Plane Master Copy

Chapter 862: : The Strongest Awakener

The appearance of the vortex of time and space left Wu Yan's mind still dizzy. When he returned to God, he and Xiaomeng had already returned to the real world and returned to the home of the imperial capital.

"Well, we're back", Xiao Meng next to him, with a smile on her face. Although she feels very satisfied as long as she follows Wu Yan, relatively speaking, Xiao Meng still likes to stay in the real world in.

"Yes, finally back, this time Marvel, you can say that the harvest is full ...".

After I was sure that I had returned, Wu Yan walked down to the sofa and sat down, groaning secretly in my heart, feeling very satisfied with the harvest of Marvel.

First of all, it is naturally that his eight doors were injured, and he has already fully recovered.

Not only that, but his crystal point number has risen to a high point, and has reached the point of about 8000. Even if he does not use tricks such as the eight-door armor, his normal combat power is also close to the level of the level five awakener.

For the real world, the eschatology has not erupted for more than four years, but for Wu Yan, it has gone through more than ten years, and his current strength can be regarded as the top level in the entire world?

There are not many fifth-level awakeners in the entire imperial capital. I believe that there are not many fifth-level awakeners in the country and even in the world.

Second, nature is infinite gloves. Hitting a finger can make half of life in the universe disappear. The power of infinite gloves is absolutely beyond doubt.

As long as Wu Yan is willing, he sets the rules, hits a finger, and believes that he can wipe out all zombies and zombies on the earth, thus ending this end of the world.

Wu Yan naturally considered this situation, but after thinking about it, Wu Yan did not do so.

It's not that Wu Yan doesn't want to end, but Xiao Meng's identity, but also a zombie. If he really hits the ring finger, Xiao Meng will certainly disappear with the smoke.

In order to end the last days, let Xiao Meng die? Wu Yan cannot make this decision.

Finally, there is another gain, that is, a device made by Tony Stark that can penetrate the parallel universe.

Although Wu Yan feels that crossing the parallel universe is very dangerous and may even make the parallel universe chaotic, if I have the opportunity, I believe it can still play a huge role.

Therefore, Wu Yan not only kept this device, but even got a lot of pim particles in the end.

Uh ...

Not to mention Wu Yan after returning, staying at home to take a good inventory of the gains of this trip to Marvel, on the other hand, at the most central place of Emperor's power, as the head of the Emperor's army, Marshal Sun Haozheng Sitting quietly.

He was wearing a uniform and looked like he was in his thirties. Even if he was sitting, he was meticulous.

The so-called heroes in troubled times, although the eschatology erupted, the Emperor Capital here successfully resisted the zombies of the last days and did not fall, but after all, the entire world has undergone great changes.

年代 In the peace era, he was just an ordinary soldier in the army. Sun Hao was strong enough to awaken and he worked hard. In just four years, he had been appointed by the chairman as the commander of the Imperial City.

He is more known as the Imperial Capital, and even the most powerful awakener in the country.

Sun Hao, sitting meticulously, holding a document in his hand, some intelligence information about the survivor base around.

Read carefully and frown slightly, obviously the situation is not very optimistic.

With the end of the last days more than four years, the power of the awakening has become stronger and stronger, and generally has become the third-level awakening.

There are naturally more and more awakeners at the fourth and fifth levels.

But unfortunately, after some investigation, the situation is not optimistic.

First of all, there are fewer survivors. As each survivor base is submerged under the tide of corpses, countless survivors have died one after another.

New children grow up more slowly, so the number of deaths is still much higher than the number of births.

This has led to more and more masters of the awakening, but the awakening, the overall environment of the survivors, the number is decreasing.

Secondly, although the awakening has become stronger and stronger, but the same, over time, the evolution of zombies and zombies has become higher and higher.

基 Relative to humans, the number base of zombies and zombies is much larger.

So, overall, the last days have erupted for more than four years. Although the situation around the world seems to have stabilized, the situation of the entire human race has become more and more serious.

哎 "Hey, I don't know what the last development of this last age will look like."

Looking at the latest survey data and information, realizing that the situation is more serious, Sun Hao sighed secretly.

From the end of the last days to the present, Emperor Du's research on zombies has never been put down. From the current data and the development of the world in recent years, he knows the time race between humans and zombies.

