuan smiled slightly and nodded, but didn't mean much, turned around and left, and went to find his own room.

"Wait, Chu Xuan ...", looking at Chu Xuan without turning a word, she turned and left. Instead, Wu Yan spoke, yelling at Chu Xuan.

Lu Chuxuan's footsteps stopped, and she turned to look at Wu Yan slightly, with a question in her eyes, apparently asking why Wu Yan stopped herself.

"Well, do you have nothing to say?" Wu Yan looked at Chu Xuan and asked.

Even before the first contact, Chu Xuan was able to analyze many things by himself. Later, he gave Li Shuaixi the blessing of God of War and the sacred blessing, let him sling all the aliens, and help everyone easily After the world of horror movies.

Coupled with the fact that Wu Yan got along for a while, Wu Yan felt that Chu Xuan must have a lot of ideas. At the same time, Wu Yan was waiting for Chu Xuan to find a chat with him, waiting for him to hit him.

But, I did not expect that Chu Xuan didn't mean anything, just smiled and nodded, nothing more,

"Want to say? Aren't you always alert to me, even keeping a distance? Then why should I pull you to speak?".

Tong Chuxuan tilted her head slightly, looking at Wu Yan, her eyes and tone were very calm, as if she was elaborating on something that had nothing to do with herself.

Wu Chuxuan's words left Wu Yan speechless for a while, and I didn't know how to answer.

If you kill yourself by hand, killing him yourself can be as easy as killing an ant, but the same thing. If you fight for wisdom, Wu Yan feels not stupid, but it is far worse than Chu Xuan.

Perhaps when he was sold by him, he still had to count the money for him?

Seeing Wu Yan's speechlessness, Chu Xuan hesitated a bit. After thinking for a moment, he sent an invitation to Wu Yan and said, "Since you want to have a good chat with me, then you come to my room. Let's have a good chat. "

After the words of Chu fell, Chu Xuan walked to an idle room door, set the room as his own private room, and then opened the door and walked in.

Wu Wuyan didn't hesitate. He was very confident about his strength and went into Chu Xuan's room with Xiao Meng.

Chu Xuan arranged his room completely like a room. Instead, it was a vast lake. There were several rattan chairs by the lake. Chu Xuan invited Wu Yan and Xiao Meng to lie down on the rattan chairs. It was very pleasant. Looks like.

After Xu lay down, Chu Xuan took the initiative to say, "What do you want to talk to me about? Are you not a reincarnation?"

Wu Chuxuan's words surprised Wu Yan's heart, and at the same time, she felt so.

Although Wu Yan thinks Chu Xuan should have guessed his identity, after all, this is just Wu Yan's unilateral thinking. Now, Chu Xuan's words can confirm his guess.

"Sure enough? You already know my identity? When did you know?"

Wu didn't mean to deny it. Wu Yan just looked at Chu Xuan and asked strangely, where did he see it from?

"Actually, it's not difficult to see these situations. Your strength is unfathomable, which is totally inconsistent with the rule of the new **** absorbing new people, right?" For Wu Yan's inquiry, there was nothing urgent, Chu Xuan. Do not mind giving a good analysis to Wu Yan.

With that said, Chu Xuan said, "If I had doubts about your identity before, and I'm still not sure, then I can be sure when I go to the Lair of the Alien Queen."

"At that time, although I advocated exploring the lair of the alien queen, there is actually another purpose to verify your conjecture. If you are really a reincarnation, the Lord God will definitely take your situation into account, then The crisis in the lair is by no means what we can fight against. Even if you take a shot, it will only take a lifetime to die, but in reality? The situation in the lair is nothing to you. "

"That's the case. So you have already determined that I am not a reincarnation since then?" Chu Chuxuan's analysis made Wu Yan nodded and thought his analysis was indeed reasonable.

"No, if I said that I had only 50% confidence in your identity before I saw it, I saw only 80% confidence in your identity when I saw the situation in the lair." For Chu Yan, Chu Xuanyao He shook his head and said.

"What really makes me sure is that we have easily completed the task of the Lord God, and even the Lord God did not increase the difficulty temporarily. This also fully shows that the difficulty of the Lord God's design for us has not taken you into consideration. Therefore, I To determine that you are not a reincarnation. "


I heard Chu Xuan's analysis and interlocking reasoning, which made Wu Yan applaud: "very careful observation, very meticulous thought, very clever reasoning."

Having said that, Wu Yan looked at Chu Xuan with curiosity and said, "Since you already know that I am not a reincarnation, do you have any guesses as to my identity? Come and listen ~ ~ You are not a reincarnation, then you can enter the space of the Lord God yourself, which shows that your strength has reached an unimaginable level. "

"If such a strength is hidden in the real world, I can't know anything about it, and your writing wheel eye, such ability must be out of God's space ...".

Tong Chuxuan, whispering in her mouth, began to analyze Wu Yan's identity.

"Then, there are two possibilities for your identity." Chu Xuan's eyes fell on Wu Yan and raised his own conjecture.

"First, you were originally a reincarnation, but you converted back to the origin and returned to the real world, so you have tremendous power, but you can use your own abilities or props to return to the main **** space again. If this is the case, it can be explained. This possibility is 30%. "

"Second, your identity may be inextricably linked with the founder of the Lord God Space, so you know the Lord God Space very well, even you know us well. Beyond the Lord God, so you will say you are a traveler. "

"And the place you travel is the world of the major horror movies in the Lord's space? This possibility is 60%."

Having said that, Chu Xuan finally concluded, saying: "Of course, there is a possibility of 10%. Beyond these two possibilities, but based on the intelligence information I know so far, I can only infer these ".

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