Is it because zombies can exterminate all humans earlier, or is it possible to develop an antidote to zombies before humans become extinct ...

Yes, there is no antidote to the virus in the zombies. The final result of human beings must be extinct by zombies. Regarding this, Sun Hao is very clear. This is also a conclusion drawn from the analysis of the survey data.

At the beginning of the end of the last century, according to a sample survey, the population of the country dropped from 1.3 billion to about 200 million, and more than 90% of people and animals were reduced to zombies and zombies.

However, four years have passed. According to statistics, there should be only about 60 million survivors across the country.

The number of survivors has fallen sharply to a terrible level.

What about the number of zombies? At least 800 million ...

Relatively speaking, although zombies have been killed by about 300 million in the past four years, for the original 1.1 billion zombies, this degree of damage did not hurt the muscles and bones, and the loss rate was only about 27%.

But what about human loss? It's 70% full, as you can see ...

Different from other survivor bases, their eyes are only placed in their own bases. At most, they pay attention to other bases around them, and nothing more.

Of course, the emperor's attention is not only the situation in the base, but the whole country and even the world ...

Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk!

When Sun Hao looked at the data in front of him, feeling the seriousness of the situation, frowning, suddenly, a knock on the door rang, interrupting his thoughts.

"Come in!", His frown slightly calmed, on the surface it seemed calm, Sun Hao spoke, his voice was calm and majestic.

"Marshal, I'm sorry. Recently, the Awakened Workers' Union certified two Level 5 Awakeners. I investigated for several days and found no useful news. The two of them seem to be intentionally low-key and do not want to be disturbed ... ".

The door was pushed open, and Tramayi, wearing a crescent white robe, came in, and answered calmly.

"Well, since these two people do not want to be disturbed, then there is no need to look for it with much fanfare." After hearing this answer, Sun Hao waved his hand slightly, and his expression remained calm.

However, as soon as this was said, Sun Hao followed and said, "Yes, before you went to Changshi with Dharma and Aish to find Dr. Darwin, saying that they were rejected by the survivor base in Changshi. I fled back. This time I exchanged teleportation. You can lie down again and insert this eye in Changshi. I will go there myself. "

As He talked, Sun Hao's hand was raised, and a purple-green true vision guard was taken out by him and delivered to Tramayi's hand.

Looking at the true vision guard that Sun Hao took out, Tramayi's expression was slightly hesitant.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?", Seeing that his summoned thing looked a little hesitant, Sun Hao asked.

"No problem, Marshal!", Nodded, Tramayi reached out to take over this true vision guard, and immediately put it in his storage backpack.

After He came out, a look of hesitation flashed on Tramayi's face, and she made a mistake and walked outside.

He knows that Wu Yan has arrived in the imperial capital, but these days, he has not touched it.

This matter is very important. The people on the Emperor's side can no longer hold back, so he decides to report this matter to Wu Yan quickly.

Sun Hao, sitting quietly in his seat, continued to look down at the files in his hands ~ ~, and did not think about Tramayi's slightly abnormal behavior.

He is a character summoned after his awakening, and he is still loyal to himself.

But, it did n’t take long for the door to be knocked again, but this time she walked in, but it was a beautiful girl with a bow and arrow, and it was the ice archer Ishi.

"Aich, is there anything wrong?", Looking at the beautiful woman who came in, Sun Hao asked.

"Marshal, Vice Chairman of the Awakeners' Guild, sent someone an invitation ...", Ai Xi put a sealed invitation in his hand on Sun Hao's desk.

"Vice President of the Awakeners' Guild?".

Hearing that, Sun Hao's brow raised slightly, and he froze a bit, then immediately responded: "Yes, a few months ago, the Awakeners' Association newly appointed a new vice president, but these days, he stayed in the simple, It ’s very mysterious, so the existence is not strong. ”

I took the invitation from Ai Xi, and Sun Hao opened it directly, looked down, and then raised his brow slightly, a smile flashed on his face.

"This is really what you want. Tramayi just said that there was no information about the two newly certified Level 5 awakeners. Now, the vice chairman of the awakeners' association wants to find me. Talk about the two of them? "

"If you reply, say that I will go to the appointment on time." With the plan, Sun Hao instructed Ai.

Ai nodded, turned and left, and responded to the sender.

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